So... D2R Worth a buy?

On the first 3 days of launch, there were about 12 to 20 people in my friends list that were in D2R. One of those guys has been off-line for more than 4 years. So congrats Blizz you won him back. By now the first day server jitters have been addressed. What are your thoughts? It is worth a buy?

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You’re on D3 forums.

:point_down: Official D2:R forums :point_down:


if you would like to play Diablo 2 Lod whit better graphics, it worth if you expect some modern version of the old game then dont waste your time and money

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For me? Hell yes.

I enjoy a lot of the more challenging aspects of char building, slower leveling, and a slower gear curve. Even rares and magic items can be very very useful in D2.

D2R is on modern Bnet, chars don’t expire after 90 days anymore, graphics are beautiful, and the shared stash is a HUGE help.

The major issues seem to have settled down but there are two that are still important:

  1. Crashing to desktop. Happens to most people once or twice a day. For some, it happens more. They are trying to sort that out.
  2. There is an X button at the bottom of the Char list that people keep clicking - it deletes your char. Don’t do that.

Do the official forums allow non-purchasers to post?

Nostalgia basically then.

Did they sort out the LAN/net code issues? Is there mod support for off-line single player? Is there off-line single player available? I only play D2-LoD in off-line single player with external stash management tools like GoMule, and LAN based when at LAN parties. I stayed far away from online play over old B net.

Not the good section but good forum


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Do the official D2R forums allow for non-purchasers to post?

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Yes, on the console section

I don’t own or use a console.

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You’ll be on the right forum, which is a good place to start.

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I don’t have D2R either but it seems that I can create thread at D2R console too. :point_down:


And you can post at Diablo Reddit for the answer too.

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Again I don’t use or own a console so there would be no point in joining a console discussion when I’m clearly looking for info. for the PC game. You’ll expect me to base a potential purchasing decision for a PC game, on the opinions of console players. No thanks.

If I was going to post on reddit then I would not bother to log in here.

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Definitely worth a buy. I am having a blast on D2R which really looks and sounds great, about to finish the Nightmare mode and getting ready for Hell! I am nevertheless looking forward to D3 season 25, whenever it comes…

I got limited D2 play time in me, so I’m waiting until they start patching / making seasons / etc before I go crazy with it. Plus im saving it for something to do in-between seasons. Worth picking up though if you have a job. :stuck_out_tongue:

U dont own console so u dont post about it there. But u dont own the game so why u post about it at all? U wanna base your decision on d3 players opinion rather than d2r players opinion who actually play the game and bought it? clap clap

Again this is the d3 forum:

The forum guidelines says it all. If u dont agree take it with blizzard.

Which would have been the right place to ask. U shouldnt have bothered to log in here and ask about d2r stuff. Also u asking for ppls opinion. U have 20 friends playing d2 and u cant ask one of them? Its a matter of opinion if its worth or not depends what u like and what u are after. It doesnt take much effort to just google d2r reviews and check what it have to offer and make your own decision. Infact its less effort and more accurate than making a new post on another game forum and waiting for a respons. Also there are plenty of threads in the d2 forum where ppl share their opinion of the game u can find all u need to make a decision there.

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Oh thank you sir for pointing out the stupidity of locking the D2R forums to pre-order folks only so that any non-pre-order folks have no voice. I don’t like consoles. I don’t own a console. I generally don’t care for the console experience. So, by those inclinations I’m going to avoid console sub-forums and console discussions. You’ll have pardon my query of the D3 RoS General forum.

Boss, it’s like going into a Honda forum asking questions about a Toyota. D2R and D3 are two separate games.


I cannot get into McDonald’s because I did not purchase any food, so I will go to Burger King and ask people if McDonald’s burgers taste good.


D3 forums have exactly the same limitations. Without valid PC license you can’t post basically in any other sections than console. Thus your complaints about D2R forum limitations are moronic.

Threads about D2R in D3 forums have been instructed to be flagged as spam. If you want to discuss about D2R before buying it, then go to the official D2R forum console section or Reddit. Posting in D3 forums you are effectively breaking the rules.