Slow load times - Inventory

No lag when playing singleplayer but when i try to use more then 1 account at the same time that worked fine before mind you, everything loads very slow i even bought a new ssd to make it work but hey still lags. :frowning:

Actually the theory about the APFS is wrong since I have several Hard drives connected I decided to format a new partition using Mac Journaled system and installed the game again on this new Partition and the slow time inventory is still present.

APFS merely makes it much worse. CASC fragmentation itself usually causes the problem initially. Corruption of the game files is usually the other culprit (clicking Play before you finish installing will almost always corrupt your files to some extent).

It isn’t helping any that Diablo 3 still uses OpenGL, which has long since been deprecated by Apple in favor of Metal and the drivers Apple puts out have barely functioning OpenGL support.

D3’s in a messy spot right now with all of the combined issues. Ironically, the players still able to use 10.12.6 or 10.13.6 are in the best spot for performance with D3 on macOS. Sadly I wouldn’t expect much in terms of a fix unless this problem crops up on the Windows side, since that seems to be the only thing that triggers a Mac bugfix push in most cases. :frowning:

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When the game works in Area 2 towns, and has the issues in the other towns, it’s nothing to do with APFS. Running 11.2 b2. Blizzard needs to fix that problem their end with how the game is slow with redrawing inventory from their DB.

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Same problem here. Never had this issue before.

macOS Catalina, iMac19.1, Radeon 580X 8GB, 64GB RAM

I found a solution that helped me:

  1. Change texture quality from High to Low
  2. Open/close inventory 4-5 times quickly (press B)
  3. Change texture quality from Low to High again
  4. Open/close inventory 4-5 times again

After that I don’t have issues anymore, although only until next reentering to the game. Then I have to repeat aforementioned process again.


I’ve noticed that I only have these inventory issues on my newly-created characters (that’s my theory, at least). On my Necro, which I rebirthed, I don’t have the 20-30 second lag. Occasionally even on that toon it’ll lag 1-2 seconds, but that’s acceptable.

I thought this might have been the APFS and tried the workaround of removing the /data folder, but that didn’t work. I also thought it might have just been something strange about my Wizzie so I created and leveled a new wizard, but it also has the long lag. Bummer.

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New M1 mini, don’t think it is due to fragmented APFS or old files.

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MacBook Pro 15" Mid 2015 Big Sur, same Problem. Setting Texture Quality to High fill “fix” the error, but not always. Additional Problem: Boses do not drop Death’s Breath. If you wait 20-30 seconds after you killed a boss, Death’s Breath appears

Can the Support please take a look at this Problem?

It sounds like buying a new macbook (m1) does not fixing this problem?

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Since of yesterday I noticed a significant improvement in performance. Today there is hardly any lag at all. Anyone else noticed improvements or am I just lucky?

I think you only have a good day :smiley:

By me, its still buggy and does a few lags.

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I was wondering why no DB.


I have found going going to town and back will force the DBs to appear (well usually anyway LOL)

You’re running under Rosetta 2. Apple did a really good job of making that DRE layer work very well, but don’t discount it being an issue in and of itself either. That isn’t to dismiss the current issue which was present well before the M1s came out, just a caution against ruling further complications due to that translation layer.

That’s an actual latency issue. And it’ll happen with more than just bosses. Regular blue and yellow packs will also exhibit that behaviour from time to time. Happens to me all the time and it’s quite frustrating when it occurs.

If this is the case, then perhaps the latest patch borked something on the Mac side, compounding the already existing issue regarding latency. Unfortunately even I don’t know if Blizz has been able to reproduce this on their test machines in a reliable manner. The whole situation here is as clear as mud. :frowning:

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Been having this issue on an older MacBook Pro from 2008 for quite a while now. Across several versions of macosX. I’m currently running 10.14.6 
 Internet connection and laptop run just fine except when d3 is being played. Constantly fails to load inventories when playing making it impossible to play multiplayer since no one is willing to slow down and wait for you
 I’m finding this issue is always accompanied by ridiculously slow load windows. Often times going into a dungeon at the same moment as another player is 30+ seconds apart Ander by the time it shows up for me they are half way thru the floor already
 making the reinstall attempt now so I’ll see if that does anything but I doubt it just reading what others have already posted previously. Haven’t tried to play in months now cuz the issue is so terrible.


Nope, same issues here. Was hoping today’s patch would have addressed some of the issues, but clearly it didn’t. Now I hear some people running D3 on Macs are getting random crashes. Looks like they just targeted the Windows Issues and didn’t care to address any Mac issues. Not even a single Customer support comment to say they acknowledge the issue.


I have this issue as well. The workaround that I’ve found to be pretty reliable is to do this each time I start a new game:

  • In game options, switch from High to Low texture quality, and click Accept
  • In the confirmation dialog with the countdown, just click Cancel
  • Click Cancel again in the game options dialog, and return to the game

After I’ve done that, I’ll have no issues with inventory or armory tabs loading for the remainder of that game. However, I have to redo those steps every single game I launch, which is a lot since I get disconnected with a 1016 error every 3-30 minutes


So basically not playable unless you wanna go through all those steps. Only thing I found that works is just stay in Act 2 and open everything up from there.


Do you all have problems with inventory only or all icons in the game (including items, buffs, stash tabs, blacksmith tabs etc.)?

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All icons for me. Inventory, Tabs, Armory


yes, inventory, and even graphics indicating spell length, AND, the little graphic indicating the location of my player in the mini map! Gone
 then it appears after 20 seconds or more. . wish I could share a picture