Sharing account with family members

Is sharing your account between your family members allowed or not?

If you have a one or 2 brothers and all of you play D3 RoS can you share 1 account with them or do every member of your family need to have a separate game account?

Would love a confirmation from Miss Cheetah or Nevalistis if possible to be 100% sure…

From EULA:

The Platform.

  • Please take a few moments to review Blizzard’s Account Security information here. You must maintain the confidentiality of the Login Information, as you are responsible for all uses of the Login Information and the Account, including purchases, whether or not authorized by you. If you become aware of or reasonably suspect any breach of security, including without limitation any loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of the Login Information, you must immediately notify Blizzard at
  • Subject to the laws of your country of residence, minor children may utilize an Account established by their parent or legal guardian. In the event that you permit your minor child or legal ward (collectively, your “Child”) to use an Account on the Platform, you hereby agree to this Agreement on behalf of yourself and your Child, and you understand and agree that you will be responsible for all uses of the Account by your Child whether or not such uses were authorized by you.

Basically you are not allowed to share account information nor allow access to it.

I still would like a confirmation from at least MissCheetah. If she or any blue confirms it, than I guess you’re right…

Although I’m pretty sure I seen someone posting that you can share your account with your borther for a example. Until I get a confirmation from Nevalistis or MissCheetah I won’t be convienced 100%.

I’m the only one in my family playing D3 RoS anyway, just wanted to be sure…

Seems pretty clear. The EULA specifically states who can share your account.

I am not MissCheetah but you can do an advanced search using the term “child” and posted by MissCheetah. Here is her answer in another thread. Parent and minor child ok. Two adults not okay.


Thanks, that’s what I wanted to know :wink:

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Besides, Blizzard is not going to go and ban accounts used by a family in a household. A dorm room with 4 college students using the same license however would be frowned upon.

The folks quoting the EULA and the Knowledge Base support article are correct. Always start with the official Blizzard source documents.

Something else to remember, I am sometimes WRONG. I have a pretty good memory, but occasionally do mess up. The other thing that happens, is that Blizz does not tell me when they change things. I have to find out by stumbling on an article that got changed, or a Blizz post somewhere like WoW Customer Support.

Telling the difference between a parent and minor child sharing an account (permitted), and two room mates sharing an account is nearly impossible, to be honest.

What does end up happening is that when two adults share an account it can lead to issues regarding who the legit account holder is. When things get murky Blizz will sometimes just close the account totally. Nobody gets it. This happens in cases of repeated “compromise”. Example is a vengeful spouse who has access, siblings being mean, etc. Blizz helps at first, but if it keeps happening because you keep giving them the password again, Blizz just shuts it.

Cases of account sharing from different IP addresses are, of course, much easier to determine.


Regardless of Blizzard’s view on sharing accounts it is a bad idea to share an account to begin with. If you have a falling out with the other person, or they just get a stick up their rear end, It would only take them five minutes tops to completely ruin your gaming experience, if not just shut it down completely by changing your password or getting your account banned.

The more people sharing an account, the more likely friction will develop between everyone. So it is just better if everyone has their own separate account just to avoid the potential issues.

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I know you don’t work for Blizz, but I consider you as the best source regarding any Blizz matters as you actually post on this forum each day while getting a response from Nevalistis for example is nearly impossible, exept for last days maybe…

She is the only CM left for Diablo and the vast majority of what they do on the Community team happens where we can’t see it. It is not just sitting around on the forums and Reddit all day. That is a tiny fraction of it.

Second, she was away for two weeks on vacation for her Birthday and to spend time with a close family member she rarely sees. Probably her last break before Blizzcon.

On to Blizzcon, the amount of work that goes in to even the routine boring parts of it, is insane. That falls largely on the heads of the Community team. Add in that Marketing, Community, and Events related folks were the ones laid off, they are doing more with less. She is going to be swamped right now even if nothing big is happening (I am NOT predicting anything! Do not take this out of context!).

All I have to handle is the Forums for D3 and WoW, as well as some Cat/Kitten stuff. That makes it much easier for me to interact because I don’t have a ton of other tasks that have to be done.

Besides, if it is something that is related to rules and stuff, I can answer it myself. The stuff I can’t answer that is related to Devs, game direction, etc, she can’t answer either until Devs let her/if they let her. We are both kind of tied on that.

It is going to be big then. One month to go.

D4 confirmed.

Can’t they write in the forum? Just saying “Hi folks, we are alive and working hard” would instantly get liked by the community. They can do that, right? I mean technically they have forum accounts?

It’s all worth it when a thousand shut in troglodytes lose their :poop: over teh very very bad wrong game being announced and then spend months yelling the same phone “joke” at her. It’s all about the community!

They can, but whatever they would say would more than likely get some if not most of the community hyped, which may inevitably lead to disappointment.

Get us HYPED! Come on, it’s almost October! Get us HYPED!

What’s wrong with being hyped?

Well, hyped or not, if they show meme D4 you would be disappointed. It’s better we all get HYPED now then!

Needlessly hyping your audience only leads to backlash. There’s nothing wrong with being hyped, although personally I don’t get hyped unless I know for a fact that something is indeed happening.

D3 release taught me not to get too excited or hyped with any new Diablo projects.

There’s almost no way for Blizzard to prove multiple players are playing the same account. Assuming no obvious signs regarding IP origin and what not.

It’s a bad idea to do it though if you want your account 100% yours and protected.

I don’t share my account with anyone, so I don’t have to worry about it. I just wanted to know if you could share between family members, that’s all.

I just wouldn’t tell anyone it’s your brother Chris playing your account.