Indication of the Botter

No one leveled me,I always level on my own during Seasons.

Like previous posters mentioned,there are ways/guides to speed up leveling by a lot.
Challenge Rift cache,gamble for gear with skill % multiplier on them and craft a lvl 70 rare weapon at lvl 40 with - level Req secondary roll.

Level on maps with a lot of density so you can stack up massacre bonus,etc.

Lvl 70 doesn’t get me to GR 80 sure but the free Seasonal set reward does get you to 70 if you use any half decent build around the sets.
I did 70 with that Marauder Multishot build with just 1 support item ‘Yang’s bow’ then farmed the other Set out with it.

For example if you put DeathWish ‘sword’,Etched Sigil ‘source’ on your Wizard and Grand Vizier ‘2h staff’ in the cube + make a channeling build around it.
Those 3 items would easily boost you like 20+ GR levels and from that you can progress further with more tweaks to the build/gear.

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800 is very doable. Just grab 3 friends and play 4 man group all day you will get there easily. Some streamers are already 1000+ paragon.

P.S. This season, znec + 2 LOD mages + zbarb, or znec + 2 Chantodo Wiz + zbarb seems to be very efficient 4-man speed exp set up.

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The only real way to “kind of know” if someone is Botting is hours played much later in the season with average hours played. unless you spot one in game. The reason even this is not a dead giveaway is because some couples share accounts which laws protect the ability to do so. I think an entire family would be covered under that in many parts of the world. Either way don’t worry about it because we can’t do anything about botters. Just grab a legendary out of your bag and throw it down and mess with the bots lol.

I’ve seen players with 100h+ in season (this season both EU and NA) and 1000+ paragon already on leaderboards. Seems “legit”…

1000 para already is 100% in the realm of possibility. Solo I have 750ish with maybe 20-22 hours. If I had actually grouped I would easily have been north of 1000 by now. Launch weekend people put in stupid hours. Now if in a couple weeks we see the 20+ hours/day average people, that’s when you can dust off your pitchforks.

Untrue. We do not own accounts so the joint marital property laws do not cover them.

Adults may not share Bnet accounts and Blizzard can, and has, banned people for it.

Here is a simplified support article that explains the terms Blizzard Support - Unauthorized Account Access Policy

Only you are allowed to access an account registered in your name. We don’t recognize the transfer of accounts between individuals. Activities performed on your account are your liability.

You may not share your account or password with anyone, except if you are a parent or guardian, in which case you may permit one minor child to use your account. You may not use your account at the same time, and you are liable for activities conducted by the minor child.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and the use of your user name and password. You are responsible for all uses of your information, even if you don’t authorize them. Security of your account is your responsibility.

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Thank you for the clarification. So 20+ hours a day I can now be assured is not a legit player except for the most extreme cases of addiction and insomnia which do not result in hospitalization at such lengths.

You would have reason to be very very suspicious if someone played that much, long term. Season start marathons are totally normal, as are occasional binges, but long term it is not sustainable.

The issue is, that while suspicions are a good reason for an investigation, if Blizz can’t PROVE someone is cheating/botting, they don’t just ban them.

Also, be careful with looking at played hours. Rebirthed chars keep their playtime.

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On EU, Season 18 started at 17:00 CEST on Friday. It’s now around 17:30 CEST on Monday, which means the season’s been up for 72.5 hours. That means it’s impossible for anyone to have 100+ hours played in the season. This means you were looking at the wrong part of their profile, e.g. at an individual hero’s total hours played, which includes any hours prior to a rebirth. The correct way to ascertain hours played in a season is as follows…

In-game, right-click on another player’s name and choose View Profile
Select the Seasons tab on the left
Select the current season, i.e. Season 18
Select the Summary section

This will display a screen showing all the activity in that season and in that season only. There are seven bars, one for each hero class, which when hovered over will show the amount of time spent playing that class in that season only. Totalling the times shown in each of the seven bars will give the figure for the total amount of time played on that account in that season only. That figure is in no way related to whether none, any or all of the heroes were rebirthed or not.


I had a WHAT THE… moment on Friday. 3 hours after the season started I saw the message that so-n-so was first to complete GR75. 3 HOURS after season start!

I was still leveling up - haha.

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That makes spotting a botter even more difficult…

What if someone rebirthed a 1000 hours char at season start? How will you be able to check if he botted with that char later in season if rebirthed chars keep their playtime?

Read what Meteorblade said. He gave instructions for how to view season hours.

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Will check it later in game thanks, dindn’t notice it.

So what I got from this thread so far is:

If you have more paragons than I, you’re a bot.
If you’re not a bot, then you have no life.
If you have a life, then your whole life revolves around Diablo
If your life doesn’t revolve around Diablo, then your lifelong achievements is clearing GR150
If you have time for other achievements in life then you are a bot.

And if you’re trying to prove a point to someone making bot accusations, might as well advertise your YouTube channel.

Am I with you so far?


absolutely NOT an indicator of a botter.

playing smart will get you to these levels easily.

PLOT TWIST - everyone here is a botter

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WOW! Sounds to me Seven that you are RIGHT on point. Love your analogies/metaphors. Only quibble I have is the one where you say, “If your life doesn’t revolve around Diablo, then your lifelong achievements is clearing GR150”. I would argue if your lifelong achievement is clearing GR150, your life DOES revolve around Diablo. Having said that, It is clear from the comments that it is fairly easy to already be at GR80 or so, just 3 days into the season. Imagine how boring the rest of the season will be for those people when 1 week into the season they have already completed all the chapters and the highest GR. Some people want to shoot their wad within 3 minutes, some people like their fun to last 30 minutes. To each his own. To paraphrase a famous movie, “We all need to stop worrying and learn to love the bot”.

Well,once you are an ‘experienced’ player all of this is like normal.

I don’t even play Seasons for the journey since I already have all of the stash tabs unlocked.
I do it cause I enjoy the fresh start with a different char/build than before and trying to push it as far as I feel like to or to meet my personal goal.

Both in S16 and S17 I’ve played a total of ~100 hours each Season,ended up doing GR 116 with my WD as a solo player and around 100+ with the S16 wizard but that was a completely non meta build for fun.

I don’t even take Diablo 3 that seriously,simply keep up to date with things and play 50-100 hours each season solo which is not that much actually.

Pawlie, Someone commented that I am right to be suspicious about botting if someone is already at paragon 800 within 48 hours of season start but that it IS possible to do it without botting.