Sharing account with family members

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Diablo: Immortal
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nobody will never know it, go ahead

You must have been in a coma from August to November last year.


Last year they hyped us on purpose and didn’t deliver. This year they are not hyping us and they may deliver. I want both hype and deliver.


EULA prohibit account sharing more to protect players interests than to prevent unfair advantage in a time = reward game. As Miss Cheetah stated, in an event of conflict, who is the rightful owner?

I have many friend who are husband / wife… Father /son … Grandmother and grandkids even share the same account for years w/o consequences. Non of them does it to gain competitive advantage, most do it for family bonds /fun etc. Its a good/sweet thing couples / family member share common thing/goal/interest.

Blizzard is not going to ban your account unless there is conflict / complain.

Some families simply do not purchase unneeded license in a game they log on once a week. Any decent semi casually devoted gamer will want an account to his/her own. My wife wouldn’t even look at my account despite many times i tried to lure her to play. I bought her a license years ago and she beat me with a stick so hard i had to refund it.