Shadow Set/Holy Point Shot [Consolidated PTR Feedback]

yes I play it. @140 in 4 man party as BK with impale dh I kill boss in~2minutes, you?
holding dowen impale it is working, but you no not get my point. do you know how crusader Bk need to play? they need to trigger bracers damage, by stun/blind/immo boss, which get immunity to cc if anybody in party has cc control effects and hit boss. it is hard to play it. if imaple as it is now will have same power as crus BK, by just holding a button, then every BK will play Impale, do you know aht I mean?

a new bracer to buff impale on stun/blind/immo is the solution. it that way the playstyle will be harder, tricky to do, but you have the same damage and playstyle as Crusader BK.

why canā€™t play styles be unique and not like everything else? why does every build need to be a button mash fest? The old k.i.s.s principle comes to mind here.

I donā€™t group, so nope, not me. I also donā€™t have a crap load of paragon either. But, I main DH, and impale s6 is my preferred build and I tend to rank pretty damn good on the solo LBs with very low paragon (GR124 @ p1200 in s21 for rank 19 thank you very much). I know the build very well.

The build isnā€™t broken and doesnā€™t need changes to the way it works. I donā€™t even want to see it buffed, I want other builds nerfed to match it (to within 1-2 GR levels). There has been far too much OP buffing in this game in the last 2 years and it is not good.

The problem is that the devs already defined their benchmark. GR130 at paragon 5000. It doesnā€™t matter if we like or not, itā€™s how theyā€™re going to balance.[d3]-developer-insights-balancing-class-set-design-28-01-2020

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Trepchains did a video on this. She did a 125 non-season on new PTR with a couple minutes left. On live non-season she was able to do 140. This was with no changes to the follower from live to PTR, so apples to apples. She has now done a 132, I am assuming with a fully decked out follower as she is using Squirtā€™s in the necklace slot. So that is an apple to oranges comparison. So, you think 15 level nerf is not really killing a build? Letā€™s see what you say if they do that to your favorite build.

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That was done with a bugged skill. Shatter shotā€™s side arrows ignore the pierce cap placed on god6, therefore still works with missile dampening. This is why everyone switched to shatter shot on PTR. Itā€™s going to get fixed Iā€™m sure.

Not a single person on PTR has cleared above a 128 using GoD6 DA. Itā€™s worse than the LB shows.


True, but it doesnā€™t mean that I have to like it, and that I cannot criticise Blizzard for it, and that I canā€™t state that I donā€™t like their reasoning. You balance around the majority, not the absolute minorityā€¦it just shows how out of touch Blizzard is with their player base and the game itself imho.

my fave build (impale s6) was already 15 GRs weaker than god (pre nerf)ā€¦a 132 clear is still very respectable imho and nothing to be sneezed at. Iā€™ve done a 124 in NS @ p2700 with 7 minutes to spare with impale s6 - if a 132 is weaker by 15 GR than pre nerf, that would mean trep would have been doing a mid 140 odd clear, say a 145 or so. Thatā€™d actually be 20 odd GRs more powerful than impale s6. How am I meant to compete on the solo LBs when my preferred build is 15-20 GRs weaker? How is that fair? At least now, god is closer to the impale s6 build and I stand a better chance of having equal footing when competing on the LBs as the builds are more closely balanced post god nerfā€¦

at what paragon? I play on console, so I donā€™t have access to PTRs to check whatā€™s going on with clears, etc. Has anyone pushed with impale s6/LON RF/UE MS CCR with similar paragons, and how did those builds compare to god post nerf? If all the builds are the same, then I can accept that as an act of balancing the class. Now Blizzard needs to balance all other character classesā€™ builds to perform similarly to the DH classes.

All paragons.

Somewhat. No oneā€™s bothered to do any MS. Impale has a few clears higher than GoD6 DA, one dude did LoN RF, but at GR 121.

Currently, GoD6 DA, in terms of set balance, is below S6, UE (HA) and M6 (HA).

Itā€™s not. UE6 and M6 HA are several GRā€™s ahead of the other sets because HA is still uncapped on those sets, meaning itā€™s the same type of fishing as before, with Missile dampening. This means youā€™re still not competing with S6 even within the class, only on S6 boards.

Thereā€™s so little data on DHā€™s on PTR because no one wants to play the class right now. Weā€™re not balance within the class, weā€™re not balanced against other classes, and itā€™s not much fun at all.

GoD6 definitely needed to come down, with missile dampening being the main issue, but this 15 GR nerf with no buffs to any other sets or builds in return just completely destroys any fun for DHā€™s.

I seriously hope in the upcoming mid PTR patch that they take another look at GoD6. Unfortunately it was the only competitive build, and while I would like to play UE MS and other stuff, Iā€™d like to feel somewhat strong until blizzard gets around to general buffs for DH.


personally, Iā€™d be happy with a 128, but hey, thatā€™s me and Iā€™m not the ordinary player I guess. I tend to look at the bigger picture, whilst most players on these forums focus on the smaller picture and are rather selfish imho.

Well, as a character class, we need to test all builds thoroughly and seriously push them on the PTR. How many GRs is there between god build (on average) and s6/UE (HA) and M6 (HA)? How does UE MS CCR fair in the mix?

That would suggest that HA needs to be slightly nerfed and god set bonuses slightly buffed. Nerfing HA will balance the UE and M6 HA builds and buffing god with the right amount of bonuses should see it work out around the same as the 2 aforementioned builds. At least, if Iā€™ve thought things through correctly and logically.

NO disagreement from me here. I keep harping on about build balancing for ALL DH sets/buildsā€¦have been for a few years now. I just want it so that you can pick whatever DH build you want, and get pretty much equal performance from all of them in regards to GR pushing. Itā€™s not hard to do, but Blizzard doesnā€™t seem keen on doing it for whatever ulterior motives.

That sounds reasonable, but for me, since I prefer s6 impale, it would mean that itā€™d be another 1 or 2 or even more seasons of my preferred build being seriously weaker than god and having no chance of competing at the top end of the LBs like I used toā€¦I just want a fair chance of being able to compete. Iā€™m not asking for s6 impale to be 15 GRs stronger than any other build, I want them all pretty much equal.

Iā€™ve copped my fair share of hate cos Iā€™ve voiced that the god nerf needed to happen, and it did. If weā€™re being holistically honest, you know I am right in my assessment. I get that people were happy with god being so powerful and having a DH build as powerful as the other top character class builds etc. This is why I canā€™t understand why Blizzard would nerf god but leave other OP builds from other character classes unchanged. The balancing process is not that difficult or challenging that it needs to be done @ 2 builds per patch, taking like the next 15 patches to achieve balance across the game - thatā€™d be just utterly ridiculous.

If Blizzard doesnā€™t want to do the math, let the more technically minded folks/players do the math for them. I am sure that the community could balance all of the builds across the game.

That 128 clear had over 6k paragon. The next lowest is a 125 at 13k paragon, followed by another 125 at 4.9k paragon. Youā€™d be lucky to clear a 122 at 3k paragon. Thatā€™s actually below the threshold blizz stated years ago they wanted sets to be at.

You speak about looking at the bigger picture, but many people that have tried on PTR have all stated how horrible it feels to play this set in any sort of density. Itā€™s not even about just the power, it just feels awful. Thatā€™s not being selfish, thatā€™s sharing an honest viewpoint about a set thatā€™s underperforming on PTR even by blizzards standards.

Some of these builds donā€™t need additional testing, because they didnā€™t get changed for over a year now, such as UE MS, N6/M4 CA, rapid fire, etc. We know where they stand because we tested them thoroughly when they actually mattered.

Currently at the top, UE6 and M6 are about 7+ GRā€™s ahead of other builds.

Iā€™d say the opposite. Other builds should come up to where UE6 and M6 HA are if you want people to actually consider playing the class. Even then weā€™ll still be behind other classes because itā€™s still an overall net nerf.

Power creep is a real problem in this game, but the idea of gutting an entire class while the other classes breeze through 140ā€™s under 2k para like itā€™s nothing isnā€™t anyoneā€™s idea of fun. No one wants to play DH right now.

Thatā€™s the dream. More people want this than you think, but most people know this reality is not going to happenā€¦anytime soon.

Donā€™t get me wrong, most of us donā€™t like having just 1 or 2 strong builds to play (in our case, it was just 1), but itā€™s better than the entire class feeling gimped to play. Itā€™s ok for people to have nice things.


ok but we can not define a build of how YOU like to play it. this is not your personal build, it belongs to all players.

Impale S6 is meant to be DH BK build, at least this is how most af dh players see it and also devs I think. in this case this build shall match the potential of other BK builds in the game, e.g. Crusader BK. they can not nerf all other builds in the game because you want so. instead they can buff Impale S6 to match e.g. best BK build in gamr, crusader BK.
so, again, but read carefully this time: crusader BK is not so esdy to play as Impale S6, so they csn just buff Impale damage because then nobody eill play crussder anymore and all will switch to dh BK. instead thry can improve damage of the build via a bracer that match the play style of crusader: Impale to do 300% increased damage to stun/immo/blind enemies. will not bd very hard to plsy it stay chill, you just need to apply either stun/blind/immo e.g. on cold rotation of COE before shot Impale.

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I dont see it as a RGK at allā€¦ I see it as an engaging set that moves from elite to elite with fast kills and ignore most white mobs unless they count for progression.
Itā€™s mobile, and it is a very nice change from the other DH buildsā€¦


Demon Hunters donā€™t blind or immobolize. If youā€™re going to insist on crowd control based damage, at least pick crowd control affects that are found on our skills and gear.


because you play it solo only. I piayed it solo also when this one was only good build for dh, was in dh leaderboards with it. now you can not push leaderboards with it as there are several dh builds much better. also in group play it is seen as RGK only, and some low life elites reamined after trash killer did his job, otherwise at 130+ in 4 party you can not do any progress with it.

ok regarding comment that dh do not blind/immo toomuch with skills, but there are items to blind e.g. Cord of Sherma belt(if I remember well the name)ā€¦ ā€¦ or of course cc effects needed by the bracer can be adapted to dh.

Caltrops / Torturous Ground

When the trap is sprung, all enemies in the area are immobilized for 2 seconds.

Spike Trap / Impaling Spines

When deployed, enemies within range are instantly immobilized for 3 seconds.

Sure, and most players, if not all, play it like I do - elite hopping. Console is a tiny bit different, since we need to kill trash to generate NG globes to maintain maximum damage output.

What is this ā€œBKā€ that you are referring to? Iā€™ve never heard that acronym with regards to D3 in all my years on the forums. Iā€™ve never heard s6 impale referred to as ā€œBKā€ either (obviously).

Why do we need to stun/blind etc? The build works perfectly fine as is. If it ainā€™t broken, donā€™t fix it. The real issue here is not the play style or mechanics, but the damage that the build does is much weaker than competing builds from other character classes.

well a RGK is basically a large HP elite, soā€¦also, your description is accurate for the PC/Mac version of the game, but very inaccurate for the console ports.

exactly, thatā€™s why the build needs a buff.

On the odd occasion when I have grouped up, I have played s6 impale as both elite killer and RGK. There are sadly, better options out there.

and no one uses those skillsā€¦so kind of irrelevant to the conversation.

The question is not changing the s6 impale buildā€™s methods of killing mobs/elites etc, but buffing itā€™s damage output to match other top builds.

Of course, given that there are only a handful of very powerful top builds, and a tonne of much weaker builds, it is more logical, and easier, to nerf the OP builds back down to ordinary levels. That would be a far more efficient use of development resources at Blizzard, and would also remove some of the power creep that has permeated the game for the past few years.

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Crusader RGK still clears trash a lot easier and better than Impale RGKā€¦This makes a huge difference on RGā€™s that spawn adds. Impale moreso has trouble because them adds can stack on top of RG which prevents Karleis to proc on RG.


People always try to describe Impale as an ā€œelite killerā€, butā€¦seriouslyā€¦If youā€™re pushing, youā€™re not always and only running from elite to elite. You still need to clear a lot of trash in order to earn progression. Impale still builds AreaDmg if given the opportunity to do so as well. Granted, itā€™s been 2-3 season since Iā€™ve played Impaleā€¦But if you open a GRift with a nice map and no elites are there, but have high densityā€¦Are you or should you skip all that density? Atleast try to drag it along the map if you canā€¦Progression is progression. And no matter what build or build classification you are, trash will always be easier progression especially with high density.

Also, if youā€™re only running around looking for elites. Youā€™re very well identifying shadowed areas of the map that could potentially be spawning pylons (earlier). You need a good balance of progression vs map identification for pylon spawns. Doing otherwise is typically unproductive.

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Yes, wholly agreed. Perhaps RGs should be re-worked to eliminate add-onsā€¦as a QOL fix. The only issue with this is again with consoles - if we die, we lose NG, and if itā€™s vs the RG, and no add-ons, it means no more NG and weā€™re at half damage (vs PC).

This is true, I agree, although with the PC version of the game, itā€™s less of a necessary than with the console ports due to the unique NG mechanism that we have.


Thatā€™s a few GRs weaker than impale s6 atm imho. Iā€™ve done a 124 with 7 mins to spare, probably could do a 126, maybe a 127 with a lot of fishing I suspect (p2700; lgems around rank 120; augments around rank 110).

How much buff would reducing the nerf from 2 to 3 missile penetrations add to the god build?

the mechanics havenā€™t really changed per se though, have they? The issue is the number of missile penetrations have dropped and overall power has reduced, so it takes longer to drill through trash/mobs etc now. Welcome to the land of every other DH build!

The problem is ā€œout of sight, out of mindā€ - if Blizzard doesnā€™t see them being pushed, it forgets about themā€¦we need to be in Blizzardā€™s face for ALL DH builds imho.

how did UE get ahead of impale? The last I looked s6 impale + aughilds and UE MS with CCR were pretty evenly balanced. Or is this the UE HA variant? I havenā€™t played the latter, so no idea on how powerful it is.

Agreed, this is why I have criticised Blizzard for not nerfing all other OP character class builds to match a similar GR push level as god etcā€¦i.e. balance!

And this is why we have to be very vocal with Blizzard and if need be, leave the game in droves until Blizzard gets the drift. Weā€™re so hung up on being nice and polite to Blizzard that they donā€™t give a crap. A company will only take notice of customers when its bottom margins drop. Until then, with the basic laws of consumerism and capitalism in play, theyā€™ll continue to screw us over. People see this as myself being negative, or cynical etc, but if you really, really think about this, you will see that I am 100% right.

I agree, but again, see my paragraph above.

PS sorry for not replying earlier this morning with my earlier reply - I somehow missed your post in the breakfast rush and getting ready for work.

BK = Boss Kill, RGK. in 3/4 man party at 130+ this build is BK. you are there as DH to kill boss at the end and maybe some elites which remain with low life after trash killer do his job.

I think is the 3-4rth time when I repeat. you can not do this build to have same damage as Crusader BK, becuase it will be a build very simple to play so no one will play Crusader BK anymore. do you understand that your build can not be buffed by destroyng all other correspondent builds in the game? thatā€™s why this build should be buffed to match both damage and playstyle of other correspondent builds.

yes, exactly this is the point. there are better options out there then S6 impale for group. thatā€™s why this build need to be buffed, BUT NOT JUST increasing damage becuase it is too easy to play compared with the other better out there. I know that you want that your build to be the strongest and you just need to hold down a button and kill everything so you will be the hero :slight_smile:

LOL, it will be used if the buff go in that direction. For one button play game I recomend you Super Mario Bross (there are 2 buttons but you can play it with jump only if insist soo much).

and I call bull.

and that is cos s6 impale needs a massive buff in order to competeā€¦which you are dead against.

maybe itā€™s only One button for you with your numlock cheat but on console, we man up and manually activate all of the skills. Ourselves.