Shadow Set/Holy Point Shot [Consolidated PTR Feedback]

No, I proposed a buff via a new bracer. read again what I said.
new dh bracer: impale do 300% increased damage …
^^^ this is a buff

That bracer concept prevents the Aughilds variant, we’d then only would use Crimsom like almost every other set does.

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and again, if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. The mechanics of the build are perfectly fine AS IS. It just needs a buff. It doesn’t need a new item for the build, it just needs some numbers buffed (or, preferably, all other OP builds nerfed to match it in order to avoid/negate the power creep that has entered into this game in the past 2 or so years).

Also, lets not forget Crusaders still hold a HUGE advantage over Impale DH as RG throughout the GRift by having a role of pulling as much as possible to the group. Also Impale loses a ton of mobility from swapping Chain of Shadows with Witching Hour. Impale RG can also tend to be quite squishy as well. While with Saders it’s the opposite…

I give up, you do not understand nothing of what I tried to explain or you even not want to try to think abit…
Last try… if the Impale build get buffed only by number, let’s say: S6: Impale do 250000% increased damage to first enemeies hit, then we have following situation for BK options in the game

  1. Crusader BK would kill boss @145 in 4 man party in 2mins <<< but game mechanics of crus BK is much harder to play then others BK
  2. Impale dh BK would kill boss @145 in 4 man party in 2mins <<< dh just need to hold down Implae button until bos die
  3. Barbarian BK kill boss @145 in 4 man party in 3.5mins(not sure exactly but anyway time >2mins)

so what players will choose as BK toi play? ALL DH since just need to hold down a button and not taking care of e.g. cast cc, then hit of COE rotation then… SO YOU JUST DESTROYED all other BK builds in the game <<< yes, YOU DO NOT CARE, because you play solo and you want that your build to be the strongest and the only, but there are Crusader players that farmed lot of time to create a great BK build, so should we do not care about them right? let them all stop playing and just OUR IMPALE build to be the easiest and the strongest!

I understand that you care about only solo play but lot’s of players(including me) play only in party(because I get bored of playing solo after so many years of D3). So when you propose something you need to think that the build is not only yours for solo, belong also to the players that play in party.

What you completely ignore is crowd control immunity. If you tie damage to a hard cc skill, then it disappears after the first few applications as the boss is now immune to all of the activation triggers.

of course they do…

I perfectly understood what you said, I disagree with it.


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what you completely ignore is that Crusader BK works based on apllying CC to trigger Bracers of Fury damage bonus:

so, crusader need to sync with COE rotation to apply CC only when it is needed, or sync even with party memebers to apply CC, and of course to syncs to party members to not apply any un-intended cc on boss… that’s why WitchDoctor does not even attack rift guardian when play together with crus, that’s why sometimes on party you see in chat: “barb, stomp on holy rotation” …
but you igonore all of this, you just want to hold down a button and do more damage than crusaders BK

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Finally the source of your hindquarter discomfort is revealed. At least now we know why you have a monomania to change the way the Shadow Impaler plays and why you constantly mind read and put words into people’s mouths. And why you keep endlessly repeating the lie that the Shadow Impaler is a hold down 1 button build. Get over yourself.

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if they upgrade the shadow set ill be so happy i got like all 6 primal pieces on ns

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You do not know how build is played as BK. yes, it is 1 button, the Impale one. the other you activate: ShadowPower once, MFD- ValeyOfDeath once every 15sec, Vengeance once every 20sec… Vault when fight boss it is not used, maybe Wolf or BaldedArmor every 10sec, do you know what I mean?
how do you play the build as BK? you might play it in a wrong way.

but guys, I will be happy if devs only blindly buff damage via e.g. S6, I have the perfect items for this build, really perfect. but this will not happen, if we want a buff for this build we should request a legit one and not : “please do my build to just do 3x more damage and still let me to hold down a button”. let’s be realist ok?

certainly not like you seem to play it. PS please stop using the term BK. you are the only person on these forums that I have seen using it. Use RGK like everyone else so your posts are more clear.

If you love the cru build so much, go and play it, instead of harassing DH players in a thread that details what they want to happen to the impale s6 build.


Yea…Not gonna lie, it’s stupid annoying to me too. I keep thinkin Burger King. lawl

Now go fetch my whopper!


No one on battle net asks for an RGK tho…

“+1 BK Crus only, no impale ffs”

BK = Boss Kill. Do not know in US servers, but on EU servers everybody use it. always when sombody post in a Looking For Group chat it is written e…g. : “+BK 140 NS”. RGK is used also but rarely,

these are the US forums…when in Rome…

this is actually a good thought lol i would rather they redo shadow build fix GoD and get rid of the crappy firebird and rathma builds for wiz and necro we dont need toons that cant move around and gets 1 shot in t16 rifts with 2m dps and cant dmg anything pass gr85 that wiz and the necro is unplayable

And this is a PC forum…

But I had this thought (I know, right?)…what do you think is going to happen when blizz starts addressing the rest of the DH sets for your "balance’ to happen??

Do you really think with a stated goal of 130 @ 5k paragon that you’re going to clear

I have a 126 NS clear with GoD @ just over 2600 paragon.

So from my perspective - our builds are VERY similar (pre nerf) at similar paragons…right??

On PTR with no change to gear (or follower) and allowing only the bump from my S22 paragon being added (to 2745 total) I couldn’t complete a 120 in the first PTR (before the change from 2->3 pierces and bump from 10k->15k on the 6pc).

You keep railing about not being able to compete and being 15 GR behind…so on PC LB - that gap would be 139, which fewer than 100 people have managed to do ever NS (and all but a lucky handful did at 4K+ paragon…a pretty big difference from 2700).

Are the LBs that much different on console? It’d be nice to compare TBH.

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hope they buff shadow cause GoD gonna die i guess

And I own the game on PC AND console…so, your point is? I mean, PC players come into the console sections and troll us all the time…and they don’t even own the game on console! Console players cannot post in the PC sections of the forum unless they own the PC version of the game. Good One Blizzard! Once again screwing console players…

Nope, obviously not if my paragon points are much lower. But, if all the builds are between 1-2 GR differences, it’ll be far better than now where god was 15 GRs more powerful than s6 impale or any of the other DH builds…

You could suppose that they’re equal, but One only has to look at the LBs to know that they’re not. god is s tier, s6 impale is d tier…raxx, wudi, and others all agree on this. I guess they’re all wrong…

They sure are. I should do a screen shot. The build works the same on both platforms AFAIK.

I’d have to look at console PS4 SC, but I’m pretty confident that more than 100 people have went higher than a GR139 in s22 with the god build.

buffing s6 impale (or any other DH build) doesn’t make sense - we’d be back at square 1 with 1 DH build all powerful and the others lagging and no balance or diversity…there are 2 issues at stake here - DH builds are now weaker across the board than every other character class’ offerings and we have no group meta. Blizzard MUST address and resolve these issues otherwise they will have a mass extinction of the game as DH players give up and leave the game in droves.