Set Dungeons are the absolute worst

If you hate set dungeons as it is today, you will really loathe it when it first came out. :slight_smile:

Imagine you only have 2 minutes or so to finish it and for me the most difficult set dungeon to master at that time was the monk Ulliana set dungeon. I almost punched my monitor for failing too many times.

What I would do if I were in charge is take out the objectives that force us to do a set dungeon. I can only think of one replacement objective though. I would say complete a challenge rift. That would be far better than the requirement of set dungeon.

Not to derail the chat, you can craft a yellow weapon. Will cost 3x dust and 3x veiled crystals until you get the socket. Should save a lot of mats.


Iā€™m sorry I rounded up to the nearest whole number. I had corpse lance brittle bones along with the offhand that increases your speed when you hit enemies with cold attacks. I got mastery in approximately 15-20 seconds from the start of the map. Iā€™ll gladly do it again and screenshot it.

Actually UE is a cake walk if you turn off ballistics /Homing rockets the rockets are the thing that mess it up the kill count numbers . As to any one needing a set dungon for the season I always reccomend the M6 it has to be one of the simplest ones since they updated the monster location and added their icons.


There are certainly some that are easy. But why would I want to stop playing my build to either find the gear I need for another sd for my class or level an alt? Itā€™s a waste of time and mats in most cases just to get some arbitrary requirements.

The best would be if they were just dropped from the requirements altogether.

An alternate implementation where you play a predefined build like with challenge rifts would be acceptable. At least then you arenā€™t wasting time or mats just to gear for something that doesnā€™t jive with your build.


They could also add a season set dungeons theme when they add the new set items that are promised.

During season all set dungeons would already have ONE objective completed (the most annoying oneā€¦) and the requirement for the second objective would be reduced by half, for example:

UE Multishot Set Dungeon:

  • Hit 20 enemies with a single Multishot. (6 times) - Hit 10 enemies 3 times instead
  • Never drop below 50% of maximum Discipline. šŸ—¹ Completed (season theme)

Armor of Akkhan Set Dungoen:

  • Use Condemn on 10 different enemies simultaneously (10 times) šŸ—¹ Completed (season theme)
  • Kill 150 enemies while imbued with Akaratā€™s Champion - Kill 75 enemies while imbued with Akaratā€™s Champion instead

Same with all the other set dungeons. Maybe this would encourage players to try to master all set dungeons without ripping their hair off out of rageā€¦

I use lightning Multishot in my build (until I get all my ancient items perfectly rolled), so no rockets and itā€™s still annoying as hell.

I spent nearly 4 lousy minutes on set dungeons this season before completing the journey. The worst! And when you factor in the time I spent writing this complaint, thatā€™s 12 minutes of my life I will never get back. Thanks for wasting my time Blizzard!


Ues to be a lot harder. Itā€™s been watered down a liitle bit, and also a lot of bugs fixed.

Hello. I am Lloyd. And I read that message!

Except for Natā€™s, if you have over 250k sheet you will annihilate everything wayyyy to fast.

Ya and switch out companion and get rid of your follower, they break up the spider groups. I agree M6 is totally face-roll especially since they show where the worms are now.

Ahhh, Season of Participation Trophy:
Enter a set dungeon and receive the msg ā€œCongratulations, you have completed the set dungeon just by entering the portal.ā€

Most set dungeons are not that difficult at all. Some still are difficult, some are annoying, just skip those. If you suck at UE dh, it is ok. You are not required to do that set dungeon. Find one you can do and do that one. If you canā€™t clear the map, find a friend to finish it for you.

Besides, you literally only need to do 5 total in the entire time you play this game and that is if you want the stash tabs, otherwise, you never, ever have to do one. I agree set dungeons were horribly implemented (as has been with many things in this game), but they really arenā€™t that hard. Stop fighting it by doing ones you suck at.

Dude, I havenā€™t mastered that many set dungeons, but the Zuni dungeon is certainly among, if not the, easiest one Iā€™ve done yet. Just choose the Unbreakable Grasp rune and equip Wilkenā€™s Reach and you can spam Grasp of the Dead. Unlike other dungeons where you need to find a sweet spot in terms of damage and mitigation, with the Zuni set dungeon you can just go in guns blazing.


For nats I lower dps to 75k. I like to hold down right button for strafe and spam rov. I donā€™t like to work for it. Master 1st try everytime.

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No need to nerf yourself that much, or even use Strafe. Just use a primary skill. That way you never have to worry about running out of hatred. This is one of the set dungeons that you can master as soon as you have the set. No need to worry about supporting legendaries, or gems.

Here is a quick video:

Some set dungeons are beyond terrible RNG fests. All classes have an easy one that can be done to master to complete the seasonal objective.


Itā€™s a throwaway set. Why do I care about nerfing it I use yellow weapon, no supporting gear. Push one button and itā€™s done.

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Um because its a pita for some people and they hate it.

I guess you didnā€™t bother to read my post. I said it was unnecessary to nerf it that much.

How much is that much?