Set Dungeons are the absolute worst

Well, you do get wings when you finish them all.

That said, I take your point, and I absolutely agree that it would be much better if there was something more to the dungeons. People in other threads have made good suggestions as to how set dungeons could be reworked and what the rewards could be, and I would love to see that!

All I mean is - I like the idea of them and, as Alexismad said, I really wish there was a little more depth to them.

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Yes there a total of 7 for completion, and 7 for mastery if you have the necro.


If there is one task I would like to remove from the season journey, it would be “Reforge socket on a weapon”. That one is just a waste of mats on that stage.

Set dungeons are fine. There are two or three that require some skills, and maybe a few more that require tuning down the damage. But most of them are quite easy now.

btw.: Quoting Quin now ist just nonsense, imho. Since he was active and did his guides, the set dungeons have been heaviliy nerfed. I mastered all of them in EU while they’ve been “hard” (I used some help of a clanmate with iirc 4 of them), and mastered all in US again a few patches ago (completely solo). It’s not a big deal.


If they aren’t included in season journey, hardly anyone would ever play them, me included. they aren’t fun and are just a feature meant to aggravate players. who wants to be aggravated when the purpose of playing a game is to have fun, not get stressed?

I’m contemplating not even finishing the season journey this season. for what? for a stupid stash tab? screw that.


Cheers, appreciate the links

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glad i havent bothered to try then. quite strung out with a metric fkton and growing gaming options these days.

If you only master Necros set dungeons than sure.

You can easily complete this set dungeon on your first try if you just follow the youtube guide.

I agree I wouldn’t have put them into the game if I was running things. I would’ve had dungeons added alright, but they wouldn’t have been set dungeons. I was, long time ago, toying with dungeons that would be called Challenge Dungeons (not Rifts). This would’ve been content that would’ve been for non seasonal players to be able to unlock the stash space initially. Later they could even be used to challenge players within the same clans and communities. See who can get the best time.

The idea would’ve been dungeons where when entering you when entering you would have either one or a combination of the following

  1. 800 paragon
  2. Legendary gems at rank 25. They would return to their original values after leaving the dungeon.
  3. Gear would still have augments on it. But you wouldn’t get any benefits from augmented gear.

These are just a few things that I could do to make things harder but yet not be as annoying as set dungeons.

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Considering how easy most of them are even for mastery it’s no problem to do it.

Actually harder part of mastering set dungenon is to collect gear :smiley:


While this is true in one aspect:

And there’s:


I have stated this many times since the darn things were introduced. I ABHOR doing them. I would rather have my teeth pulled along with my fingernails.

They are not fun to me.

They are not rewarding to me.

If I do one, its “Thank god that nightmare is over” rather than “Oh wow, I did it”.

This is not how you game.

They are the ONE reason I still have 2 tabs to earn! Because I can’t stand doing them!

You can sit there and post about “there is always at least one easy one per class.” or “there are guides to tell you how to do them.” I DON’T CARE. I still don’t like doing them.

Last season I lucked out apparently. I played the Necro build with the gifted set Inarius and with that set, I managed to master the dungeon on my first try, which, while surprising, still left me with that “thank god its over” feeling. I then went on to complete Conqueror and earn a tab for S17.

So yeah, that’s my take. Hate it or not, not everyone that plays D3 likes doing dungeons or wants to do them. In my case, they really are a dungeon.

Game on.


That is a little bit untrue. Raiment dungeon for monks has no damage ceiling so you don’t need to gimp yourself in any way. Marauder for DH is the same, no need to limit your dps. Pestilence and Rathma for Necro are also easily completed by any level build, endgame or starting out. I haven’t tried Inarius or Trag’Oul but most people say that all 4 Necro dungeons are easy.

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Inarius is actually a lot easier to complete with less damage. You have to kill mobs with bonestorm but you also have to suck the bones out of a certain number of the enemies. If your damage is too high, your storm kills things before you can get close enough to them in order to suck their bones out. It’s why it’s a good one to pick, especially early in the season, as that’s when you’ll have the least gear and won’t over-damage it.

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I absolutely agree. It’s the number one reason I don’t have all of my seasonal rewards because I basically stopped playing around the time of having to do the one where you master a set dungeon.

Unless these were an optional “Try it before you play it” sort of like the Weekly Challenge Rifts where your also given a rental character with it’s own items and can play them independently would it even make any sense.
Adding them to the game was pretty lame and makes me wonder if there was something more that was intended to be added with/to it later and abandoned.

I’d LOVE to see these things removed from the seasonal journey achievements.


That would make the seasonal journey easier and shorter. Is that really what you want?

To challenge you in another way than just power, it is essentially about using different mechanics of your sets, or certain abilities. Some even rewards you heavily for utilizing complementary legendary powers.


I haven’t tried the other necro sets yet, but the pestilence set was ridiculously easy. I finished with five minutes to spare. I vaguely remember some of the sader set dungeons being a pain, but I only complete the bare minimal of set dungeons before I move on in the season journey.

I didn’t know about the cosmetics. I might revisit them now.

YES! Absolutely! Have them rotate in and out like Conquests. Don’t make them MANDATORY every season to complete Guardian!


The time limit for a set dungeons is five minutes.
So, no, you didn’t.


Set dungeons were easy when they came out, even in seasons (yes I finished them all, solo, with no research at release, in seasons fresh, so I know wtf I’m talking about). Since then they’ve had requirements nerfed, mobs added to map and what little difficulty/challenge they had is ruined by power creep.

At OP there’s 2 rules for every set dungeon: 750k sheet dps is the magic number and max CDR/movement on everything (this includes cube ingeom on every dungeon).

I will agree that they are fun once for those individuals like me that like the challenge and rewards but offer no replayability whatsoever. It’s like having a stop light in the middle of a racetrack… And I wish as much as everyone they weren’t a part of season journeys.

This is sad that people still cry about set dungenons. Most of them are nerfed atm.

Every class have atleast 1 so easy to master set dungenon that you can alt+tab few times to check facebook and you still do it.

If you care about season journey it’s just about gathering right items while you get your bis items for push build. This is actually hardest part - to get right items

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