Set Dungeons are the absolute worst

Not sure why it’s a pita to roll off dmg on a few pieces of gear. Watching the video reinforces my reason for using strafe. He’s a much better player than me and the timing for 90 sec rov and running out of demons was very close. I float around the map for 90 sec. Then walk around and pick off the remaining 30. Probably just a matter of preferring different playstyles. We can agree that nats is one of the easiest sets to master on first attempt with no need to find supporting gear.

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There is no need to nerf your damage to 75k. You can do it with that little damage, sure. In fact, when Nats is the free DH set for a season, you can master the set dungeon as soon as you complete chapter 4. But even if you have to farm the set, you don’t have to go crazy and nerf everything. Just use whatever gear you have. Using a generator means you don’t have to worry about running out of hatred, which is the second requirement of the set dungeon.

Appreciate it, I guess…but this isn’t my first rodeo as a WD…and for me your assertions are false.

Don’t know what level you did this at and therefore what kind of damage, but I am already at the point where I have to not summon all my pets b/c I have enough damage that they run to and flatten the mobs before I get the Grasp on them.

So I scaled back to just the dogs (b/c they have the longest aggro range) and missed the next 2 for the “melee range” condition and dogs still killing too fast.

So, as I said, the annoying dance of scaling my damage to it’s (inconsistent) “expected” level.

And part of the game, in general, is coping with RNG. The set dungeons with the most RNG are built around navigating them very quickly. Repetition is the strategy and rapidity is the skill.

Take UE. Easily one of the more RNG based ones. And a large part of skillset and theme of UE is being able to vault very quickly between objectives. You can fail and restart the dungeon 5 times in 3 minutes and then master it in an additional 1-2 minutes.

If you are taking longer than that on any dungeon, You have not figured out the puzzle yet. Trying the same wrong strategy over and over again is the frustrating and stupid way to play.

Learn to play or look up a guide. Set dungeons are not hard. They are small puzzles designed to be solved by the most casual of nubs with access to google.

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Using a yellow weapon, it’s no big deal. Don’t use a legendary.

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I honestly don’t know what to say to you then. When you can spam Grasp of the Dead I’m not sure how your pets are even reaching the mobs before you tag them.

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I just tried it on my NS WD. Even taking out the gems, I still have sheet damage of around 3M and I had no trouble mastering this set dungeon. The Zuni is one of the easiest to master for WD, and one of the easiest overall.

The only thing I can think of is that you are moving too quickly.

I might actually start giving a damn about the season journey again if they’d get rid of the set dungeon requirements. That’s literally what made me just throw my hands and not bother with S17 even though it had the juicy cosmic wings for getting Guardian. The set dungeons just are not worth the hassle for me anymore. Period.

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Holy cow! It’s one dungeon. It’s not like you have to do them all or something. Sheesh! So much drama over a small bump in the road.


Every path has a few puddles. Kappa

They’re unintuitive, laden with RNG, and just plain obnoxious. And they aren’t worth putting up with.


You just described most of D3 these days.

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Most of D3 may have RNG, but isn’t counterintuitive. The power creep has made a lot of the set dungeons excruciatingly difficult to the point you have to gimp yourself to complete the criteria. As such, they shouldn’t be part of the season journey requirements anymore.

I was perfectly willing to climb up to what was needed for all chapters, but dealing with the set dungeons was offputting enough that I just said “no” and went back to PoE for the remainder of its Legion league.

Set dungeons are anything but enjoyable.

Since you play mainly DH, this season is a piece of cake. I mastered the Marauder set dungeon as soon as I received my 6 pieces. Even with crap gear in the other slots, it is a simple dungeon to do. Just keep an eye on the mini-map for the rockworms (which are in set locations, so no RNG there). And don’t rush. I just don’t see how this can be so much of a frustration to so many people.

Here is a video of it. Plays pretty much like standard marauder.


It’s because they can’t play the set dungeons the same way they play with the set in every other part of the game.

Not that any of them play that drastically from what you would do playing in rifts in grifts but the slightest change gets folks all flustered.

I don’t particularly like set dungeons, but I did find one that I get a kick out of playing, the Shadow set dungeon. It’s actually become one of many highlights of the season for me.

Some folks choose to make the dungeons harder for themselves and then come to the boards to moan and groan about how hard they are. Not that I intend to ever get the wings for mastering all of them, but mastering just one for the season journey definitely doesn’t deserve this much outrage.


If people mastered the Marauder Set Dungeon, there wouldn’t have been so much complaining about the last DH Challenge Rift. Easy peasy stuff.

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tfw the wings of the dedicated are prettier than the wings of mastery

Yeah, that one always made me go “what?”. Sadly, these are annoying enough for me to just go “meh” and do without the wings.

The thing about “giving” us a set in the Journey is that they can then say that set dungeons are a natural consequence (in that you now have something to explicitly do with said set) and will therefore stay.

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That is why I always do DH set dungeons. UE, Marauders, and Shadow you don’t have to gimp yourself at all. Marauders is so stupid easy because you just have to keep sentries up, which is what the build is and don’t get hit by monsters which is what a ranged build should do. Besides, it is so dumbed down now, they show you were the rockworms are. I hate Nat’s because it is not about solving the puzzle, but about how well you can gimp your character, so I simply don’t do it.

I feel the same way about pushing GR’s, Kadala, and the cube slot machine. I don’t push GR’s because I don’t have to. I use kadala and the cube slot machine because that is massively dominate way to gear. I just deal with the few minutes of misery, so I can enjoy the hours of the stuff I do like. I can’t think of a single game where every aspect of the game is enjoyable by everyone. If you don’t want to put up with the 5-10 minutes it takes to do the set dungeon to get the wings, then they weren’t that important to begin with.