Set Dungeons are the absolute worst

Hello. My name is Oberyn, and I hate set dungeons. There is zero fun factor involved in completing these. Often you have to gimp the ever loving hell out of your build to even attempt them.

Unfortunately, these always are a core part of the season journey, and I often have to force myself to even play through it. Some are easier than others, but there is nothing to look forward to. It’s akin to having to stop to get a root canal in the midst of a party.

I wish these never came to be.

(yes, I mastered it for this season, I still hate em).


I’m feeling ya. Was trying to Master Zuni last night and didn’t quite get it.

Finding that damage/mitigation balance that varies wildly for each set dungeon is getting old.

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I do not care for them, I useuly need to adjust my set just to complete them, so what is the point. :-1:


I know that set dungeons are bad and they shouldn’t make it a “must thing to do”, but you only need 1 set dungeon mastered to complete season journeys, and there are a lot of easy ones out there.

I highly recommend you to create a Necro (in case you didn’t choose it as first/main character), drop literally any set and look for a tutorial/youtube video on how to complete it.

Trust me, Necro set dungeons are the easiest to complete, I did all of them in the first try with just the sets equipped.


Set dungeons are horrible. Created because nobody wanted or asked for this idiot content. Then forced by Devs to play them every season. Id rather chew glass shards then do set dungeon.


I know I’m probably the only one here, but I actually do like the idea behind Set Dungeons. Yes, some can be annoying (WoTW, RoTS, I’m looking at you), but I actually did enjoy most of them.

More importantly, every class has at least one that is absolutely trivial, so I don’t really see much of an issue with it being part of the season journey to be quite honest. It’s probably the only thing that you need to go a little bit out of your way to do other than the conquests. It really just feels like set dungeons are something that people love to hate even though doing one doesn’t take more than 10 or 20 minutes out of running endless GRs.


The idea is good, the execution is in most cases horrid.

But as stated, pretty much every class has at least one easy dungeon. I did this season Marauder dungeon for DH, success on the first try. For crusader the easiest is the Invoker, the Arachyr is insanely easy for WD, etc. Just pick the one you can always do with minimal effort.


Ironically, even a more general use set like Akkhan’s gets pigeon holed into using a specific skill. I was running this season trying out a blessed shield 'sader using Akkhans and new 3 bonus sets, but was slightly annoyed when I got to the set dungeon which required a Condemned build.


Maybe if they made some of the more and most difficult ones easier people would actually enjoy doing them. Now the best way to master a dungeon to get that one dungeon mastered is doing Necros rathma set one.

I on the other hand didn’t want to make a necro this season and went the masochistic way mastering the UE Multishot one and oh boy during the attempts to master it I think I cursed more than I usually do in a whole month

I know UE Multishot isn’t the hardest. I even mastered all DHs and Necros set dungeons on previous season on NS server (Europe server player here), but seriously some dungeons have just ridiculous requirements to be mastered… :rage:

Yes cause spending 5 minutes to GG master a set dungeon must be aweful…


I don’t kno if this is true or not bc I haven’t done all the set dungeons. If it’s true tho bliz should nerf them some, just not too heavily as there is some sense of satisfaction and relief when completing set dungeons because they actually have an iota of challenge in a game that is otherwise not challenging at all.

I remember one video from youtube were Quin69 mastered the Armor of Akkhan set dungeon. If you seen his reaction you’d know what I meant by ridiculous…

His reaction is at 7:04


I don’t think it’s so much the difficulty as…“Why are we doing these?” There are no rewards, they don’t unlock anything, some are really difficult and some are really awkward. It’s another…arbitrary…hoop to jump through. Think of the development time that went into them, when we could have had new maps, or better balanced maps, or even new quests. God forbid they pulled people from Itemization.


Actually, there are rewards, and you do unlock things.

2 pairs of wings and and 12 pennants, for the pre-necro classes


Set dungeons are indicative of how a lot of design has gone for this game: take an interesting idea and implement it horribly. If they put a little more thought into some of these ideas, they actually might be enjoyable.

Yes, most people hate set dungeons, but the nice part is they are optional 99.99% of the time. The only time they are not an optional is to get the stash tab which requires you to do one a season, so master ONE set dungeon every 3 months for 1.25 years. Pick the easiest for your class and bang it out. The easiest ones are doable for most players in 4 or 5 tries. There are guides on all of these and you can have a friend clear the trash for you. People make this way harder than it is.

It is going to be interesting to see how much forum uproar there is when they add the 7 new sets with I presume will be 7 new set dungeons.


Did not know about the pennants…

I assume that is completion & mastery for each class?

You assume waaay too much. IMO

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Read the dungeon requirements. Lower your killing dps. Some set dungeons are easy; others are tough. Web search for online guides (Diablofans, Iceyviens, TeamBRG, etc).

I did the necro Rathma set dungeon past 4 seasons. It is extremely easy.


The biggest issue that I see with them is that they haven’t kept up with the continual power creep.

When set dungeons were first released, you only had to purposefully gimp yourself on maybe 1-2 of them.

Now? You have to gimp yourself on ALL of them, to the point of removing every piece of gear except your set bonus and a yellow weapon.

I saw Invoker mentioned here, and you literally have to stay in one place and just let the spear-chuckers hit you, actively AVOIDING some of the spears so that you don’t instantly kill them with your baseline thorns damage. Otherwise, you fail because all the mobs died before they could hit you.

This isn’t even mentioning some of the more retarded requirements, like, say, Firebirds (Go get yourself killed 5 times! Except don’t actually die, just half-die!).

What’s more, a number of the mastery requirements can be completely negated with one of the immunity amulets, or even a high lvl Gizzard.

All sets need to be changed to just this.

Completion: Kill all the mobs. No time limit.
Mastery - Kill all the mobs. 2 minute time limit or so (Varying depending on class).

We could potentially even keep the two “bonus” objectives as a mini reward - Completing either bonus objective grants players a Pool of Reflection bonus. This turns Set Dungeons into quick-n-easy Pool of Reflection gatherers, since everybody has 1 easy set.


I don’t do them, none, never. The End.