Season 26 - Idea - Overload - 2 runes per active Skill - 6 Passive skills

It is just I didn’t play that much others classes so I cannot speak for them. Also I wanted to keep the post size quite small. People often complain when I post too much details. Feel free to list any interesting combinations for other classes.

Aha nice, divergent opinions.
I think some combinations are interesting in their intrinsic modifiers, but surely not boost outrageously damage. Having 6 active skills modified by 12 runes can lead to unprecedented builds, and somehow change a little bit the way we play the game. I feel this proposal being balanced and reasonable for a seasonal theme. The very fact it needs testing is precisely because it allows lots of combinations, and this is precisely what Diablo 3 are returning to the game. To test, test, test.

I agree. With 6 slots you can slot more leech / defense / speed / CDR along with traditional modifiers. The 6 Passives are indeed focused on improving Quality of Life rather than improving damage.


All runes is unwanted because it would nullify the few items in the game (amulet, bracers) that already activate all runes.

Selected runes already activate when selected.
What do you wish for exactly ?