Season 23 | The Disciples of Sanctuary | Has Ended

please don’t leave it like this rathma set
i spent time with rathma on ptr 40+ hour i reached rank 1 lvl 150 10:03 time cost me 500+ keys, rank 2 guy have 12k+ paragon it was very difficult to pass it
I know all weaknesses this set
phase 2 big rathma nerf i reached lvl 120 die 6+ times 1 shot everyting me and i have 7400 paragon 1.200.000 hp
guys did you see army of the dead death valley rune, coolest skill in the game i loved
but we cant pick this rune because stupid nayr’s black death two handed weapon in cube and only working poison runes
this need fix nayr’s black death stack with the same elements doesnt stack different elements we can pick now death valley rune easy fix :grinning:
new final patch notes, some things are good but not enough

final notes %9000 developers tell us take golem but doesnt work golem poison rune cost corpses we cant use always because stupid nayr’s black death And it doesn’t add too much damage %8500 to %9000 nothing

2 piece needs to change = add all minions no longer expire
6 piece needs to change = active minion increases the damage of Army of the Dead and Bone Spirit by 500%, up to 13500%

with %13500 7 skeleton 10 revive and 10 skeletal mages
rathma shield passive = after using land of the dead,simulacrum,army of the dead take 80% reduced damage for 8 seconds

(final patch notes) Bonds of C’Lena = Army of the Dead deals 75% to 100% increased damage or double this bonus against an active target of Command Skeletons.

(“double this bonus against an active target of Command Skeletons”) i didn’t like this, this build not elite hunting build, this is area dmg build

Bonds of C’Lena = Army of the Dead deals 400% increased and deals an additional 5% increased damage for 10 seconds each time minions hits an enemy Maximum of 40 stacks

with this changes this build can do maximum lvl 145 @9000 paragon

I wrote before ty for teleport fix
and mirror images need better AI sometimes they don’t attack and they run away

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