Please fix wizard teleport animation

its lazy long animation duration not smooth useless

The fix actually already exists: it’s in Archon Teleport.

The Archon Teleport animation scales with attack speed (since patch 2.4.3).

At high attack speed (e.g. with Vyr’s) the Archon Teleport animation is actually extremely fast and fluid.

If you haven’t played much Vyr’s and it’s not obvious because of the cooldown after each cooldown, try using Cosmic Strand with Vyr’s. Removing the cooldown between every second teleport makes it very obvious that the Archon Teleport is extremely fast at high attack speeds. Way more fluid than regular Teleport with it’s fixed animation length.

The regular Teleport never received this change, it has a fixed animation length regardless of your attack speed. Making it scale with attack speed too would help. Wouldn’t make much of a difference at medium attack speeds (and would actually be worse at very low attack speeds like when using a 2-hand weapon), but could help improve the fluidity of regular Teleport for builds with higher attack speed (e.g. farm builds with Echoing Fury).

There will still be the issue of the forced global cooldown between non-Wormhole teleports. But if your complaint is solely about the animation fluidity, the solution is simple: make it scale with attack speed like the Archon Teleport animation does.