Thanks for listening, gives the player hope.
Now also a slight buff to the new Necro set and we’re good to go.
And next season pls…pls buff/rework all the WD sets (WDs also want some love ) .
Thanks for listening, gives the player hope.
Now also a slight buff to the new Necro set and we’re good to go.
And next season pls…pls buff/rework all the WD sets (WDs also want some love ) .
I support killing rat runs as much as the next person but why can people not play for fun? They seem to only be able to play if it is the ‘most efficient’ way rather than the ‘most fun’ way.
Efficiency is fun for many people. Blizzard should try to make sure those things that are fun are also efficient.
I don’t see much gain in just replacing rat runs with firebird. That solves nothing. They need to get to a point where many different build are so close to each other that you can choose between then without significant efficiency concerns.
Also, kill/nerf zDPS. With fire. Pure dps teams should be viable. For the same reason as above, fun <=> efficient.
This please! They should probably have their dmg penalty applied to the proc. If not, maybe not proc FB6 at all, or only mirror the blades when you do, like marauder and masquerade.
I don’t mind if the images are there per se, but they shouldn’t be doing all the damage.
Since Rathma is not getting a rework and it’s worse than before … can we change the name to 6-Forgotten Souls set? It’s just ridiculous… DH has a 60k multiplier on Balista set, 35k multiplier on UE set … and necro gets … 8500 … ah sorry 9000 … Just make the set what it was supposed to be … THE PET BUILD for the necro, The Real PET BUILD … The Real Army of the Dead Set … All The Necro out there UNITE, Every other class has a chilling build As a matter of fact… Barb and DH TOP Builds are right-click and go … just right click and go, … why not Necro? Or like I was initially just with a little less Damage, as for Rathma Shield … since necro does not have Damage Reduction turn it into a Band Of Might, Halo Of Karini, Elusive Ring, like a trigger, come on Blizz Listen to The Comunity … Don’t Destroy the most beautiful set in the game don’t Turn it in “Forgotten Souls Set” !! #ReworkRathma !! stop giving what you want and give us what we are asking !!!
P.S. FilthieRich I hope our messages get to your people !!!
the problem with Rats is … it only works in Multiplayer (unless you are a god gamer / or you hateyourself ) … in Single Player it starts working after you are fully capped in Cooldowns and 1500+ paragon … so i would rather see them make it work in Single Player and then remove some Damage from Multiplayer … I would prefer to do Rats in single player rather than multiplayer !!!
I agree with you, right now many hours of testing and sending feedbacks are wasted with some ridiculous decisions like last Firebird nerf
Immortal minions : until unskill/unequip, they don’t take damage, do not expire, stay alive after your death
Items : Jesseth, Bone Ringer, Nayr, Jairo, Obsid., CoE, Fate’s Vow, Scarlet Death, Bloodsong, Golden Gorget
Pure Pet Set as wanted by community.
this is just an idea … the community has many
I think Deathwish bonus should not applied on ignite dmg
It’d avoid the build based on channeling on FB…
and a bit less nerf on FB is nice
Totally agree, this sad news is big bellypunch so nothing fun coming up in S23… better start looking for alternative similar games then - Devs pls. unnerf a bit <3 bring some happpiness back into FB’s little santuary.
Nice good news.
Then pls pls pls, make the changes to include, that the most damage build does not use deathwish.
That will be truly great.
please don’t leave it like this rathma set
i spent time with rathma on ptr 40+ hour i reached rank 1 lvl 150 10:03 time cost me 500+ keys, rank 2 guy have 12k+ paragon it was very difficult to pass it
I know all weaknesses this set
phase 2 big rathma nerf i reached lvl 120 die 6+ times 1 shot everyting me and i have 7400 paragon 1.200.000 hp
guys did you see army of the dead death valley rune, coolest skill in the game i loved
but we cant pick this rune because stupid nayr’s black death two handed weapon in cube and only working poison runes
this need fix nayr’s black death stack with the same elements doesnt stack different elements we can pick now death valley rune easy fix
new final patch notes, some things are good but not enough
final notes %9000 developers tell us take golem but doesnt work golem poison rune cost corpses we cant use always because stupid nayr’s black death And it doesn’t add too much damage %8500 to %9000 nothing
2 piece needs to change = add all minions no longer expire
6 piece needs to change = active minion increases the damage of Army of the Dead and Bone Spirit by 500%, up to 13500%
with %13500 7 skeleton 10 revive and 10 skeletal mages
rathma shield passive = after using land of the dead,simulacrum,army of the dead take 80% reduced damage for 8 seconds
(final patch notes) Bonds of C’Lena = Army of the Dead deals 75% to 100% increased damage or double this bonus against an active target of Command Skeletons.
(“double this bonus against an active target of Command Skeletons”) i didn’t like this, this build not elite hunting build, this is area dmg build
Bonds of C’Lena = Army of the Dead deals 400% increased and deals an additional 5% increased damage for 10 seconds each time minions hits an enemy Maximum of 40 stacks
with this changes this build can do maximum lvl 145 @9000 paragon
I wrote before ty for teleport fix
and mirror images need better AI sometimes they don’t attack and they run away
No, you are all wrong. Reverting just 6pc is not enough, because you also need to account legacy Etched Sigil fix, which all top clears were using.
Overall nerf to Firebird is about 20 tiers:
If they revert only 6pc, the set will be nerfed by about 16 tiers, not 10, which is still too much (Etched Sigil is 2.5x nerf so 6 additional tiers).
If they also revert 4pc to 100 stacks then set will be nerfed by about 12 tiers, which is still high, but maybe it will be enough to make Wizards viable in group play and at last replace rat xp runs with Firebird runs.
Everyone is already tired with rat runs, which have been meta for many seasons. We were so hyped for the new Firebird set and the main focus of redesigning it should be to make it viable in high end play, otherwise what is the point of redesign if it won’t be used because there are much better and more efficient alternatives, especially if everyone is fed up with these alternatives?
The way Deathwish works in the context of the current itemization is indeed very problematic.
It has so many interactions with other Wizard builds that don’t revovle around channelling, and even if it is not the best legendary for all of these builds, it kinda remains like a looming threat. You could see that in the current season.
It would not require much to change Deathwish to only make it work with Channelling Skills. Just let Deathwish increase the damage of Disintegrate, Arcane Torrent and Ray of Frost.
It can even remain at its current damage multiplier, which would not be much for channelling skills, but it still remove its potential to seek its way into many other Wizard builds, which is a good thing.
Its damage multiplier can be adjusted on the PTR or in a later patch.
WDs really need some attention.
Viva la firebire, thanks for the update
Very good, I hope it is a good unnerf.
While you’re at it, please unnerf GoD as well!
By the way, i didn’t see any info about NoSeason leaderboards. Will they be reset?
Yes. When the patch goes live. The CM said it in one of his posts.
Edit Found it
I don’t get it either. One of the main skill that necromancers are known for is their ability to summon minions to do their dmg. The one set that was reserved for a minion setup is now going away from that.
If they absolutely want to turn rathma into a AoTD set, I think they should make adjustments to fate’s vow to possibly increase the damage and/or grant multiple rune effect.