Season 22 | Shades of the Nephalem | Has Ended

Sooooo what’s the point of the 4th cube slot if it doesn’t stack with any of the other slots. Do they mean you can’t stack two of the same item or…?


You can’t stack two CoE’s and get 400%

But you can use a CoE and a Zodiac ring for example, and still get the benefit of both.

Ok cool thank you very much


@FilthieRich: is there any way console players can get some support regarding the early Season 22 start that occurred yesterday?


They cant even post in Console section!

According to ppl who played early their toons still say Seasonal but just cant continue them thus we suspect you will by Friday when S22 launches meaning those that did play early will get to continue their toons and have an advantage.

Some folks did 600 paragon plus before it was shut off so wont be a big deal by the looks of it.

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I think I saw ONE account of that, but the vast majority of people’s Season 22 Toons have been converted to Non-Seasonal. Items in stash are in the mailbox and everything.

wait, what? Seriously? I hadn’t followed the PTR at all, since I’m on console and can’t participate, but if this is the case, that’s a total JOKE. I play HC, so that’s gonna be a real bummer…I guess, another reason why not to play s22.

mine has the seasonal leaf next to it at the main character selection screen, and when selected it, shows “seasonal”, but says season ended. There is nothing in the mailbox for seasonal cache with a NS character.

I’m not holding my breath that we’ll be able to start where we left off either - my guess is that there’s a weird bug where the character is in limbo - not fully rolled to NS status, but unplayable as seasonal come tomorrow.

The Clones can’t kill you directly, reflect damage does hence your DH will avoid the spinners from shrines when you have Nems equipped…the spinners can reflect the Clones attacks too hence increased risk of reflect damage from clones.

If your toon still says Seasonal I’m pretty confident you will be able to resume playing it once S22 launches.

Yes, I realise the clones can’t kill me directly. But, they are stupid, and will attack sand dwellers and dervishes etc. The reflection is random, so if my character is anywhere near the bad mobs, RIP HC character. And since you can’t control what the clones do…and what they attack…

Pretty much avoid all pylons/shrines in s22 seems to be the way to go then in s22…which makes the season totally CRAP imho.

Good thinking Blizzard - NOT. Do they even test this seasonal crap before deploying? Nope…

I suspect my character will be in limbo - not a full NS character, but unplayable as seasonal. I guess time will tell and prove me right or wrong.


I definitely won’t be going anywhere near Nemesis this time around; those Dune Dervishes are powerful enough already without adding AI-controlled attacks against them. Let me guess…they’ll wait for the spinning to start before firing, too, right? Kind of reminds me of DII hirelings immediately going after the worst elites on the map.

To be fair, my interest in this season has nothing to do with the clones. I want to see what that fourth slot will do for me. They could remove the clone thing altogether and I’d still be interested.

What time will S22 start on Nintendo Switch?

My assumption is that this date and time is the same for all platforms.

Season 22 Shades of the Nephalem is officially live!


really? should I log out once? yeah why not…

No, it is not. Servers are down again.

Season 22 servers NOW DOWN!

The irony of “Season Now Live” :man_facepalming:

got 34200 when I tried to log-off, hoping my record (even it’s not much) will remain…

good job blizzard! server down