Season 21 PTR - Organized DH Feedback Thread! 🏹

That’s not a fair comparison due to seasons theme. That helped WW barbs a bit with flexibility and power. Your 132 in seasons would have been about 128 on NS at that same paragon.

I don’t disagree with the premise, hell I won’t argue with being able to do GR 140 under 4k paragon with the suggested buffs, just saying the comparison you used is a bit disingenuous.

Okay, true the season theme helped Barbs a little. I still don’t think DH is at the same level of Barb though, even without the season bonus. I can try to to GR128 with only 2k paragon but I think I would need to drop Convention of Elements or switch to Endless Walk (so I could use Elusive). The toughness of the GoD build is way behind WW Barb.

QoL: Strafe should display the 5 seconds of defense on its icon or have a green bar at top.

QoL: It would also be nice if Odyssey End gained the Chain Gang or Heavy Burden Rune.


Much yes to both of these.

Some new theme bug that is allowing 1 DH (1739 paragon) to do a GR150. Saw another player do a Wiz, WD, and a Necro do 150 GR. 2 Crusadors done 150 GR, and fifteen barbs. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

All of these are seasonal GR’s.

I failed to see the thread about this. Season Theme Feedback - No Area Damage% 150 as zDPS still possible - #8 by MysticGlow-1734

Seasonal theme is allowing this to happen. One chap showed area damage procced the effect massively while playing ZBarb. Then Rob2490210 or whatever did a 150 in 15:24 today with no area damage so it’s season 19 all over again.

Edit: Blizz have said they’re going to nerf the area damage thing.

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Big Update! New Section Added!

I added a section called “Iria’s List of Recommendations” and merged it with the other issues section. At the moment there are 9 items in that list but I can add more as I get more ideas.

This is my list of recommendations, not yours, so if you don’t like something on that list too bad! If you have a good idea with some explanations or reasoning behind it, I can add it to my list. I’m also adding to the bug list section as I see more bugs or read about them on the forum from multiple sources.


This is so wrong, the design of the set clearly says… you have stacks and you can lose them. What can you do to not lose them? Shoot your primary yourself. So… no, by design the set is not intended to be constantly strafing period.
Also I’ve seen another misunderstanding of yours. If you go to any top tier barb video on youtube… you’re going to see that they do cast rend manually, and why is that? Because the rend applied by Ambo’s pride doesn’t proc area dmg, so in a way you think you’re already doing the highest dmg you can with the set… but because of a “bug” (I don’t know if it’s intended or not) your area dmg doesn’t worth anything for the rends applied by whirlwind from Ambo’s Pride.

Tried more variations of the set, anything to stay alive and kill at the same time, it was very difficult to do. [At almost paragon 1100] Actually pushed the set to do 105’s, but kept procking cheat death or dying or both. When S21 starts, I cannot see my self pushing to 100, the GoD set can’t handle it. It’s very weak offensively and doubly weak defensively. When I attempt to beef up the defense via gems or passives, the set can’t kill. I have no idea why all the hype on this set because it is no where near the high level the other sets that the other classes use. I don’t know, maybe I’m playing the set wrong ( I have watched a few YouTube videos on it and playing as instructed), but this set just can’t kill at high GR’s strafing or using the primary skills. Its like I am using the strafe skill and the bar never moves on the elite pack, same goes for using the primary. Forget about Bolas or Entangling Shot, those 2 skills suck worse. Blizzard needs to fix this set for us HC players because no one will use it unless to farm in T16 or do Bounties.

As for the Impale’s Holy Point Shot, the 75 to 100% for chance of damage is pathetic. I want this set to be the leading RGK, and this ain’t doing it. Very disappointed after looking forward to what were supposed to be drastic improvements. At least the Impale will get me to maybe 110 or higher in S21 in HC.

It would be nice to be able to use Captain Crimson, or Aughilds with GoD. At the moment though, mostly considering the set is new and a “meta” isn’t quite settled upon, it’s nice to see the build itself has lots of variants at the moment. But Wraps of Clarity and Hunters Wrath and Depth Diggers are all too good and doesn’t allow access to the smaller sets.

Depending really however an individual decides to build their GoD6, be it super tanky or more glass cannon. Tanky aint really gonna grant you any trophies on the leaderboard minus the few people that don’t mind participation trophies. And if you follow DiE’s route of being mostly glass cannon and using Entangling Shot, I feel like it’s gonna eventually be another UE build where only top-tier players are able to push using unique mechanics like stutterstepping. Some more Damage Reduction would definitely help here.

Comparing GoD6 to Shadow Impale in PTR 2.0, I’m able to push up to Gr125 on both builds at p2800~. I think both builds how I have them set up are fairly similar in toughness. It’d be interesting to see what a seasonal character could do without this lame seasonal theme we’re gonna have, it doesn’t do the build any favors in terms of further testing. I’m assuming they’re gonna have atleast 1 more PTR patch, and hopefully it’ll put GoD6 more in line with other god-tier class/builds…

I was able to clear Gr125 on PTR with the new Holy Point Shot while clearing Gr122 in Season 20. I don’t feel the added damage on HPS is that significant. Another problem that falls in line with being able to push higher Grifts is the increased incoming dmg as well. I had to use Elusive Ring instead of CoE to clear that Gr125 btw…=( It’s not like the Achieves Theme is transferring over to next season, or to nonseason. Impale has to go back to using Aquilas as well, that’s automatically a 10% dmg reduction loss if you choose to try to use CoE over Elusive Ring.

Honestly I still hate the Holy Point Shot buff. I know I’m mimicking a broken record here. But HPS was already hard as hell to find a good one, must less to find a good ancient, gawd forbid the disappointment of getting a primal. Someone said to make the buff equivalent if added more damage onto Karleis Point would have to be like 800% or something…? Why not do that instead.

Impale RGK still has major issues with RG’s that spawn adds

I don’t know if Bolas is supposed to be, or should be, used for solo pushing. Why theres an added dmg multipler on a utility based weapon is beyond me. I feel like it’s supposed to be used for ZDps DH, or utility based used in cohesion with Hungering Arrow.

Good lord, I hate these damned things…Moreso Sand Dwellers…Sand Dwellers half the time you can’t even see their ring activated to see if they’re reflecting attacks or not. But both for GoD6 and moreso Impale, you simply can’t fight these. For Impale, it doesn’t matter if it’s the primary hit or the secondary hit from Ricochet or Overpenetration, you’re still dead. How hard would it be just to make it reflect back 25% dmg or something…?

Until you explained it to me earlier today, I was so confused why some elites were dying almost instantly. While enjoyable, it’s clear it shouldn’t be happening…Maybe Hungering Arrow itself just needs to deal more dmg…? Cause killing elites or even RG just takes too damn long, even with Stricken. Stricken is basically required imo, if I use Gogok and fighting RG, it can take almost 2min to do 25% of it’s health.

Basically what I was replying to #1. I feel like going this route is gonna end up required to be god/top tier and end up in the same position UE is currently in. Most people just won’t be able to do it. Example of Season 20 and only 5-6 UE have pushed from rank 10-70. Granted more people will likely play GoD6 next season and we’ll see more of the build in the higher ranks overall, or should, hopefully.

I still feel like the new SoJ is aimed towards Shadow Impale to make it easier to itemize between neck, wrists, off-hand. But it has potential to be so much more. Even if its aimed more towards Impale theres really no place to fit it between Rose, CoE, Elusive Ring, and no Achieves theme.

Even if used for builds like GoD6 HA+ES/Bolas, it still has minimal effect when dealing dmg with the utility based abilities when you’re only using them every now and then.

Huge agreement regarding Squirts. This again adds to the argument that this is/should be only used by god/top tier players that are actually capable of stutterstepping and avoiding most incoming dmg. The average joe will only see benefits from it when doing speed runs…And it’s doing more bad than good because of the huge 50% incoming dmg and minimal ineffective ways to absorb dmg to prevent it from happening. Theres the apparently flaw in the item when even the top tier players have trouble keeping the buff active.


“Damage reduction from the GoD 4-piece bonus does not have an icon.” is listed twice.

What I meant really is that I think if you have 20% fire on neck, 20% cold on bracers, 20% physical on quiver. It should equal 60% to whatever element your skills are. Would be bit easier to itemize builds, but would SoJ even be used then for it? shrug It’s still lackluster except for UE Speed builds.

Fixed, and added a 10th recommendation regarding Taeguk.

@Altair, thanks for the reply. when i wrote that, the current builds on top weren’t on top. glad someone smarter than me came by and improved on what i was figuring out lol. i tried their builds, and find that i agree with your takeaway from the set. running both entangling and hungering makes for a potent damage build, and feels pretty fluid for maintaining momentum stacks.

with the hungering/entangling cold damage build, im kind of feeling that damage is about right. i would still contend that the damage should be increased slightly to promote variety in builds, but i am no longer sure that is necessary.

again, appreciate the feedback! im pretty set on playing DH this upcoming season now with the Nat/GoD hybrid for farm and cold GoD for ladder. should be fun.

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I do think there could be a reduction in the time it needs to stack, but I do like the need to play around the fact that you take more damage. But then I like most damage bonuses that have a requirement to your play-style to actually work.

Do you think that the gem should then also get a reduction to 60%? Because the armor buff of 20% is allready a pretty good buff, probably one of the reason Barbs can get away with taking less defensive options in higher GR’s (20% armor comes to about 15% added toughness for a strength or dexterity character), this would make it a logical thing to have other downsides.

I don’t expect them to fix this and it could be a reason to not run DH speed groups.

Elites with spinner minions are spawning too often when you take pylon while wearing Nemesis bracers.

That’s really unfortunate then, there shouldn’t be a single mob type that prevents an entire class from speed runs.


Agreed. If you are going to die often and make your party wait for you each time, until you get new pools… that is not going to work.

I completely agree that bolas need some help, but even if they were on par, I don’t see anyone going that route to push their limits. Simply because fishing for missile dampening elites gives you free progress on a HA build. Which is pretty sad btw…

Man, I realized that too, I even saw a streamer wondering “how did I kill this elite”!

I would not like to fish for Missiles, I hope this is fixed.