Seaonal on console has been broken

How? How do cheaters ruin the experience? Because they have higher spots on the leaderboards? So do the ‘legit’ no-lifers and better players who also have higher spots on the leaderboards also ‘ruin the experience’?

Face facts. The only thing the ‘cheaters’ ‘ruin’ is the leaderboards, and the leaderboards are
a) utterly broken anyway
b) only a tiny percentage of the playerbase care about them.

For the vast majority of players, nothing is changed by the fact there are, gasp!, players who cheat. Our drop rates are the same, we can push to the same GR levels - nothing, absolutely nothing about our game experience is changed. And if they were being honest, many of those protesting loudest about cheaters would admit nothing about their game is changed either; they ain’t getting top spots botters or no botters. Is your experience really ruined because instead of being ranked #688 you’re #791? If yes, that’s on you - why let botters ruin your ‘whole experience’ over tiny part of the game that is ultimately trivial and meaningless?

Get rid of all cheaters, most players wouldn’t notice. Triple the number, and yep, it wouldn’t be noticed. It’s not a big deal. What do you lose? A higher leaderboard spot? Come on, unless you’re #1, or could be, no one cares.

The fact that there are leaderboards, broken or not, states that there will be people who care about them. It doesn’t matter if you don’t care about them, others will. I’ve stated this about other topics too. If Blizzard supports it as a feature in the game, it’s on their end to support the characters who like the feature, be it one person or one million people.

Are they broken? Yes. Are they a small percentage of players who are on them? Yes. Do I personally care about them? No. But it’s not my place to complain about them for the people who do like them. This gets into my pet peeve of “The only true way to play the game is …”, because there’s no such thing as a true way.

And it’s not always about what others care about when aiming for the leaderboard. Some people take self gratification from it, and there’s nothing wrong with that.


I shouldn’t have to explain this.

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if you don’t want to grind, why are you playing a loot driven RNG grind game? Play some other game that doesn’t have grind, rather than cheating.

So, legit players can’t get upset with cheaters/modders, but cheaters/modders can get upset with legit players. Righto…

And that “fun” ruins the game for other legit players…so, why does your “fun” trump our “fun”?

Because they don’t want to follow the rules…

so, those few percent who care about them can have their hard work weakened because others want to cheat and not EARN their spot on the LBs? Righto…

The LBs aren’t broken. They’re a competition. In order to rank you have to be either good at the game, or farm paragon. or both. I’ve had no problems ranking high on the LBs with low paragon on a repeated basis. If I can do it, then so can others. They just need to make an effort and develop their skills and knowledge of the game.

Taking the easy way out and cheating/modding is not being competitive. It’s like insisting you have to be on a motorcycle in a 400m sprint cos you get tired from running.

And please don’t give me the “it’s only a game” excuse. That doesn’t give you the right to cheat.

You say that leaderboards are utterly broken., but that is because of cheaters.

You stated:

And if they were being honest, many of those protesting loudest about cheaters would admit nothing about their game is changed either; they ain’t getting top spots botters or no botters. Is your experience really ruined because instead of being ranked #688 you’re #791?

Your assumption that people who play legit cannot or will not be able to compete and place near or at the top would be erroneous. I consistently place in top 10 every season, often placing in top 3 and sometimes take #1. I do not partake in any of the reforge exploits, character reviving, save wizard, or modded gear.

I’m sure Homerjnick would concur, as he has placed at the top and also plays legit.

Needless to say, seasonal play is for competing, and should be based on legit play. Cheating doesn’t belong there.


The fact that this game has leaderboards. To me says cheating be it non season or season should not be tolerated. I back the idea of sanity checks, and not just on items but resources as well.


For sure! Sanity checks should exist beyond just legendary gems. Materials would be difficult to accurately check though. Even if they put a cap on how many materials you can have, players would just do that and reload new characters with new mats when ever they wanted more; the end result would be just as it is now but just adding a slight inconvenience.

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Completely irrelevant. They are broken DUE to cheating and whether people who enjoy leaderboards or not in Seasons is irrelevant…some do play for them, they are part of the game and cheating 100% spoils that.

This is not about the value of leaderboards, we all have different views on that…this is about spoiling it for those who value it highly given it is a core part of the game in Seasons.

Just because you or cheaters do not care is irrelevant to those that do care about the boards.


then all of you start playing on pc and stop being pansies. so many cry babies here either join or go away. no one needs your opinion. if you want to cry cry to your momma and let her know how you feel. its still not going to do anything since the people like you that bought the game own the rights the the game and the save file there is nothing that can be done and anything actions taken against a modded player is illegal on console soly for that purpose. so go suck your own lolly pops all of you babies.

Just play single player no need for online d3 is a easy 24hr blow thro with no replay value

PC yeah? That platform plagued with botters and cheaters yeah?

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But single player in Seasons can still compete? Ruined by cheaters…you are missing the point.

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again… then all of you start playing on pc and stop being pansies. so many cry babies here either join or go away. no one needs your opinion. if you want to cry cry to your momma and let her know how you feel. its still not going to do anything since the people like you that bought the game own the rights the the game and the save file there is nothing that can be done and anything actions taken against a modded player is illegal on console soly for that purpose. so go suck your own lolly pops all of you babies.

Funny how involved you are in retorting…

Sounds like you’re whining about whiners. If it truely doesn’t matter to you, then why such the effort to voice your counter view point?

You are clueless.

The editing of saves and cheating is against the T&C’s of the PSN.

I quote:

27.6. Do not do any of the following in connection with Authorised Systems, PSN or Products:

27.6.1. emulate them;

27.6.2. disrupt their operation;

27.6.3. use any unauthorised hardware or software;

27.6.4. avoid any authentication, encryption or security measures;

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this is only for nintendo and ea games. thats the point of them making season play. since duplicating items through the in game glitch is only permitted in non season its not cheating. and since modders are in the top spots on the leader boards and you people can tell they are obviously modded i just dont understand why you are complaining since you can tell who is modded and who isnt by the actual times on the leaderboards for those that arent modded. You all just want something to complain about since you dont have a life. I am a disabled vet so this is fun for me to watch you people let a game and some modders ruin your day. Your all hillarious in your stupid ways. you want the modding to stop get a job with blizzard and make it stop. other than that. they just dont care. so i advise you all to live your life play your games and enjoy them while you can. no reason to always be fighting with other players for the way they play. This is the stuff that causes sepparation between people. there is no reason for that. so i urge you all to pull your heads out of you butts and come to gether as a community and stop fighting over nonsence. and maybe if blizzard didnt make season this wouldnt be happening cause there would be no competition. Diablo was built to bring a community of like minded players together to have fun and play together in groups. it was never meant for competative play.

and just to clarify. I do this to help new people out so they dont get scared away by the grind of the game. I only run modded gear on my character and i only have one so the rest of my stuff is legit so players can acutally check my builds and make legit classes with them. 9 out of 10 time the modders are there just to help and you have to find the right ones so your not getting hated on either and you can get the help in the game that you are looking for. Players can play with who ever they want but its better to ask questions about why they have the gear that they have and why they are doing that to their game experience. I am soly someone that is a helper on switch. i dont play the game to grind for myself since i can do it easily with or without mods or cheats. This just ended up being a new gaming experience for me. So if any of you that play on the switch would like help getting what they need the legit way and getting some good gear out of it and some levels and even some mats. I am down to how those people out that dont judge others for the way they play. I AM THE DIABLO GAMING HELP. If you want to take up my offer i look forward to seeing you in my server. where the sky is the limit. I do not have modders in my server.

There’s only 1 reason to be friends with modders: duped cosmetics. That’s it. There’s no better way to get all transmogs, pets, frames, etc.

yeah, it is the only way to get some cool wings that were put into the game but never released for reasons.

I don’t think anyone has any issue with that that I am aware of, Since they can just make those wings available to everyone if they really wanted to.

you guys are so stupid. you can get what ever you want or just play the game normal. there is no judgement unless you bring it to the server. so do what you want im just trying to help players out. you guys are too up tight to get what you want and not complaine so i cant help you good. Good Luck