Seaonal on console has been broken

As I quote Sony terms…are you just literally not understanding or just trolling?

FlasyGinger…you seem to lack a braincell or two…cheating in any game that has competitive play is wrong…whether anyone values that competitive play personally is irrelevant but the fact is cheating detracts from those that play properly.

You understand that? You understand not everyone cheats, not everyone knows about cheaters and when cheaters cheat it spoils the game for those that play as the developers intended. You understand you shouldn’t have to cheat to play a game competitively as it was developed?

Anything else is just a pathetic excuse.


Unless you bring it to the server” - wonder if it would help to understand what this is saying.

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I think Mr.Potato thinks Switch has servers. He might be talking about PC servers, but that wouldn’t make any sense either.

Moral of the story: don’t eat glue, kids.


He is coming into a conversation where he seems to lack a lot of real information and has no understanding of the Console version of D3 and how it operates.


Unhinged child. Why are the forums flooded with so many of them lately?

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He is troll. Nothing more. Bad player making excuses to think cheating is ok. Lulw

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you guys are idiots im talking about the discord server numb nuts. Oh wait you guys complain about people playing games. I forgot that you dont have a life or a BRAIN. Lmao

and im actually an incredible player that gets paid by blizzard to sponsore their game. even with the cheating since they encourage me to test it and see what happens. aka “Go to the modded lobbies and see how broke it makes the game and to help others have a good experience”. so hope that makes you feel better.

I asked it as I thought there might be something in it people would support.

But go right ahead, lose your bundle over it.

Nothing to see here imo.

[ Stage Direction: Pet him on the head whilst rolling eyes and sighing. ]

Of course you are.

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That tooting one’s own horn sounds eerily familiar. Though that claim of being sponsored by Blizzard is new.

This couldn’t be that same certain person who’s been trolling the PC side as well, right?

Best not feed the troll, laugh and move on.

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Just want to add to this

27.8 Says do not crack,hack,decrypt ,etc

27.11 Which says check with local laws before do anything not permitted in the ToS.

27.11 Is important since copyright and consumer laws vary between countries in one way or another. Its saying check your local laws before you get the funny idea to crack,hack,decrypt or do something that is against the TOS. Still does not make cheating in the presence of other players or on leaders boards ok.

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Someone of us like to toot our own horns once in a while lol

You describe Donald Trump yet we haven’t heard he’s a d3 player… yet… perhaps there is a scoop here…

The simple way very easy: blizz has to save it on there servers!!! Like D2. So nobody can hack save games… Finish of discussion

pretty sure discussion was finished like 6 months ago.

do you even into time stamps, eh? EH??

man you are full of it. You can try and justify your cheating, but you are VERY wrong. duping items is cheaping. NS or seasonal play, it doesn’t matter. modded gear is cheating and should be dealt with on all platforms by both Blizzard and the platform infrastructure. i.e. permanent bans for any players caught using modded gear. Not only ban their account, but ban the licence attached to the game used to cheat. Ban the users’ credit card too. Make it exceptionally difficult for these scum to circumvent the ban(s).


Either way you look at it, duping is an exploit of the game mechanics… exploits are considered cheating.

gamesharks, codebreakers etc are all cheat devices and unless bliz states specifically that duping on consoles is legit (which it’s not otherwise it would be in seasonal play) then it is still considered cheating, no matter how you slice it.

I’m fine with those who want to cheat and dupe etc in their own single player game. I did it… but don’t take it to multiplayer part of the game. If you wanna play non season and play with others, create a new character and use that character as the game intended. If you play by yourself and wanna use duping/savescum etc thats fine and dandy…but don’t bring it to online gaming.