Seaonal on console has been broken

You PS players are more than welcome to join us on xbox…

Although there are talks about people being able to duplicate items/legendary gems (not sure I fully believe said rumors are true or not)

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A tell tell sign is the paragon. There is a big difference between games. That is the point of the signs on leaderboards of people cheating. I think you over looked that, but I highly doubt 51% of pc players use bots nor do I think it is even close.

Only for those tall poppies prepared to have their head chopped off :wink:

We recognise Paragon wins, but it also stands out from the crowd.

We’re back to that “most” word.

When discussing console cheating earlier in this thread we progressed the conversation from “most console players” to considering the possibilities of “just those console players at the top of the leaderboard”.

Wonder how would the argument fair if limited to the same on PC. A tricky one to answer since botting is “likely” easily hidden on D3 by simply staying under the radar. “Likely” on the basis it isn’t being monitored by the platform providers.

Wonder also if there is a sweet spot to bot where earning paragon is low enough to avoid being noticed but where drops are close to the maximum. Perhaps GR90. Even T16.

The “tell tale” signs start to look like what’s been present in conversations past… Extensive perfect primals up and down the leaderboard.

The most tell tell sign on pc, for botting, is hours played. PC tracks total hours played and can break down to average hours played per day. The debate there is what is actually humanly possible. There are accounts with 22-23 hours played per day.

Unfortunately, it would be easy to only appear to play 6-10 hours a day even if botting for 90% of it.

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Thanks for clarifying that. It’s a meaningful cap on below the radar botting potential, but as you say, still only a cap.

A keen player could legitimately do quite a bit more than 6-10 hours a day, but they would be few and farther between and progressively draw more attention which some botters may shy away from.

Most of the HC players on PS4 are cheating imho. None of them are using a cheat death for starters. Even before the follower revamp. They were straight out offensively geared and skilled. If they die, they just restore from the cloud. I’ve seen my share of posts on a certain Facebook group where HC players have advocated this approach.

I told you so.

even more reason to abandon seasonal play for LBs.

Well, Sony needs to fix their encryption platform. Not hard to roll out a new encryption method via system update on a weekly basis. Make it much, much, much, much harder to crack. All you need to do is make it hard enough that a PC farm cannot crack the encryption in under a week. Sure, a zombie network will crack it, but most of these cheaters won’t do so.

Blizzard MUST introduce online saves…it’s that simple.

That’s what I plan to do when I’m working again and can afford a new XBOX.

edit: I highly doubt that I will buy D3 again though, I will just forgo the game. I want to switch to XBOX cos I’m a huge TES fan. Plus, I think Microsoft have done a way better job of backwards compatibility for games and their hardware on the new XBOX units is open, unlike the closed hardware on the PS5. I don’t like it when a software company tries to dictate hardware to me (hence I’ll also be passing on Windows 11).

Blizzard conveniently hides paragon on consoles…there’s no sane reason to do so, and no explanation from Blizzard. We can’t see follower gear either. Something PC players have been able to do since day dot.

I’ve been saying that for a long, long while. Paragon is an exceptionally bad game mechanic imho. The game doesn’t need it and it should be abolished. You’ll know the cheats, cos they’ll be the Ones screaming the loudest.

well, these days, at least on PS4, they aren’t getting perfect primals with save wizard any longer. It’s now kanai recipes (people have figured out how to abuse fixed RNG on lvl 1 characters and are abusing it). These people abusing it are adamant that they are not cheating.

and I’ll be parts of my body that they are 100% cheating. I am that confident. Sadly, Blizzard’s warden rarely actually bans botters. Even blatantly obvious ones. And, the botters know this and abuse it.

There are ways to detect botting programs (D3 exe installs a system monitor during launch of the game) as an example. The issue is implementing such draconian methods is probably illegal and considered a federal computer crime. I find it amusing, since certain governments can install a backdoor rootkit on your system without your legal permission, and you don’t have a legal leg to stand on. If a government body can do this, then others should be able to as well. The law is the law and no one should be above the law, not even a government.

I will expect modders in future seasons to start selling modded characters on the PS4/5. The easiest way to deal with this is if we ALL stop playing seasons en masse (legit players). Trust me when I say that Blizzard has metrics in place to count player numbers in seasons and if they see a massive drop off and we vocally tell them WHY we have stopped played, they’ll do something. Losing a lot of players doesn’t look good on your quarterly investor statement. Big companies don’t care about customer service - they care about the bottom line and $$$$. I have again said this many times in the past.

Despite the previous naysayers and haters, it’s nice to know that time is proving me right.

You guys know the answer on how to deal with this issue. It’s up to you as to whether or not you start pushing those buttons.

None of the helps, jailbroken PS4 will never be updated and therefore any game that can run on the older firmware of the jailbroken PS4 can be edited. Changing save file encryption keys would only protect new games from now on that require a later firmware than the latest jailbroken…but…

The SAMU chip does encryption for saves using the local user account id, if they changed the SAMU chip encryption keys you goose every current save on peoples PS4’s.


good point. Surely there is a way to detect a jailbroken PS4 and simply disallow it from connecting to the PSN?

Also, devs (of games) working with Sony to syncrhonise a game to ONLY work on Sony’s PSN if it runs the latest version of Sony’s encryption keys is possible too.

keys can be updated…I’ve done it hundreds and hundreds of times on Linux web servers. Didn’t goose the server, or the website data.

Either way, online saves, server side, will fix ALL of these issues.

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They are not on the PSN as you need to be on the latest firmware to do so. Jailbroken PS4’s are isolated to local but you can still put saves on them via USB.

Keys can be updated but you missed my point, every local save encrypted with old keys would break if you changed the keys for save files.

You have your D3 save on your PS4…encrypted with old keys…Sony flash the SAMU chip with new keys…your PS4 then cannot decrypt your save file for D3.

The keys on the SAMU chip take your save and encrypt it based on your local user id, if you used one key to encrypt like your D3 save then inject new keys you cannot decrypt the previously encrypted save file.

Changing SAMU keys breaks everyones save games on their PS4…sure starting new save file will be ok as it will use new keys to encrypt/decrypt but you see the issue.

You can’t replace keys when you have save files encrypted with old keys without breaking the saves.

Watching some streamears this far into the season and they have like 3 to 4k para oding GR140 in around 5 minutes. Only gotten 58 primals as drops so far.

Telling me that among theese 58 you would get your prefered set all primal with perfect stats is just no way. And with that para and playtime to only gotten 58 primals. More casual players at para 1500 or below will most likely not gotten more then 10-15 primals and getting a full set with perfect stats from 15 or so drops is more or less impossible.

Reforging is not the way to go either unlees you know the results beforehand or do the glitch with mats to test all gear for upgrades.

I did try the glitch and got 5 primals in a set, not with perfect stats, and if done without glitch it would have cost me about 10000 bounty mats. Without duplicating bounty caches and getting all these solo would just take a massive amount of time that slows down paragon farming way to much to even make it worth the time.

doesn’t affect seasonal play, I’m not too fussed!


So, Sony’s design is crap. LOL. encryption should always be on the data, not the damn machine end. Sure, the machine has to read the encryption. This is obviously NOT how traditional SSLs work. BAD design Sony, BAD design.

“only” lol…

I did some rough maths on this a few months ago. The odds of getting all 13 item slots primal were mammoth. We’re talking trillions to 1. Of course they are cheating.

I think I’ve had 8-10 primals drop so far.

if you know the kanai recipe, it is. If you have save wizard, it is.

Most players are now using kanai recipes and not brute forcing reforges via unlimited mats courtesy of save wizard.

You clearly are confused and not getting it.

how so? you do know about kanai recipes, right?

But it does affect Seasons…jailbroken PS4 offers the ability to edit saves for Seasonal D3 them a simple transfer of save to non jailbroken PS4 to actually use the save online.

I still think you are not understanding what is happening here.

The PS4 has a SAMU chip with stored encryption keys. When your PS4 creates a save file for a game the encryption keys are used, along with your local PS4 user account to encrypt the data.

The data is encrypted thus if you take that save file to your PC it is encrypted via the encryption keys stored on the SAMU chip.

Thus encryption is on the data. Changing the encryption keys on the SAMU chip would mean a new save file on your PS4 would be encrypted differently to old save files…not a problem until your PS4 tried to read an old save file that was encrypted via the old keys…if those keys are gone from the SAMU chip then how can the PS4 decrypt your old save?

Changing encryption keys on the SAMU chip breaks decrypting older saves that were originally encrypted with the original keys.

Thus it can’t be done, the encryption keys cannot be changed on the PS4 without breaking decrypting older saves because the save file data is encrypted with older keys that you propose to change.

Good point, didn’t think of that!

No, I get it. The whole SAMU chip is a bad design. A VERY bad design.

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How would you like it if someone messed up your gaming experience or life for that matter. What you people are doing by complaining about people finding a way to make the game fun for them is childish. The world is too full of people downing others and worried about what other people are doing. Why cant people leave each other alone. No one is hurting anyone. I personally know modders and they do nothing but help. Wheather it be Lvls, or Gear. They are just really good Power Levelers that take the boring grind out of haveing to find mats or spend hours trying to lvl by yourself. So maybe try being friends and not enemies and the game would be alot more fun and bring more people in.

I’m willing to bet that some people see other people cheating at a competition that they want to take part in fairly as messing up their gaming experience.

Why can’t cheats go away?


You realize people cheating in Seasons ruins the experience for non cheaters? You understand that? Feel free to mod/cheat in non season with no leaderboards BUT cheat in Seasons destroys competitiveness and legit play.

It is abhorrent.

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So is weekly firmware updating and DMR there all bad design as well. Yes lets stop cheating by annoying the Hell out of gamer’s. News flash Xbox and Nintendo do console encryption just like PS4. Xbox one has yet to be completely cracked thanks to better encryption then Sony and Nintendo.

Its been said countless times but Online data has no business being on the console itself. I personally feel Developers and console makers need to pull the bur out of their saddle about cheating in single player games. Unless a single player game has a leader board like D3…then let people cheat if they wish. Modding got bigger and more apparent when dev’s took their hard stance on cheating in single player games.