S26 - the Season of Instaskip

This statement is obvious to the many.

However, trolling threads where people give ample reason why a dev’s idea is bad somehow bothers you.

Why not just let people complain about things and give their reasons?


Who said I was crying? I made a statement that ENs wasn’t going to be the best for HC. It’s pretty well established by many that it isn’t great for HC.

Comprehension is a wonderful thing.

You got in a twist to fast fella. Slow down ole mate. It can help.

Peace out


GR150 turn-in exp is about 438B. So it’s roughly 50% nerf to 800B that was on PTR.

Plus difficulty and drop rate adjustments.

That’s how unpaid shills operate. Any criticism of their favorite company is a capital offense. They find it impossible to have a rational debate about it, because they will ignore any legitimate argument you bring forth.

Which is why they’re impossible to take seriously and you can only ignore them. Suppose I oughta thank him for the bumps!


The extra difficulty for EN is fine but the experience change is iffy. We will have to see how much it is when patch launches.

For instance, if a EN 150 is the same exp as a GR 150, then that might be better exp than regular GR. In a hypothetical scenario where a EN 150 takes 5 minutes while GR 150 pushs takes 14minute and 30 seconds. We will find out next week.

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this ty

i was about have my husband buy game and 2 friends and 9 old clan mates from a year ago were gonna return…

then we all saw the XP Nerf and now they are like yep nope…

Husband said I’ll pass .

I’m pretty pist so many been waiting last year ever Since D4 news to just have fun and get paragon…this was 1st time anyone casual could hit the thousands with ease…

Such a RIP won’t bother this season. last 2 seasons I lost interest because we lose our season themes…

POE does this right they let you keep your goodies and move the themes into regular mode…this why poe still so popular


Haven’t played in a year would most likely be such a bummer to play now with how things are.
One big deal no one has spoken of much is such an overall lower number of people playing.
I’ll bet the numbers go down each season from game.

Some clans that were full two years ago are now full of dead soldiers.
Oh well, all good things come to an end.

You say that like it’s a bad thing. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

I’m enjoying this season.

Yeah so easy to believe since it hasn’t even started yet…

:x: Try again tomorrow.

Here are a few comments

  • EN’s no longer accessible before lvl70 so there goes the incentive to hop right in.
    → You cant get keys before 70, why does this matter? You can in theory still open it at 70 and power level people, since the note states, ‘Opened in a game lower than 70’.

  • EN’s are now much more tedious, removing Shield pylon and other beneficial functionalities of Goldwrap, fire immunity and most Crowd-control possibilities that would’ve allowed us to hang on a little while longer.
    → Yes much more tedious for sure. With the right build/group xp will be great, assuming fast clears. Issue is this expands the gap between casual and top-tier a bit. 2:30-3:00 nightmares is 8-11T/hr w/o using rift keys, which is a huge optimization … and can be shared. So we’re going to see huge paragon from some people.

  • EN’s are instaskip for Necros entirely because of CC removal.
    → Can use rathma, and in theory rathma is solid enough to hit 150 with enough gear. Rest of builds are crap for it.

  • no changes for Hardcore toons perma-dying inside EN, which makes this an instant autoskip for HC entirely, unless you’re a mazochist.
    → I feel this was a huge miss by blizzard. This seems like a massive risk for HC players, if anything.

  • EN’s were already almost negligible as they were on the PTR, not worth doing more than once or twice. Now they’re hardly worth doing even once. Too much tedium, not enough reward. There’ll be plenty of p5000+ accounts within the first week as per usual, they don’t need EN’s.
    → The XP rate derived from 2:30-3:00 minute EN is around 8-11T/hr. This is top-tier group xp rate. In theory with enough gear this could be achieved by 1-2 people. This season opens the door for skilled players to break out of rat groups to level just as fast (in theory) by chaining keys, and bringing builds/gear enough to complete nightmares consistently. A challenge to figure out best way, which I find rather interesting.

  • Crusader non-shotgun Valor builds are completely ruined, and they chose stupid sucky Invoker to “buff”. What a joke.
    → Yea, horse nerf was a bit harsh. Small buff to thorns is step 1, but they need more changes later seasons to make this worthwhile.

  • they removed the Sewers from the grift map rotation, yet they left in the biggest trash, like Corvus, Keep Depths & Realms of the Banished.
    → Well, considering the full set of rifts, adjusting occurrence rate, removing two and adding three should greatly reduce the occurrence of bad maps relative to good maps. Overall I think this is a positive thing.


Because it’s possible to create more than one seasonal toon.

More than a bit. Even worse for solo players.

So get stuck with Rathma or don’t do EN with Necro at all…like I said, Necros are screwed.

It is. There’s no beating a EN. It ALWAYS ends in your death. Unlike set dungeon death, which only results in a fail. So this immediately counts HC out entirely.

I hoped from the tone of this thread you’d realize that I don’t give a damn about groups. Groups can burn for all I care. I’m only interested in SOLO.

Which is the suckiest gameplay of all.

You oughta think again, because there’s multiple variations of the Keeps, and Corvus, and Realms of the Banished. Which is why they are the most-spawned ones, often getting the same level back to back.


I’ve done the full season journey for every season since they brought back old rewards. I tend to quit soon after. This season did offer a great opportunity to keep me longer with high XP ENs. I mean who wouldn’t want to get all those bonus paragons for one season?

If ENs are permanent then at least they offer a good way to get high level augments fast. But frankly, this game gives everything away too easy as it is with challenge rift rewards, Haedrigs and high drop rates. But I guess when the amount of things to do is so limited they need more instant gratification rewards?

I still think they should offer a separate ladder that is SSF with no Haedrigs/Challenge rewards and lower drop rates. I’d also separate paragons per class played that season so that botters can’t get massive paragons on all classes by playing the most optimal. And yes, while you could simply impose those rules upon yourself it’s just not the same.

SSF would also attract some of the bigger POE streamers to stick it out longer, well before Lost Ark arrived.

On the whole I’m actually pleasantly surprised that they even support this game with new themes and rebalancing. I just wish it was deeper. The four man meta really only attracts certain types of competitive players and leaves the rest to find a better game elsewhere. Paragon caps would alleviate that but they’ll never do it.

No they’re not. They’re the crappy seasonal “theme”. An old feature tossed in the trash because everyone and their sassy granny hated it.

The only thing you can do with it is run it over and over again if you’re really starved for non-season paragon…for which you gotta wait 4+ months in the end anyway lol.

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Even if you play solo, the gem of ease and whatever you have in your stash saved will make the leveling of a new toon really quick if you know what you’re doing (and there’s guides on this too). Several ways to do it, EN isn’t necessary.

Considering that rat runs are going to be the GR XP meta again, Necros are going to see plenty of play. It will be rough for a 100% solo necro though.

The term “Always” insinuates that “overwhelmed” doesn’t exist, which it does. I see this thrown around a lot, and I’m tempted to make an HC character next season when I finish my ranks just to see if it’s true that I’ll lose my character every time. Will make for great content. :slight_smile:

Considering that people said it’s impossible to do an EN HC, maybe I can shoot for the first and only person worldwide to enter and escape an EN without dying? Sounds like a fun challenge, I’m totally doing this lol.

There are people that care about the big picture of the game, and would like to address things that have an overall general impact.

I think thorns gameplay suck too, but it’s still subjective.

They altered the spawn rate of certain maps quite a bit. I’ve played hundreds of GR’s on PTR and I can count on two hands the amount of times I’ve seen Corvus. Both Corvus and spaghetti have a very low chance of spawning. Keeps spawn a little less as well.

They did a phenomenal job with the GR QoL’s, to the point where i struggle to play current live season because it’s that much different. It’s hard to rationalize how good the changes are by only reading the patch notes if one hasn’t played the PTR a bit.

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I enjoy when there is new content to enjoy. Some seasons provide that. This one does not. It’s not like I lose the game if I don’t play it for a while.

I fall asleep with Diablo III now, so I generally give a season a shot but if it bores me I do something else. This one already bored me during the PTR and then new changes make it look even worse.

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Oh really? This season, which is great for getting paragon point, you only have gotten 968. Season 24 which also was quite strong, could have gotten you more than the 1006 you have non season. And even with the xp nerf next season will be great for getting paragon points.

I was speaking SOLO as well … if you can run a nightmare in 3 minutes, you’re getting MORE xp than a top tier rat group next season. This season will separate smarter skilled players from the ones that dont really care.

Groups will run EN even faster, sure, but overall EN benefit solo greatly. Pool stacking and such will be a thing, and I guarantee you there will be communities chaining nightmare keys to avoid key farming all together. This also boost xp rate …

Why do you think solo play is hurt by any of this? Do you feel this change is a buff for groups?

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