S26 - the Season of Instaskip

Season 26 introduces the Echoing Nightmare , an optional and rewarding end-game challenge where players fight within the memories of Nephalem who fell in a Greater Rift. Today’s Nephalem must stand their ground until they are inevitably Overwhelmed or defeated.

And this is meant to be the oh-so-wonderful 10 year D3 anniversary theme? An old feature thrown in the trash because everyone hated it? “Rewarding”…

Sister, whoever told you that, they were pulling your leg. Let’s count the ways off the top of my head:

  • ugly portrait, ugly pet, no wings
  • EN’s no longer accessible before lvl70 so there goes the incentive to hop right in.
  • EN’s are now much more tedious, removing Shield pylon and other beneficial functionalities of Goldwrap, fire immunity and most Crowd-control possibilities that would’ve allowed us to hang on a little while longer.
  • EN’s are instaskip for Necros entirely because of CC removal.
  • no changes for Hardcore toons perma-dying inside EN, which makes this an instant autoskip for HC entirely, unless you’re a mazochist.
  • EN’s were already almost negligible as they were on the PTR, not worth doing more than once or twice. Now they’re hardly worth doing even once. Too much tedium, not enough reward. There’ll be plenty of p5000+ accounts within the first week as per usual, they don’t need EN’s.
  • Crusader non-shotgun Valor builds are completely ruined, and they chose stupid sucky Invoker to “buff”. What a joke.
  • they removed the Sewers from the grift map rotation, yet they left in the biggest trash, like Corvus, Keep Depths & Realms of the Banished.

Feel free to add your own. I’m hungry.


I played both PTR patches and thought the devs had done all the damage they were going to do.
But no, actually removing the gold and shield “after” the ptr is ridiculous.
Poor Necro and forgotten 'Sader too.

Not able to use pre 70, well I kinda figured they’d nerf that.

Why not just put a label on the EN that says “SC only”.

OP is correct that the pet is ugly and loves his blue lolipop.

Do I work D3 for a few days to get the pet and quit or just tell my clan boss this is a skip for me?


The point of cosmetics is being enticing enough to use.

Do you see yourself using the pet…ever?

Yeah no, me either = instaskip.

Fugly portrait too.


Just saw that the XP scales = to gr turn in.

What is the point then other than the up to 125 gear aug.

Boy did the devs screw this up!


That’s the norm.

I’d be shocked if they came up with something genuinely enticing to play.


I’m in need of one more stash tab, so I’ll do the seasonal journey. But I doubt I’ll be putting any further energy into this upcoming season other than that.


I was considering doing the Journey over the first weekend for the pet, like I usually do but this one isn’t even worth it and there is no rewarding play. I did the PTR enough to know that I wasn’t going to put much into this season anyway because there is literally no point. After the patch notes, it’s probably a hard skip for me too.


Nahp. Stupid pet. It doesn’t matter if you use it or ever even look at it. Still have to collect it.


Why, planning to sell your account or something? No other reason to collect useless cosmetics that you’ll never use otherwise.


Isn’t the point to play Diablo? Every season has the same end result - play, enjoy, get raced out by botters, collects your journey rewards. Regardless of the seasonal “theme”, Diablo is Diablo. It makes absolutely no sense to me to “hard skip” a season if you enjoy the game.


That is never a thought for me.

I’m in a busy HC clan and we love the game.

We do evening group runs and laugh our butts off about stupid stuff.

We never talk about botters.

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I do not have an obsession with the cheater boards, I have certain things I want to accomplish each season. I run solo and do not worry about what others are doing. I fall asleep with D2R so I run the D3 seasons until D4 launches.


I am the EXACT same with with D2R. I have to be able to watch something while playing it.


So, regardless of how stupid the EN feature is, how does this change? Why skip a season if you have this?

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Because seasons are supposed to bring us something fresh to try - they’re supposed to give us an incentive to keep playing.

Otherwise the drabness of the 10yo game settles in much quicker, forcing us to stop playing.


If they don’t implement this into the main game after they removed anything deemed easy or fun from it I’d call this likely the worst season since double goblin, not even being overly sarcastic or dramatic.

Follower season gets a pass because they redid a lot of sets and items plus we knew that was coming into the main game.


Well you can go ahead and call it the worst season ever, because they won’t. It seems they’re actively trying to make us STOP playing.


A goblin with a big lollypop? Oh no. Why?
How about a cat! A fricken black cat, or hellcat, or panther, or, nevermind, hard pass no reason.
And Trials? This little gimmic mini-game was thrown in dumpster 8 years ago, now its back?


Well for me it has to do with taking a break from the game every now and then. So if the theme doesn’t exactly bring much in addition to the base game then I would rather not play a season so that “start from scratch” pull of the next one is even more exciting and fill that itch to play with non seasonal where if I feel like playing for a few hours here and there I already have a set up build/paragon levels to just go instead of working my way up.

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yah i posted this over a month ago and you mocked me for it. Funny how i was right all along and now you think you can just jump on the bandwagon and nobody will remember.