S26 - the Season of Instaskip

What tier does one need to reach to get a 125 augment gem? If it is 150, and the Nightmare is near equal to GR150 difficulty (or even 135) then it seems “easier” to just do a GR instead.

While the argument is true, that something can’t be truly considered optional, if it is the best way to play, optional has multiple meanings. Something can be optional if it is not literally needed for progressing, like an optional boss in a game, or an optional side quest. Even if you would be silly for not doing that side quest due to its great reward.
The patch notes clearly used the word in terms of “not required” for progress. Which would be true. Unlike the old system this was seemingly inspired by, where you had to do those events to even get into GRifts.

Then of course, it also seems rewarding enough that you might want to do it.

Exactly this. It’s potentially a rewarding experience and in no way required to progress. It’s just an alternate way to accomplish something that you’ve been doing for a long, long time. I wish people could see it that way.

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You have to reach 125 to get the max gem.

If it does scale 1:1, then it’s still more net XP gain than simply just doing GR’s by a decent margin, especially solo. I’d worry if that wasn’t the scaling.

Haha, this is fair. They also advertise the “nightmares” (our clones) to be a major part of this lure, yet you barely notice them and they don’t really do anything interesting.

This guy gets it.

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For me its a tone down play time season. Last season in particular was spectacular for the things I find interesting to do playing D3 and that is building characters and gearing them. This season ultimately focus’s on GR pushing with a different form of fast tracking the levelling of gems.
PS4 leader boards are riddled with purchased gear. I dont JEST. So leader board progression is never going to be a serious consideration beyond personal achievement. This seasons theme gives another fast way to boost a toon to ready for pushing, but its doesnt give anything that can be used to get that toon to a higher GR.
Mind you I could have jumped on the PC and played on that account to trial the changes but all I see looking in…

Hey we have this new things. Its awesome!
Players flock to play it.
Players flock to play it.
Release. Nerfed to nothing that was originally offered that Console never got to play anyway. :frowning:

Blizz have made their choices about ENs and next week we’ll see how many HC players use or ignore ENs.

It is definitely a pro SC addition to the season.

Looking forward to s27 if it’s pro HC :heart_eyes:

its the music in d2r it puts me to sleep at the keyboard to lol.

Here ya go.

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I’m disappointed that after our comments during the PTR, they made Nightmares MORE unplayable for the HardCore crowd. At least with a Shield Pylon I could end a run with two minutes of boredom. I’ll be in the season, you won’t see me in a Nightmare unless I’m on a throwaway character.


even for sc players s26 is a mayor disappointment:

  • EN exp nerfed to gr-lvls
  • EN give no new or great rewards (125 gems are only nice for a while)
  • no buff and most important no toughness-buff to raekor…wtf barbs are never allowed in grp dps neither bosskiller nor trashkiller always mediocre dmg - and bad toughness on top
  • no other new builds or needed balancing = same old builds (minus the nerfed fist of the heavens crusader…)
  • lower powerlvl because no real seasontheme

nobody in my friendlist will play next season, me included. we are all hoping for a better s27…


I mean, all they really needed to do, if they wanted to get rid of the shield pylon, was make it an instant escape to town, where you couldn’t reenter until the Echoing Nightmare was over. That would have solved two problems. The first would be the hardcore characters would get their safe zone. The second, was that the popular streamers would get their wish that shield pylons couldn’t be abused to get to a higher level. Plus, it would even make it harder for SC, as now they would only have 3 pylons to use for pushing, rather than 4.

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Then that shouldn’t have been a theme, that should be added into the main game and another thing should be the theme.

It’s basically just an easier system (that was just made harder and harder, perhaps too hard for certain types like hardcore) than shards to augment without any cool things the shards do, it’s a super downgrade from current and a lot of past seasons in every aspect.

Not sure why players aren’t getting that part. Okay so you say well it’s a totally new system so to do a theme on top of a new system is perhaps too much for development. That’s fine, all you should have done then is spice up the rewards for the season, then tone them down when it becomes NS.

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The whole SEASON thing is a mistake, overall. It’s stupid and pointless. But here we are anyway, 25 seasons later.

So if they’re gonna do something stupid, they might as well go all the way and make it somewhat less painful by giving those “who got far too much time on their hands and think starting over and over again several times a year is l33t” an actual bonus incentive to start over.

That used to be season-exclusive legs that were added to NS later, now it’s themes. Except they can’t get out of their own way. And the stupidity just leapfrogs over and over.

If you cant handle hardcore and final character death, then stop crying and stop playing hardcore, lol.

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That goes against the fundamental aspect of Hardcore.

If you cant handle hardcore and final character death, then stop crying and stop playing hardcore, lol.

As a collector, skipping would induce a FOMO for me.

But, I’ll only play till I complete Guardian then another hiatus I will go.

Nothing new for my class and the theme sounds just like another grind-fest so no thank you.

I wrote about putting an outer 5-10 foot border for safe exit but was completely ignored by Blizzard.
I know now why:
They weren’t interested in making it safe to exit.
They wanted to make a SC only thrill with no special xp gain.

Who ever is in charge there needs to be let go and an experienced Diablo dev put in his/her place.

What are you talking about? Many of the seasons so far have had no theme, just game changes, additions, and/or subtractions. A new season doesn’t mean they’re required to provide some obnoxious, game-altering theme because people cry like babies when they don’t get a new toy.

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I know it might be hard to understand that some people enjoys seasons, but they do. I’d be willing to bet they’d still have plenty of players if they decided to remove themes and rewards entirely.

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