S26 - the Season of Instaskip

Lol if you think D3 is bad, go try D2R. It’s the personification of the cure for insomnia.

I have no need to play that, I played it for 20 years. What does that have to do with this anyway? D2 topics are for the other forums (so I kept being told) :thinking:

Haven’t played POE for 2 or 3 years, but if it’s true, than it only proves that some devs actually care about their WHOLE playerbase, unlike Blizz only cares about what groups and streamers have to say…

Just like you I was interested in doing ENs with the EXP buff and easier augments, cause I don’t do GR groups, but yeah, some group player or streamer or their die hard fans cried how ENs are too easy, so they have to ruin the whole theme for everyone to once again please groups, METAs, botters and streamers, cause apparently in their mindset no one else plays the game.
Oh and if you don’t agree with them you’re a toxic player, who sucks at the game… :roll_eyes:

I feel your pain. Seems Blizz only cares about groups and almost always gives SOLO GR players the middle finger. S25 actually made a lot of players come back, cause you weren’t FORCED into groups to gain lots of paragons or clear even 140-150 GRs, but yeah devs once again had to bend their knee to METAs and streamers and prove their stupidity never cease to amaze me… :man_facepalming:


I think you are way off here. At least one streamer, Raxx, was against groups only needing one “key” to open a nightmare, instead of each player needing a key just like to enter a GR.
Wudijo seems to show in his videos that solo players can get to level 150 in nightmares without too much effort. And don’t forget that the upgraded follower will help in nightmares too.

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People on the forums were asking for the map changes on GRs for years now … This change should have been a hot fix or a patch a long time ago …And although I totally agree with you that you can’t assess those improvements unless you play the new GR … I think that this is not an excuse for a lack luster Season theme …

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I don’t know why I keep posting… but anyways: considering there is only a small team dedicated to supporting D3 and that coding the new events in next patch is a huge undertaking I think they’re doing an amazing job that calls for our respect and appreciation.
Everybody has their right to criticize as much as they want of course.

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Phrasing? (etc., etc.)

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Hope you season players enjoy the feel of non season… :slight_smile:


I am in a HC clan. All the people in it told me that they were staying away from EN for fear of perma death. They might do it when they reach really high paragons or end of the season. Bliztard devs screwed us HC players as well as solo players. I agree with the OP, Bliztard still left in the most garbage trashy GR maps in the game.


Well, after I’d completely forgotten to allocate the extra 2.5K paragon points to my WD, I eventually realised why my sheet damage was so low, put the points into INT, did a non-seasonal GR130, and grabbed rank 178 overall / rank 159 Arachyr on the era leaderboard. If I can get that high a rank, I guess almost no-one’s played WD on EU since the era reset.

I know right. My one key 135 clear in my speed build still has me at I think rank 16. I wish they would let us know if they are resetting Era or not in the patch notes.

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Careful, folks - this guy is the real deal. He’s in a HC clan!

He also uses words like ‘Bliztard’ to make his nonsensical arguments appear valid.


Season 26 theme is more about hang around in the D3 forums once in a while and looting some tears for my martinis :joy:

Wudi shows PTR videos and then attempts to extrapolate from those results using his best guess on what the cryptic patch notes mean. Until we know what those adjustments are we have no evidence for or against.

Wudi and the Maxroll guys advice on this mode is basically to play Marauders and share keys. What about those that want to play another build solo? That’s where the real questions lie.


Tell that to all the people complaining about how bad the season theme is!

I don’t see all their videos but I seem to remember them saying that other classes and builds should also be able to do reasonably good in nightmares. Also it makes sense that if you play a “weak” build you can not expect to get as high as if you choose a strong build. I believe it’s been so in all seasons.

My arguments are 100% valid and yes, I am the real deal. Most of you play softcore so this next season is no big deal if your characters die, it just respawns. I don’t expect you softcore wussies to comprehend the posts I have been posting since you do not play hardcore. Bliztard screwed up… yet again.


New guy posting doesn’t know to play nice on these forums.

D2 stole his girlfriend


Going over everything I’ve seen you post around the forums, I’m pretty sure you’d more interested in reading your own posts than adding anything of any real value.

Also, the “shill” thing is getting old, considering we’re both on an official forum. Remember, any publicity is good publicity, so you talking down on and degrading a single season of a game you’re still going to sync hundreds of hours into is just as shill-y.

Class dismissed.

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A lot of people were on that bandwagon before these final patch notes came out. The demographic at question now are those that will play the season but may only do something like the season journey. For those people it may be a question of how easy/rewarding EN is for certain builds. If this is an activity that is Marauders/Innas or bust they may check out early.

Not necessarily. The situation we saw on the PTR had some builds miles stronger than others but that extra potential was wasted due to the 150 softcap. The worry here is that everything may have come down so far that a few select builds may hit that softcap easily and the rest won’t.

Some think the patch notes suggest the +100 tier adjustment will flatten the curve and make things easier. I’m not one of those but I hope those people are right. I don’t think it’s a good sign if this is Season of the Marauder.