S26 - the Season of Instaskip

I agree with this 100%. People are constantly looking a gift horse in the mouth; They should just be done with themes entirely.

except there would be far less players here still playing.

it’s a fact, just look at the response to this seasons theme.

stop schilling

Gaslighting with hypotheticals. Clever.

hahahahahaha really?

is an example of hypothetical.

the whole purpose of implementing them was to retain players interest.


This is probably the biggest thing. Echoing nightmares should never have been called a season theme. It’s new content distraction, a way to get quick augs, and another method outside of having to find a 4 man group meta to paragon up a bit. These are all good things for the game, but not something worthy of basing a season around. Blizzard takes an L with that one.

It’s unfortunate though, because outside of that, the GR QoL changes are massive across the board. I can’t even bring myself to play current D3 after playing the PTR because the QoL’s are that good all around. Not only that, but S26 will have the best solo balance of any season, with 12 builds between all 7 classes within 3 GR’s of each other, meaning the difference between the strongest and weakest class for solo is 3 GR’s. People scream balance, but don’t even recognize it when they’re closing in the gaps (still has a ways to go for build balance across the board).

Simply put, marketing EN as a seasonal theme is a straight up L, but the big picture patch changes that effect the game are actually good.


It’s nice to read someone looking at the situation as a whole. I agree with you.

Never asked to make ENs more difficult. Where in my post were I saying it?!

Anyway, guess season 25 gave too much too players, so they had to make an annoying one now for a change, but we will see if it’s really that bad.
If it is than I’ll just finish season journey like I used to and forget about this season…

Such a shame that shards, ethereals and 4th Kanai cube weren’t implemented permanently into the game…
Yeah I know anyone could be doing 140-150 GR with 1200-1500 paragon and just 100-125 augments like it’s a bad thing anyway…?
You could just focus on grinding paragons much faster instead relying almost 100% on METAs (S25 was an exception where you could actually SOLO up to 140-150 GR)…
Like it’s already been said METAs will be over 5000 paragon in a week from season start, so who cares if it would happen 1 or 2 days from season start and if they end up with even 15000 paragon or maybe 20000…
Seriously right now in S25 there’s a player over 11500 on EU server. Maybe there are highier ones too that I haven’t noticed…

Too bad that instead of doing season themes similar to the S26 and keep their players interested or maybe even come back and keep playing the game, they bring back trials and instead of leaving them like they were on PTR before they added all that BS to it and messed it up they had to make it “challenging”, cause I guess some streamers wanted it…

The only positive thing about S26 is “easier?” 100-125 augments, well for few classes at least…

Shards and ethereals could have made the game better - although they would have needed some serious nerfs first.
4th Kanai cube? That just seems pointless. Not really adding anything at all.

No they don’t. The whole point would be to be facerolling 120-130 GR up to 140 GR like we do now 100-120 GRs…
You wouldn’t be FORCED to do META runes if you would like to grind lots of paragons for a change, but I guess META will never agree to that…

No offense, but are you blind?

It adds :poop: loads of build diversity and makes all the underperforming builds stronger.
How could anyone say it doesn’t add anything is just mind blowing :man_facepalming:
4th Kanai cube theme made me play with all classes to check different builds…
Geez I guess some people can’t see the bigger picture, unless they only care about pushing 140-150 GR builds only…

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It also made builds that were not underperforming stronger.
You would get the same result by just buffing the builds directly. The 4th cube did nearly nothing. Well, not entirely true; it removed cubing choices, since more builds could just get “everything!”.

That part is irrelevant. Whether we faceroll GRift 30 or GRift 140 is essentially the same thing, due to how stupid Diablo 3s endgame is.
What ethereals and shards could offer is new interesting choices to make. But if those choices are stronger than existing choices, then you are not adding more choices, you are at best just replacing choices, and at worst removing choices.

Well, the meta builds should also be hit really hard with the nerfhammer.

I very much care about the opposite of that.

And I wouldn’t care.
Give me a good game that 100 people would still play after 10 years, over a bad game that 10000 people would still play.

Not that I buy the premise that less people would play, if Blizzard had not done season theme gimmicks, and instead focused on adding actual permanent game improvements. Not at all.

Yeah, I am such a schill for Blizzard. Even Kilomenter is envious.

And Blizzard made a wrong decision. Again.

You know adding power creep also makes meta builds stronger, right? So even if you were doing higher GR’s due to a seasonal theme, they will also be farming even higher GR’s even faster, keeping the same paragon gap ratio as before. It doesn’t fix the issue.

I don’t agree with the fact that he said it adds nothing, but the 4th cube slot added huge class imbalances. People don’t seem to realize that legendary powers are not balanced across the board between the classes. Some classes have high set multipliers with low legendary support modifiers (Demon hunters) while others are the exact opposite (crusader, Necros).

The 4th cube slot, while fun to play with, made it so if you weren’t a wizard, barb or a crusader, you were abysmally weak that entire season. Rat runs dominated 4 man meta with 4th cube slot and nothing came close limiting viable build diversity, which is ironic because it’s the very thing you’ve been complaining about. It was the “META’s” favorite season. Talk about not seeing the bigger picture…

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It’s cheaper than the thousands I would spend on therapy to cure the compulsion. Quicker too.

I’m playing this seasonal journey strictly for the pet and stash space, once that journey is done, so am I this season. Zero benefit to playing, it sounded like experience/paragon was going to rain out of the sky, now that’s gone… so why bother.


literal poisoning the game

If the scaling is 1:1 ratio to GR’s, then it’s looking like a 10 to 15% turn in nerf in experience/paragon gained at tier 150. Where is this over exaggeration coming from and why are we feeding it?

A lot of things though in the newest patch notes are vague though as always, so I guess we won’t know for sure till next Friday.

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From earlier posts I read about the upcoming season, what was being said was the EN’s were significant boosts to experience. Whether or not this was the case I cannot say.

But either way, if there isn’t reasonable boost for experience in running EN’s, then what’s the point?

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How can something be optional if it is so powerful and rewarding that skipping it would be insane? After all that was the advertisement that was given to us.

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… for the augmenting gems?