S26 - the Season of Instaskip

Correct, not everyone needs some gimmick or the never-ending buffs. That said, I am ready for D4.


I too was suprised at the final changes. I did not expect Bliz to make it harder for HC than it already was.

The only reason I’ll do ENs is for the augments because they will be both 1) easier to get and 2) higher than what I would usually grind.


I think that this is the biggest issue on the forums, as a whole. There is a vocal minority making broad generalizations for the entire player base. Stop this “Everyone hates the season, it’s a hard pass for me!” psychosomatic nonsense. Voice your displeasure in a topic and leave it alone. You’re accomplishing nothing by flooding every other posted topic.

Is S26 going to have a less wildly game-altering theme? Sure. Does this mean Diablo 3 is any less Diablo 3? No. Themes provide temporary changes to a small window of playtime. Sometimes they knock it out of the park, sometimes they strike out. Tough.

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how are you not putting this together?

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It’s the same people, you troglodyte.

then it would be easy to prove. so show me

pro tip, just go over to the PTR forums and realize how wrong you are.

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Aren’t you thankful? :roll_eyes:

Apparently some “players” wanted to make EN more “challenging”, cause it was too “boring” for them and they got too much (in their opinion EXP) from it, so to safe those poor souls from PTSD, caused by giving those mean, bad SOLO GR players anything at all, to make their life a bit easier, cause they don’t run in META groups they had, to ofc listen to them…

I hope everyone is happy now, cause like the botters and META only players wanted EN is now only playable for them and hardly any fun at all for SOLO players… :wink:
Oh I forgot D3 RoS Golden Rule - you’re not allowed to have too much FUN.

Even though ENs were borring before they ruined in the PTR patch and with this BS at least it gave SOLO GR players a will to play, as they could gain much more EXP just by doing ENs, but naaaaaaaah, you’re not ALLOWED to gain too much EXP, want :poop: loads of EXP play METAs right? :roll_eyes:

Gotta love DEVs mentality, like if everything in D3 RoS must be centered arround METAs or botters including balancing items and ofc if you’re won’t get it to the “cheaterboards” on season than you’re a N00b and your voice doesn’t matter at all… :roll_eyes:


3/3 = 100% hit rate ^^

:see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :cupid: :cupid: :cupid: :100: :100: :100:

Upvote, my same Exact conclusion **self

I play mostly solo so it’s not a real biggie. I like to play for a week or 2, bringing my nude character up to halfway decent, then move to other games so I don’t want or need an incentive to keep playing for months. I may even try HC since a lot of people are going to bypass it. EN will still be a nice way to get paragon for a solo player, especially if you can get a bandit shrine once in a while while leveling in them. And the easy 125 augments save a lot of time. I’m looking forward to this season as much as the last 25 I’ve completed.

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There is so much anger here, so much toxic noise flowing in these posts.

There’s little righteous action done here.

The angry Trolls take over every post.

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You mean stupid streamers aka the only people Blizzard listens to these days because they share the same IQ level.


yeah rather have double bounties and double goblins than the echoing nightmare at this point.


Oh man – if I could reset and do my own “season” even absent a season theme at any time I would be so happy.

My absolute favorite part of the grind is opening weekend of seasons.

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Yawn. You guys spend way too much time whining about something you have no inte tion of engaging with.


Toxic fans: D3 is way too easy.
Blizzard: does things to make new content challenging.
Toxic fans: why u make it hard?


Yawn is your entire post history, luv.


Right back at you babe!

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Luckily you are not. Blindly doing whatever the players want is a bad idea.

And exactly what all that seasons should be. The whole season theme thing was a mistake.

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Player: Blizzard, listen to me I want more difficult content T16 is easy now.
Blizzard: Okay we just added something that will challenge some players.
Player: Never mind I am not going to play S26. All I really wanted was more buffs.

This :point_up_2:

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Terrible strawman there