S26 - the Season of Instaskip

Rax is a sellout no one cares we just want this piss poor thing they call a season over with

He’s way better than any of the other “pro streamers”.

Probably no good for HC…or solo players…but will check it out later on, many thanks.


I actually unfollowed like 3 streamers because of the “hype” they were faking for this trash season.

Raxx criticised the ENs in several areas - recommending that all members of a group require petrified screams to enter the EN. And he acknowledged that it gave groups an even bigger advantage (over solo players) and was badly designed as is.

Play it man.
Rax did a 150 with a no aug inna cold monk and shows you the tricks.

I mean I still see him as less a sellout than wudijo. But I feel they have a big influence on how seasons turn out if nothing else than saying the theme is horrible. He does at least hint it’s bad for solo but again I put him in the same boat I’ll just go somewhere else for build in season 27 they get enough likes and views.

Please show proof.

Well I do care and many others do as well.

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Don’t get hurt by it, it’s my opinion

So no proof and no awareness of anything.

Bad attitude mikey!

Well, technically opinions don’t need proof. Claiming something to be a fact does require proof.

Although it would help to say it’s just an opinion immediately to prevent confusion.

Bad attitude mate like I said it’s my opinion. When people support a bad season for financial gain instead of standing up and saying hey look it’s just horrible. Again he isn’t as much as sell out in my opinion as wudijo. And again it’s my opinion just like it’s your opinion to not agree. Wouldn’t say attitude has anything to do with it.

I don’t like monk (or barb or cru) sorry! Have tried the builds, they just don’t click with me. Me like DH. A lot. :slight_smile:

did you all know that you dont have to play the season to rack up 1200 paragon lvl, you can actually play single player offline and get to keep all your paragon points youve made, not the 25 percent a season gives you at the end for paragon points, its great, especially since the seasons are now only wash rinse and repeat over and over and over

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Tried reading your post twice, none of it makes sense :stuck_out_tongue:

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Kameirus??? What???

Funny that you say this, as you are often so quickly offended, and call people trolls when they disagree with you.

Ah see so quickly offended, i had to google troglodyte, apparently its a fancy way of saying cave dweller, does that count as offensive language or do i miss something because im not native English? Plus another thing is he responded to THE forum troll who trolled the post of Voodude. Nothing to do with him being “pro” D3 whatever that means.

Even Wudijo said it should require every member to have a key, he has also said he understands why people wont like s26 especialy after the cool last 2 seasons.
Also it is not ok to call THE forum troll a cave dweller, but its ok to call someone garbage? Either you like his video’s or you dont, either you watch them or you dont. If he were a toxic guy i would understand it, but still Wudi is pretty helpfull towards the community by creating guides and giving feedback to Blizz. Apparantly you have not agreed to some of the feedback he gave to Blizz, so i looked back at some of the video’s of his. He never said droprate should be lowered to 5%, at release of the final patchnotes he still expected it to be 25%. After the 2nd ptr patch notes he said shield is still there so no worry for hc players, although after definitive live patch he said its good they removed shield pylon because with flavor it lasts 2mins so shield would last all EN long (sounds reasonable, even tho i think blizz should add at least something back for hc).

What? Lol after all your complaints about being treated as a 2nd class citizen because you play console.

Tsjees man there is a world outside of your impale bubble, not every build is suited for every gamemode. With the low droprate of EN keys just play impale for grifts, save some keys, save some Maurauder gear and use it for EN, problem solved.

People who say its fine are toxic? You are really overstretching, in your own words its an public forum, they can say whatever they like. FIY im not saying droprate is fine at 5% as i dont care about it at all.
And here we go again with your rants against group players.

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Read all this because I was wondering how others are finding the season. This is the first one I have thought no, why am I doing this. But I dont see much feedback but rather complaint only with no offence intended to anyone in that statement. So in thinking over the last few days what’s the issue. I give feedback as a person who has 100% played solo and on SC.

There is no incentive. To me a season theme should revolve around a difference to the player be it a boost to some power, or an item that can only be obtained in the season for the benefit of that character being created making it a stronger version of an off season version.

You might argue that 125 augs are that thing but after being gifted them in a less competitive and more exploring way last season are they special anymore? No not really. It relies on you doing well in EN. You might then level them further, but every character has no particular strength so paragon as a solo is still not competative.
It has really limited player choice to pick DH or Monk.
As a solo player the drop rate is very low on them. Its almost on par that you get 1 per gem you level to the same level.
There is no ultimate power creep to then hunt paragon quicker than your geared characters off season can do regardless if you play alone.

If you are new to the game I am sure its a good season, but if you are not then I understand a lot of the complaint on the theme as well as the disappointment HC must feel. Thats my thoughts anyway and hope the Devs get something from it.


I’m playing a Raekor Barb this season and I picked it because it looked fun. I don’t care if it’s less effective than a DH or a Monk. A lot of people couldn’t care less what the META is, they just want to play what they enjoy.


We had been giving the same feedback over and over since the PTR started. They ignored it.

Now all we can do is complain. And they ignore that too. That’s why this dev team needs to be fired ASAP, otherwise D3 will die an abrupt death once Immortal & D4 come along.

I’d definitely love to see the active playerbase numbers, but they’re too chicken to show them.


Why do you want to put that unfortunate person out of work? You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.