S26 - the Season of Instaskip

Maybe if they actually listened to their own playerbase, not just to streamers, people wouldn’t get so mad and frustrated… :roll_eyes:

Don’t expect any sympathy for people who constantly IGNORE your suggestions, some that are even almost 3 years old and that have support from many players…


We got the Cow Level in D2 because of the fans. Many other studios have listened to theirs as well and made better, or at least more interesting, games even if the idea was not incorporated exactly.

D3 is a community that has no pulse. Or at least, not one that whatever development exists can or will notice.

I very much hope that D4 will have modding.

I think D3 will die anyway when D4 comes out unless its some absolute piece of rubbish, and I doubt that is going to be the case. I also dont think anyone comes to work and says I am going to do a bad job. The Devs are playing with a very old game that is limited to perform on multiple platforms. I assume they are also limited with manpower and finances also. Look at Wow that is a paid subscription and still has been struggling to make people happy.
So for a game that is old and they have to come up with something new every 3-4 months I think they have done some really great work. My feedback was pointed to themes direction that provides inclusion for all players no matter their play style within the activities of the game. Doesn’t mean my style of play is correct but for my style this season is not doing it for me.
People that love playing with others though at this stage of the season appear to be rocking.

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Excellent video.

Some feedback for Blizzard - could you mark the spawning pylons on the mini map please? It would be a nice QOL move imho, especially with what is a horrid seasonal theme.

I can. Hand D3 over to me.

I don’t own it. I can get you a sow’s ear though. Let’s start with that.