S26 - the Season of Instaskip

100 bars of truth 1, 2 and 3 … English frank

I just tried to leave the Skeleton king before killing him and strangely enough wouldn’t let me leave while he was still alive so how do you leave when you can’t?

I guess we’re going to see hundreds of posts from you then.
If you aren’t playing then all you’re going to do is make posts here.
Pity all of us.

Non-season still exists, luv…


AFAIK you’ve never been able to leave boss fights once you’ve entered the area.

Don’t bother, he flunked Troll Kindy.

He’s not the only one.

Nah you’re alright. Live & learn, eh? :grin:

looks at both out post counts

Yeah, nah… that’s your shtick

I barely post

You are the jokester now!

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Yeah well Blizzard should just rename all their forums Troll forums or just perma ban all the trolls

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Could you give me even the slightest clue as to what you’re talking about xd?

Hey hoist that brew high in the air and clink you mug with mine!

You are the jokester on the forum!

You said you have quit the season because of the theme not supporting the HC.

I play HC only and have done a number of EN’s.

I saw Rax’s EN HC video and it showed me how to get to 150 easily.

Only one of the reasons tbh

Lack of other interesting things, and just a general burnout and wanting to take a break being the others

Glad you’re having fun but this season just wasn’t for me, personally.


s25 shards were bloody awesome. BEST season ever (and no, I am not being sarcastic).

You might not, but that doesn’t remove the right for others to not be too happy with the cheaters stealing positions on the LBs and continuously going unpunished.

These are public forums…

No, they didn’t, but that’s ONLY cos Blizzard’s customer communication is trash.

And this is despite many HC players pointing out to Blizzard that this crappy seasonal theme was the death knell to HC players. In normal modes of the game play, I can back away from mobs, TP to town etc, but not in this seasonal theme. I am forcibly stuck inside the rift, a sitting duck with no escape option. At least on console, I can quit the game when I double proc my cheat death, but HC PC players cannot do this.

it’s a BROKEN theme. And we clearly pointed it out in PTR. Blizzard once again ignored the community with a “we know better than you” attitude that has angered many of the fandom for a good number of years. When you no longer listen to your customers, you WILL start to lose them. It is only a matter of time.

That’s cos most builds are underpowered and unbalanced…the only way you’ll typically get rank 125 augments is by playing the OP AF builds, or 4 man meta. A theme to make up for bad game balance tells me that there are core issues with the game that need fixing. Pronto. And have had for many years.

Let me point out how the s26 them, for me a s6 impale player, is utterly BROKEN.

  1. First myriad of layers are so soft that I am permanently out of hatred for the majority of the EN. And that’s with visage cubed and seethe rune.

  2. going with visage and seethe means my character is losing a good chunk of toughness - which becomes important near the end part of the EN.

  3. EN seems to hit a brick wall (solo) ~ 120 (verified by myself and several other players, console, PC ymmv of course).

  4. HC? forget it. Tried 5 of the ENs in SC and double procced my cheat death every time. Didn’t die, but came very close in every EN. The stupid molten patches that cover nearly all of the map are OP AF. 3 of my ENs had large numbers of dervishes…I’m not talking a single dervish, I’m talking a good number of normal dervishes, and many elite dervishes.

WRONG. We are letting Blizzard know in no uncertain terms that we, as customers, are not happy. If you don’t want to do that, fine. Don’t tell the rest of us what we can and cannot do.

Ah, I see, no actual argument, so you resort to name calling. nice. Worse, the mods here do nothing about it, cos you are “pro” D3 and Blizzard.

every member of the group should have been required to have a petrified scream to join the EN…even Raxx said this. And he was pretty damning of this, and Blizzard’s treatment of solo players too I might add. There’s a reason why I respect Raxx and the rest of the pro streamers (including wudijo) are garbage imho.

Not all of the streamers are bad. Raxx made some great suggestions for ENs, but Blizzard didn’t listen to him.

ENs are not HC friendly, there’s almost no way to mitigate almost certain death inside the EN. Some builds just plain suck with ENs. A theme that not all builds can really participate in is NOT a good theme imho. s24 failed with ethereals. s25 did it right. Blizzard did not learn from s25 it seems. Rewards were heavily nerfed post PTR - so lots harder, for massive nerf on rewards. Righto…nearly all of those toxic fans saying D3 is too easy are abusing 4 man meta group mechanics. If they actually tried solo, they might find the game more challenging wink wink. I suggest removing all group mechanic benefits. Would be the best thing for the game EVER.

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I made the mistake of trying with the wrong build. I was going after the 3 gems to 65, and stopped attacking things around level 40 or so? Somehow it still ended up being bumped up, and got insta killed by something at a tier 50, even though I could clear a GR100. It’s annoying, because to stop, you can’t kill anything, and every wave spawn, the monsters rush you.

In HC, you need to make sure you can survive a high difficulty. Because monster health scales faster than monster damage. So the weaker you are, the more deadly it actually is. And that’s the problem with streamers talking about it. They’re clearing GR120+, when it actually becomes not too dangerous to run an Echoing Nightmare, vs players who are barely clearing GR70 or below, when it’s practically a guaranteed death.

I ended up just going with my GoD build, because I’m in Smoke Screen half the time. I can’t push as high, but it’s fairly safe. But as you said, it would be nice if every build had a chance. And as far as the constant explosions, you have to focus on those monster spawning towers, or whatever they are. Once you destroy them, the explosions go away for a few seconds.


My problem is simply hatred issues with s6 impale for most of the easier EN. My only other avenue is to swap the diamond in the helm for a topaz, but that would leave my build even more exposed when the EN gets harder near the end. Someone at Blizzard really didn’t think this theme through.

I haven’t tried HC yet, don’t think I will try. I’m nowhere near ready anyway, with only a few ancients and no augments. No use trying ENs until I have enough gems for the augments. Using a broken crown on my follower for more gems (diamonds). As far as I understand, the emanating aspect ONLY applies to the gem in my helm, not my follower’s helm, correct?

What monster spawning towers? I haven’t noticed any destroyable buildings in the ENs, but perhaps I am going blind in my old age lol.

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When you get exploding lunatic mobs streaming towards the centre of the map, trace them back to their source, and you’ll see a machine generating them, and these are usually around the edge of the arena. Destroy the machines as soon as possible because they spawn the lunatics at a very high rate and the Overwhelm bar is based on how many mobs are alive in the map.


Got ya! Thanks for the heads up. I didn’t notice the machine generating them. was too busy trying to kill them lol!

Check this video out @mrtheoden it will give you everything you need for safe EN