S26 - the Season of Instaskip

Because you put yourself out there to be mocked. Stay out of my thread, troll.

Well you should. It IS a stupid feature, that’s why everyone :poop: on it the first time around. And they’re dumb enough to make it into D3’s 10th anniversary season theme.

If that’s not Blizzard trolling us, I don’t know what is. No intelligent dev would do this for any other reason than troll their ever-dwindling playerbase.

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Regardless of theme, seasons allow me to start fresh with no assistance from the account shared mats, gold, paragon, etc. That’s fun for me.

It doesn’t matter how old the game is, or how fun the theme is. Themes are fleeting anyway so they’re just extra things to do or not do. Instead, I like to see how far I can take a fledgling character in a preset amount of time.

There’s a lot of speaking on behalf of “us” in here when that’s simply not the case. The discords/communities I frequent are indeed disappointed, but there’s still tons of intrest to play. GR changes, item changes, people discussing class ranks, 1st characters choices, setting personal benchmarks, etc, etc. So no, not “us” in the way it’s thrown around in here.

As for the anniversary, did Bliz ever explicitly or implicitly say there was a tie between the S26 theme and the anniversary? If not, then no, the theme wasn’t meant to be.


You certainly deserve a lollypop! :lollipop:

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shouldnt that be enough to know they failed the players? i mean, if i were lead dev i’d just shut it down right now and go with what the players want. Why force this through after it was tested and had a massively negative response? Also, how do you not understand the “us” when it literally is the case? just because a few players like you are willing to accept it and pretend being happy about this season, doesnt mean the rest of “us” should.


And how’s that any different from the other 25 seasons so far?

Every patch is “boost one crappy set, break another 5, tinker tinker tinker with some more numbers”.

Madness is doing the same thing over and over again, and expect different results.

Surely you got something better to do than start over for the sake of starting over…right? Therein lies the need for seasonal themes that give you something different to try.

And they can hardly do that right 1 time out of 10. And this time ain’t it.


The theme is bad. Nothing against the dev team, they put in the effort to try and produce something “new”. They simply missed the mark, try again, dont force us to eat this for 4 months like a mother that wont let their kid leave the table until they eat all the peas.


First of all Bravata, we are not just a few players. You’re attempting the same baseless tactic that WittyGem is. I may may have not been clear, but when I stated “discords/communities”, that was to indicate large numbers (not just what’s on these forums, for example).

But as to your question, you quoted the answer. Yes there is disappointment in the weak theme. However, the point was that there are still many that are interested in playing.


None at all. Again, I said I enjoy starting brand new, helpless characters. And then see how far I can get them in a limited time. Additionally, it’s not the same thing over and over again. Theres 7 classes, which combined have more builds than I’ll ever get to.

I’m suprised you asked this question when I overly said

But instead, you’re determined to impose your opinion on the rest of “us” about what’s fun, what’s madness, etc.

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i dont understand you.

Why not instead want people to be excited for the next season AND excited about the next THEME?

why settle for just a reset? Anyone can reset anytime the want without a season. What we cant reset is a seasonal theme.

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So far I’ve said twice that many people are not exited. That is indeed a failure to get people exited. But AGAIN, the point to my posts have been that, contrary to the tactics being used here, there are also many interested in playing this season.

Not without buying a new copy on a new account.


Dont waste your green text on bravata, he’s just the forum clown


That was my plan. Repeating something three times is about the best one can hope for understanding.


you’re being completely disingenuous. his reference to “us” is the large majority and it applies because it’s a fact.

this is literally the equivalency of someone spitting on thanksgiving dinner and you saying “well dont include me in being upset because many people are excited for thanksgiving dinner”.


The issue is that neither you nor anyone else here knows what the majority is. Thus using the definitive “us” is what’s disingenuous.

Using places that concentrate only one side of the argument, such as these forums, cannot be used to extrapolate to the whole.

Even you wouldn’t walk into a hospital, notice the majority of the population inside is sick, then conclude that the majority of the entire population is sick.

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Yeah this season is a skip for me as well, first one i’ve ever skipped actually

Honestly I’m just really disappointed they didn’t do anything to make this theme friendly for HC, not even an ability to just leave the nightmare or not perma die, could’ve made it so we even forfeited the loot in exchange and i would’ve been fine with that

But nope…

This is also going to be the season that runs through Diablo 3’s 10th anniversary… what a disappointment :frowning:

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I had a bunch of instaskipp sesons, what’s another one?


except you can do that during flu and covid outbreaks. when the hospital is full it’s a clear indication that there is an outbreak. The hospitals are literally the best source for information about the health of the population.

you should spend more time hear than in your discord if you really want to get a better temperature of what is actually going on with current d3.


You’re right, but that wasn’t what I was talking about. Still, no one can extrapolate the ratio of the sick inside a hospital to the ratio of the sick at large.

I’ve been around the Bliz forums, across several games, for a long time. I’m familar. Thus the fact that you seemingly willing use places that concentrate one side of an argument to get the temperature just exemplifies the point about using “us” in these situations.

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I agree with you on this point.

SC players will have a lot of fun and easily 125 aug their hero’s gear.

Us HC players may have to use a ‘meta’ 4 man team to get to 125 in the EN so we can fast aug our gear.

The fact that the devs wiped out the EN after the 2nd patch of PTR is angering many players.

  1. Taking away the gold & use of goldwrap
  2. Taking away the Shield Pylon. (Easier exit for HC)
  3. Taking away the XP gain we had in PTR.

Correct, not everyone needs some gimmick or the never-ending buffs. That said, I am ready for D4.