I'm soooo bored, when does the season start again?

Haven’t logged in for a couple weeks now, got burned out on the endless treadmill of running GR’s. Has season 25 officially ended? As in our stash gear has been mailed to NS characters?

OMG…If Bravata ever gets green text I will quit… the forums.


As if you EVER do… :eyes:

And trolling isn’t keeping you occupied sufficiently?


Not to worry it will NEVER Happen. How long before he starts with the I quit S26 thread.


Cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing.


Bait again. And you guys bite again. So sad.


what a rookie mistake. do you only read the forums once a month? Try to keep up with the big boyz for once. you’re so far behind the times.


Cognitive dissonance? More like Cognitive Dunning-Kruger on your part hahahahahahahah

Nope still cognitive dissonance. You can’t wait to play that thing you don’t want to do and know you won’t enjoy for four months. It’s okay to have mixed feelings about this season. A lot of people do. I’m just here for the stupid pet myself.

Dr. Zymurgeist i think you’re misdiagnosing my d3 ptsd.

I so miss some mods to clean this forum.


My cat read this part and since then It can’t stop laughing.


Now everyone can have green text…


More like an act. Obvious troll is obvious.


Not a good thing when it comes to the forum :clown_face:

Whoa who whoaaaa just talk about wanting to play and being excited for season to start and the bullies come to bully you. Literally real life Tunnel Snakes ensuring the forums arent for everybody unless you join them.

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Go do it. What could it hurt?

Certainly it’s better than posting pointless drivel here?

If you were a real member of Mensa I doubt you would be ‘bored’ with less than a week downtime of Diablo 3, which you quit long ago.


No mensa member would have ‘literally nothing to do’.

Why not tell the truth and let all of us know you were lying?

But if he does we can’t dunk on him and he won’t get banned anymore.

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Yes, possibly. It depends on how the backend databse is configured and how quickly it can sync globally for things like a leaderboard.

And, maybe, last moment changes that are unannounced.