REQUEST: Bring back "wings of valor" and "wings of justice"

I want some BOT Wings!


Give the bots some wings dang it, they worked for it. It took time to install the program to run the game for them. Give a set to the GR fishers as well, it takes time looking for the easy rifts to run. Might as well give a set to the Leeches who let others do all the work.

I’m so sorry for your loss

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I’ve said it before, and I’ll said it again.

Cosmetics does not affect the gameplay at all, so what’s the fuss? And yes, I am a OCD when it comes to collecting things, and yet there are a few cosmetic items I have not gotten due to constrains such as money (purchase of other Blizz games’ bonus) or pure RNG screwing with me (It’s been more than 6 years, no Cosmic Wings to date) but it doesn’t change how I play.

The Wings of Justice is sort of still available if you can find a copy of the D3:CE should the owner decide to downgrade or it’s an unopened copy (buy at own risk due to high rate of scammers) while sadly, Wings of Valor was a pre-purchase bonus that again does not affect gameplay whatsoever.

I have wings of valor on PC, but I wish I could have them on the Switch, or some similar angelic wings. So I would be all for them making them available by another method (other games like Hearthstone do this for old cosmetics). We have enjoyed exclusive use of them for 7 years, that is enough reward for purchasing ROS. They have no resell value, so we lose nothing if other players can use them now too (or we can on console).

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I wish these could become available as well, and should be.

There are so many reasons why players should have the ability to access something that was ‘pay to play’ (not old enough yet to know about the game, didn’t have the funds at the time, wasn’t aware of Diablo 3 at the time and now are a long time fan past that point in time, etc)
The fact that they were obtained as a bonus for pre-order shouldn’t make them an item that never has the chance to be experienced by other players ever again. Why? Because you were a dedicated player at that time when others who currently are weren’t or couldn’t be? Pretty childish to hang onto the “look what I got and you don’t” mentality.

So ways to accomplish this and still appease the greedy souls still out there:

Put a price on them! As DLC or promotion for future events (Blizzcon, etc). The argument of those that say ‘we’ supported with our wallet flies out the window. Since they originally were promoted to get players to buy the game and support the brand, why couldn’t they continue to do so? This way they aren’t given away for “free” during a season re-issue. Those items that were free and missed during a regular season journey I have no problem having another free shot to get them, is good promotion, however, if I did purchase a pre order, or a higher deluxe edition price point to get them, I would expect other people to have to shell out some amount of coin to be able to get them. (Valor, Justice, Overwatch, and other cool items associated with a paid release).

One way to still reward those that were present at that point of time to purchase the associated promotions and maintain their value/uniqueness would be to -


when re-issuing the time sensitive paid associated cosmetics/content, label them in the item description in the collection inventory with an * or suitable qualifier stating that they were not the original (Wings of Valor RM, Wings of Valor*, Wings of Valor RI (reissue), G2, etc).
That way there is a pat on the back reward to those that worry about wanting to have something that others don’t in that they would have the original named rare aspect of that item.

Win win, win, no?

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No, keep all the wings gone and please remove the existing ones.

Not gonna happen, Karens.



Wings of Justice are still available if you want to buy them. Just buy a D3 Collectors edition.

good luck finding one that isn’t already activated :rofl:

I can’t speak for others but my problem with making something like this available again is just because they said it is only in those specific circumstances. Nothing to do with owning something others doesn’t.

I am in the “you missed out, that sucks sorry” camp. And that also applies to cosmetics I have missed out on in the past.

I think a solution would also be to put some time constraint on it. Like one time release cosmetic that might be re-issued 9 years later. It would make sense for those wings to be available this long afterward at some cost. But if it was said initially.

Blizzard can make StarCraft 2 free to play, make the cosmic wings appear in a holiday gift. Anyone who purchased sc2 or found princess lillian won by having something earlier than others (may your ego be unscathed).

I missed the galactic wings s17 and 29… I would really like to see these again! Coolest wings imo.

I wish they would make Taennin the Tiny available again…and available at the end of chapter 4. I have never been able to complete the entire season journey ever. The closest I ever came was still short by one chapter! I really wanted that little white dragon, and busted my a** trying to get it!

I know who will be playing season 41 :rofl:

Should be repeating in season 40… you have 10 seasons to practice completing Guardian :rofl:


They weren’t earned, they were purchased. Quite a difference, hmm?


For most people you still have to earn money to purchase them. Unless you were born with money for a mattress.

Please allow me to clarify my meaning–they weren’t earned in game.

(And you don’t need to be

to afford to purchase a video game–at least not yet. :money_mouth_face:)

I don’t have an issue with those wings being made available for players to earn somehow for their enjoyment.

Just like I don’t have any issues with the Altar and Fissures coming to NS for players’ enjoyment.

But we know we can’t have nice things.

we have hope for the nice things