REQUEST: Bring back "wings of valor" and "wings of justice"

Now that the latest seasons have started to bring back old season rewards i think it would be a good time to see the angelic wings return (both imperius and tyrael). I realize they will lose their rarity but for someone who has played every season since season 6 and collected every cosmetic item including cosmic wings and set dungeon mastery i really wish there were some way to get them other than buying a box set from amazon and hoping it is not a scam. Maybe if you added in the wings as a reward to some hard challenge like completing all the conquests? or preferably something harder so they keep their rare status. Atleast put in the wings of justice since they are technically still obtainable through risky and VERY expensive means. Better to get them through actually playing the game than to pay alot for them. Just my opinion, i can imagine it won’t be to popular with those who already own the wings but it has been so long now since the game launched.



Wings of Justice were a bonus incentive to buy Collector’s Edition D3, and Wings of Valor were incentive to preorder RoS.

You snooze, you looze.


I just think the dedicated players should be rewarded too :confused:


I am going to agree with this. It is one thing to bring back Seasonal Cosmetic rewards - or make the available some other way. It is totally another to undermine the value and sale incentive of a Collector’s Edition package. There are very similar wings in other colors people can get.

They were. They bought the Collector’s Edition and got their Angelic Wings. Those who pre-purchased RoS got Wings of Valor.

Don’t take away the value of things people earned.


i can agree with you when it comes to the imperius wings because they are not obtainable anymore. But wouldn’t it be better to put the tyrael wings in the game again instead of letting people spend thousands of dollars on something that could be a scam?

We were more dedicated than you.

We chose to put our faith in Blizzard early on and voted with our wallet.


What if you were dedicated but didn’t have the wallet?


As my parents once told me: “Get a job”. Especially if the price of a video game is an existential issue to you.


no need to be mean dude, just a discussion


I have to agree with previous statements, making Wings of Justice and Wings of Valor obtainable by other means devalues them.

As a “proud” owner of the Wings of Valor, I’d say they’re barely worth anything. They are rather poorly textured. I haven’t used them on any character ever since other wings became available. You don’t really miss anything for not having them.


Limited rewards are just that limited. If you didnt get them when they were available for whatever reason then you are just out of luck, and should not expect to get them.
If blizzard suddenly decided to give them away for nothing basically because people seem to think they are entitled to them, then no one that actually bought the editions just to get the wings would would ever do such a thing again, and it would cost blizz money in the long run.
So you should give up hope on ever seeing them available again.

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The Justice wings look awesome with Shadow Power on top of them. I use the Valor wings on my Crusader, fits with the theme of elite holy warrior.

Tough break :kissing_heart:

But I wouldn’t complain about not having the Blade Wings or the Starcraft wings because I didn’t buy the games that offered them. Or even the Set Dungeon wings, because I couldn’t be bothered farming all those sets.


wasn’t complaining… it was just an idea


i just missing the extra life,extra strong,extra fast,immune to physical and multishot lightning enchanted affixes at monster

There are a ton of wings and cosmetics that you can still get if you want. There is an updated guide posted in the Items and Crafting Forum. (Thank you Tias for the formatting and updates!)


Extra strong/Extra life = Juggernaut
Extra fast = Fast + Avenger
Lightning Enchanted = Thunderstorm + Electrified
Physical Immune = Shielding + Juggernaut to a lesser degree

Anything else, babe? :kissing_heart:

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I miss a worty-to-play Campaign Mode. :cry:


Actually we don’t need the same wings to be sold - I really want more wings of the same shape but different color, like the one you get by completing all Set Dungeons. All the other wings looks too ugly for me…


If you want the Angelic Wings, ebay is your friend.
These paranoid rumours about CE scams can be avoided with common sense when shopping on ebay. Just look at the seller’s trust rating and pay with paypal, that way you have 2 levels of purchase insurance, from paypal and from ebay.
If you don’t buy the first listing you see and check back everyday for a while, looking for cheaper listings, they will appear.
I bought a used, opened CE but with everything included and in v.good condition, including an unused game/DLC code, for £40 ($60?). It took me about 2 weeks of checking ebay everyday and i got rather lucky i think, but you don’t need to pay 300-500 dollars for a sealed copy. Buy a used one with an unused code included. If the code turns out to have been used, claim a refund through paypal/ebay.


Hey Noodles.

Am looking to purchase a CE to get the wings.

Which code is required to get the wings? Is it the game code located at the bottom, inside of the case? Below the DVD holder?

I want to buy off ebay but taking the risk of purchasing a opened CE with it taking 20 days to get to me as i live on the otherside of the world seems risky.

Any suggestions?

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