[REPORT] Extended screen range

No, this subject is very very far from dead.

When the game releases and every kid using a Far-Cast Amazon with windows 10 realizes they can adjust aspect ratio so they can instant 1shot strike PK you from literally 6x screens away on the left/right axis, the QQ in this forum on the subject will flow like an avalanche coming off a mountain until the issue is fixed.

It also plainly cheeses up the game’s pvm to where something like a Bowazon could stand far off in the left wing of the Chaos Sanctuary, target Diablo from several screens away, and kill hell difficulty Diablo over the course of 15 minutes, with a level 20 Bowazon using GA without ever drawing aggro. We want the game to remain challenging, not turn into cheese.

What we are looking at here is beyond the ultra-wide discussion. When people realize what they can do with windows 10, this is what we are looking at. Notice how skill click activation is limited only to the terrain rendering radius, nearly 6 screens out from the character:


This will not be healthy for the game in any way.

They need to set a hard limitation on skill click/targeting activation. It is debatable whether players would want 4:3, 16:9, 21:9, or even maintain the original 1:1. but we need a limitation set where clicks don’t work.

What I mean is that, say we decided to use 4:3 as click limitation. There will be an invisible box around your character that will allow skill clicks & targeting to work within the 4:3 invisible box. You have an ultrawide 21:9 and you can see everything on your screen that extends into that 21:9, but if you try to target enemies outside of the invisible 4:3 click radius, the monster doesn’t highlight, and if tried to cast a lightning bolt or teleport or click anything in that area outside of 4:3, the click does nothing as if it weren’t pushed at all.

No matter how you look at this, there is no reason not to implement some kind of a skill click activation limitation as to keep the game’s mechanics healthy in both pvm and pvp. I mean even if they decided the limitation should be 21:9, it would still be important to do that, as to stop windows 10 users who zoom out that far from being able to absolutely cheese everything in the game, including pvp.

Remember the old scroll lock hack? Yeah… that natural built-in windows zoom function is like an upgraded super scroll lock hack. Not healthy for the game man.

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