[REPORT] Extended screen range

There is also PK issue, it will not be fun to be killed by pk across the map.


Up. The problem is still here.

Best example : https: //i. imgur. com/W0Pfl6G.mp4


Botting, JSP rats, item stores…much bigger issues than this.

That aint gonna be fixed but extended screen range can. Or are you for Captcha in game to stop botting? And how exactly are you gonna stop sites from selling items or D2Jsp? Every game has bots and stores to buy items, exactly what magic are you gonna use that it is different in D2R?

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No need to spam a thread with unrelated nonsense. Please keep this thread free of this stuff, this is an important issue. Hopefully it will be addressed in beta.


No, this subject is very very far from dead.

When the game releases and every kid using a Far-Cast Amazon with windows 10 realizes they can adjust aspect ratio so they can instant 1shot strike PK you from literally 6x screens away on the left/right axis, the QQ in this forum on the subject will flow like an avalanche coming off a mountain until the issue is fixed.

It also plainly cheeses up the game’s pvm to where something like a Bowazon could stand far off in the left wing of the Chaos Sanctuary, target Diablo from several screens away, and kill hell difficulty Diablo over the course of 15 minutes, with a level 20 Bowazon using GA without ever drawing aggro. We want the game to remain challenging, not turn into cheese.

What we are looking at here is beyond the ultra-wide discussion. When people realize what they can do with windows 10, this is what we are looking at. Notice how skill click activation is limited only to the terrain rendering radius, nearly 6 screens out from the character:


This will not be healthy for the game in any way.

They need to set a hard limitation on skill click/targeting activation. It is debatable whether players would want 4:3, 16:9, 21:9, or even maintain the original 1:1. but we need a limitation set where clicks don’t work.

What I mean is that, say we decided to use 4:3 as click limitation. There will be an invisible box around your character that will allow skill clicks & targeting to work within the 4:3 invisible box. You have an ultrawide 21:9 and you can see everything on your screen that extends into that 21:9, but if you try to target enemies outside of the invisible 4:3 click radius, the monster doesn’t highlight, and if tried to cast a lightning bolt or teleport or click anything in that area outside of 4:3, the click does nothing as if it weren’t pushed at all.

No matter how you look at this, there is no reason not to implement some kind of a skill click activation limitation as to keep the game’s mechanics healthy in both pvm and pvp. I mean even if they decided the limitation should be 21:9, it would still be important to do that, as to stop windows 10 users who zoom out that far from being able to absolutely cheese everything in the game, including pvp.

Remember the old scroll lock hack? Yeah… that natural built-in windows zoom function is like an upgraded super scroll lock hack. Not healthy for the game man.

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I say just figure out some sort of circular radius and say “this is the hard limit, no spells can be cast further than X meters/tiles from the caster” and call it a day. Solves the problem for all time. Obviously you could still let players cast projectile spells wherever since the projectile will still go as far as it will go, but for stuff where you click it and the spell happens there, just a global hard coded radius would work well I think.

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Says the slime ball that literally post multiple reply’s to every thread, get lost.

This issue is far more important than bots and RMT.
You can buy or bot for whatever gear you want and someone with much worse gear but 32:9 screen will still wreck you in PvP because you wont ever get to see him while he will spam you from offscreen, teleporting 2 times the distance that you can do. You will never get a chance to stomp and namelock him if he knows what is he doing.

stop crying about it and upgrade ur monitor instead we live in 2021 now


thats what i thought :sweat_smile:

This is not issue lol, zoomedin screen for Ultrawides and problem is fixed lol

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You are just a troll, or completely clueless.

Read the previous posts before replying. Your argument is nonsense.


Maybe both things plus a d3 spawn

Well sure, That “problem” is still here when the game comes out… Again: I dont see a Problem. I like to play Diablo with my 21:9 Monitor :wink:

What the? Because some guys have very old windows versions? Well, one of the stupiest things i ever read in a gaming forum.

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Some of us would like some challenge to the gameplay. If you don’t limit the cast range for spells and attacks, players will simply obliterate all the mobs without ever being in any danger. Does clearing Chaos Sanctuary or Worldstone Keep without any of the mobs ever noticing or attacking you really sound like fun? Because it doesn’t to me.

If that’s the state of the game on release, they’ll be getting a lot of refund requests, and the game will be DOA.


Why only in PvP though?
Just hardlock the FoW to 16:9 and people can use whatever monitor/resolution they want.
Everything unexplored beyond the 16:9 area will be black, everything explored beyond it will have grey fog that covers monsters, players and items.

Then limit the spell range to 16:9 and it is perfectly fair.


Bumping this topic… this needs to be addressed.


Ya I’ve been suggesting that too in another topic about this. I would say 1440x1440 is more logical in non pvp flagged. Most people have 1080 and a ton of people have 1440 up/down or across. Everything outside is grayed out and non static objects like monsters don’t show up, could be there but it blocks them out. If you mouse over the fog it highlights so there is some visual indicator and if clicked for Telenor or spell will target closest non fogged spot.

Areas can be solid black if not explored and grayed out if explored. Monster ai is already tweaked a bit for existing changes so I’m sure they are accounting for the 4k res they are advertising, it’s just how they are we don’t know.