Reminder: Years of War doesn't require a second class

The Witch Doctor’s Set, Zunimassa’s is kind of bugged. So you can assemble the set on any character, equip it, and do a GR 55 with it with a build you would use for your chosen class and it will count as part of the Conquest.

The Zunimassa’s set can be farmed by any class by gambling for Mojo’s and using the cube to change the Zuni mojo to another part of the set. You can’t equip the mojo or the Headpiece so you’ll need RoRG to complete the set.

Then you can run it like you would if you were going for the Thrill Conquest with a build that can do GR 55 instead of GR 45.

Hope this helps folks that want a somewhat easy Conquest but don’t have the time to make a second character.


Added tip:

It can be mixed with another set from your chosen class by using the Shoulders and Headpiece of that other set. Examples would be: Two-piece Shadow or Two-piece GoD edit #2 or even 4 piece Nat’s and 3 piece Aughild’s (Nat’s Slayer, Nat’s Ring, and Nat’s Helm with Aughild’s Shoulder and Bracers and RoRG).

Edit #3:

Due to the information related in a following post, it seems possible that maybe I am a tad off. Yes, using Zuni’s on another class will get you the Conquest, but it’s possible that the other Original Sets (Natalya’s, Tal Rasha’s, Inna’s, Immortal King’s) might also get you the Conquest on classes that they’re not intended for. I’ll have to test this to be certain when the new Season Starts. My suggestion would be to try it on Zuni first, since I know for certain that would work. Then I’ll also do Tal Rasha. A Tal Rasha set can also be assembled through gambling at Kadala through gambling for Orbs and using the cube to change those to other set pieces. So, Zuni and Tal Rasha would be the easiest to assemble so I think would be the most feasible in terms of mats needed for the process.

If Tal Rasha also works, I’ll edit this post again with the new information.


There are the “old, pre-RoS” sets that can, at least partially be worn on other classes (and on Followers, too:

Monk - Inna
Barb - Immortal King
WD - Zuni
Wiz - Tal Rasha
DH - Natalya

AFAIK, those sets actually can start dropping at lvl 60, since they were in the game Pre-RoS.

So, besides Zuni, you can also gamble for Tal Rasha off-hands to make a 6pc set wearable by all classes.

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Nope, doesn’t work with those sets. Only Zuni’s. I tested it on DH and only the Zuni’s counted toward the Conquest. The other original sets won’t work toward the conquest, which is why I said, Zuni’s is kind of bugged.


OK, my bad.

However for the Thrill you shouldn’t have any set item equipped (might be that Zuni in that case flies under the radar, too). But with LoD gem that conquest is not a problem anymore on any class.

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Your head was in the right place but there are other sets every class can wear.

Jade from Witchdoctor and Shadow from DH are among them. I can’t recall the others off the top of my head but Miriam will have them in her transmog options if you want to check for them.

Edit: Monk’s Sunwuko’s (sp?) is among them too.

Wow, I had no idea about that - thanks for the information!

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Not just Pre-RoS. Invoker can be worn by other Classes as well

Too bad The Thrill/Superhuman is not in S32. It was in S24.

At any rate, I’m not sure if it would work like that. I haven’t tested it, but I assume someone would have mentioned it in the bug report forum if it did.

And if anyone is wondering, this bug was reported a long time ago and Blizzard decided to ignore it. So, I assume their silence is tantamount to saying it’s okay.


If it’s not okay, I’ll probably be banned for discussing a bug which is technically against forum rules but seeing as how this isn’t game breaking in any way like say the Nat’s bug that deleted elites a few season’s back.

At any rate, I guess I’ll see.

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Uff, I forgot about that one.

Yeah it was a “generic” set, like Blackthorns, before it became a Crusader set.

And this is the first time I’ve read about it… god knows how I could have missed it all these years.

Wish I had known about it earlier… but better late than never.

I’m guessing Zuni 6pc worn on another class will still not work with LON/LoD?

You are correct. The having the set bonuses makes LoN/LoD break and can’t be used.


For clarity, the set bonuses on Zuni’s will be green (meaning active) on a different class. They just don’t have the class skills to make the set work like it should.

Hm - and why not make a lvl 1 witch doctor and put it on her ? Since items have no lvl requirement?

There’s several reasons someone might not choose to do that. It is possible though and would work. But it could be a person doesn’t like Witch Doctor or are unfamiliar with how the set actually works or whatever the case might be.

Also, a level 1 character would have a hard time running a GR 55 which means they’d have to at least level the Witch Doctor up which someone may not want to do.

Those like me would have to clear out a second NS character to rebirth. Being able to do a sixth set using just one character is more desirable.

Of course, it would be so much easier if the conquest included LON or even Blackthornes.

You can’t start a GR if your toon is not lvl 70.

But with the Altar it is really easy to lvl alts.


I verified this sets for years of war with a crusader on season 24 : MotE barb, Natalya DH, SWK monk, Zuni and Jade WD. Those 5 set have at least 5 piece usable by all class so ring of royal grandeur maybe necesary. I haven’t tested the new natalya trap though.
In case it wasn’t clear, i used those 5 sets with a crusader and all registered for the conquest (none of the sets is for crusader).
AFAIK only those 5 works for the years of war conquest outside the intended class of the sets. I don’t know why or if those work for class that is not crusader (since testing another class have to be done on different mode or region)

As I’ve said before, you can run those sets on any character but they won’t count toward the Conquest. I tested this by, in a previous season where Years of War was a Conquest, using Kadala to gamble Mojo’s for the Zuni mojo and doing the steps in my OP. Zuni worked.

I then gambled Orbs for Tal Rasha and changed them to other parts of that set. I then equipped it and ran a GR 55 and it didn’t count toward the Conquest.

I then used the cube to upgrade two handed Mighty Weapons for the IK hammer and then used the cube to change those to the other pieces of the set and equipped them. Again, it didn’t count toward the Conquest.

I then used the cube to upgrade Diabos for Inna’s Reach. Used the cube to then change those to other parts of the set and again, it didn’t count toward the Conquest.

So, I’ve come to the conclusion that only Zuni will count toward Conquest if used on another character despite all those other sets also being able to be equipped on any class.

hmmm, that’s interesting. So we’ve come up with different results. I wonder if it’s because I did the five DH sets and then Zuni’s and since Zuni’s was got me the conquest the others didn’t register.

At any rate, they should have got the check mark but they didn’t in my test. I was using a DH instead of Crusader but I don’t think that would have made a difference.

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When you made the 6th set, all others that you were doing afterwards were not counted.
This is valid for any achievement that has “number of something” in its goal, if you understand me:-) After the number is made, nothing else counts anymore.

However, apart from not having place for any more character reason for some players, it is much easier to level WD (10 minutes tops with no level req from Altar) and gamble for Zuni or any other WD set, than to make GR55 with set that can’t be used at all, but formally active so you can’t use LOD/LON. The only thing I think for DH is 2-piece Shadow and FoK and Impale, maybe Bolas. Everything else will have such a small dmg output for 55. And for other classes, I don’t se anything near so good for 2-piece as Shadow.
Plz correct me and enlight me freely, this is just my observation “at first sight,” thank you.

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This is untrue. I’ve done it with just a Hungering Arrow set up using things that would go with GoD (Hunter’s Wrath, Depth Diggers, and Ninth Cirri Satchel) and 2-piece GoD (the GoD isn’t necessary but it’s nice to have) which is just a 200% multiplier and some attack speed.

Every class can come up with a multiplier of somesort in a Two-piece or 4-piece set up to mix with Zuni (by mixing it with the Original Set that is meant for their class.)


Wizards can mix it with Tal Rasha with Helm, Amulet and Orb. Monks can mix it with Inna’s with Inna’s Reach, belt and Helm, Barbs can mix it with IK by Weapon, Mighty Belt and Helm or Shoulders, Crusaders can mix it with the mix with any of their Sets with two Pieces and have some decent multipliers on Weapon and Shield’s. And necros are Necros with all their Decent Weapon options a LoD/LoN is hardly necessary for what is equivalent to Torment 12.

And if it’s true that Tal Rasha would work, then Witch Doctors can do the reverse of the Wizard.

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