Refunded - 0 faith

Just to clarify, Im not attempting to troll you, I just want to understand that difference. Why Im ok with old controls, and you are not.

Why you have this tendons issue? I do not have that from clicking. Maybe this is not a point of 2021 or anything like this, maybe reason is poor accecibility for people with some traumas?

Actually I have tunnel syndrome because of my work, and I usially make huge pauses and use massages to keep pain at bay.

I think thats an issue for everyone who spends much time clicking, and D2 consists of clicking 95% of a time. Im thinking about using my graphic tablet to play D2R, and also there are some special mouses that help with this issue.

So. Much. Drama.
Let the game come out first!


yeah thats what the questions looked like
you got a question and where asked how “Interested” you where in each question/change

funny because i programmed my mouse button 5 to toggle alt for me so i didnt have to hold it while playing d2, cba with that, only issue is you need to untoggle it when you want to go threw doors or click chests

Well played.

But it’s just like real life. You cannot see items on your desk if you don’t hold down the “see items” button -Boomer Purists

But you see items in D2 without pushing button. They are lying on the floor. You just cant see their names. Pressing alt is like paying attention to what you see on the floor.

Idk irl I have peripheral view and can see a lot of things besides the one I am focusing on all at once. Maybe that’s just me…

Because I’ve played D2 for 20 years… and when I play something, that requires me to click the same button constantly, my finger starts to ache…

It’s pointless to have the old interface, in which menu shortcuts and stamina bar are basically taking half of it, when you can be having a freaking hotbar instead.

Pff… at work I use a freaking scanner, for which I mostly use my thumbs… don’t make me imagine having to use my index finger for that as well…
And since you do understand pain, I don’t see why you would want for the archaic interface and controls to remain the same.

Come on, now. They don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
D3 is a crappy game in many regards due to many broken systems, but the interface and the controls are definitely better. You can bind a button for “force move” and walk with your keyboard… You can cast 4 of your skills with the keyboard.

I quite literally mostly play D3 with the middle and the index finger of my left hand, pressing W and 4 mostly. My right hand merely holds the mouse and every now and then I use the right click.

That’s not to say, that I can never use the index finger on my right hand… Hell, on many other games I do and I have no problem.
It’s just that in Diablo 2, where buttons on the keyboard are shortcuts for swapping the skill, but you still have to unleash it with the mouse, that’s something that I feel is a bit too much.

What I’m suggesting will in no way affect gameplay. It would make the game feel more enjoyable to both old and new players…
There’s literally no downside to seeing your skills on a freaking skillbar and being able to unleash them with a single click, rather than to have to swap and only use the mouse.

What I’m asking for is in no way unreasonable:

I consider to buy it when they do a deal for D2R Switch and grind off line in holiday, or take the console with friends lan party when is back .

ill be getting it on switch too, i like to couch co - op with my gf and cuddle, wich is a lot harder on the pc, lets me game and bond with the gf at same time :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, D2R Switch is actually looks good.


Lucky you, my wife doesnt play games) Even tabletop ones.

that sucks, i love tabletop gaming , we bought a copy of tabletop simulator so we can still play random card games and monopoly during lockdown

I usually play Arkham Horror 3rd edition solo. It quite hard)

never tried that game, i like horror though ill take a look

I beg to differ. :joy:


Since when is reddit the place for diablo fans? I played d2 for 20 years, know how much time I spent on reddit in my entire life? Probably 40 mins. :joy: I dont use D2JSP but put the poll on there or here and ill probably respect it more. Lastly those were all minor tweeks qol changes the personal loot one lost. I’ll admit people were stupid enough to vote for a charm inventory but again I dont think reddit is the d2 hangout spot just a bunch of casuals and gamers who hop game to game jumping thread to thread. Ya lets make a seperate inventory restricted to just charms just so people dont need to manage their inventory better :joy:

It’s not “stupid” to want a charm inventory, it’s just a disagreement on playstyle. We can do without this type of discourse, can’t we?


And then…

You seem pretty quick to judge the r/diablo and r/diablo2 communities with very little experience (less than 40 minutes and based on a poll).


No disrepect to the community im sure it has a good amount of d2 players. That said reddit has nothing to do with diablo at all as a fact. A total 3rd party website that gathers people from all over gaming community as a fact. I never heard of reddit while play d2 and trust me people talk a lot about websites. What makes more sense, a poll on the d2r website to people who actually have d2 in their libary or have this game pre-ordered or the random people on reddit? Whos opinion more valid a guy considering playing d2 because he plays wow and received a email but likely to quit after beating the game, or the guy who sticks around for 20 years?