Refunded - 0 faith

Product refunded.

Guess we’ll see what we get in December… With the devs pulling the crazy out of the woodworks with an open invitation to ask for radical changes instead of input on cosmetics. I have no faith we’ll see a proper remaster at this time


Lol calm down they are the minority if you were here on for longer then 5 secs you would know most people are purist some are scared to even add new mobs nevermind “personal loot and infinite arrow and bolts… auto bots” They said its gonna be d2 so its gonna be d2. They arent changing core gameplay relax.


Yeah, there is a severe lack of blue input on this forum and the forum itself is getting out of hand.

I preordered because I believe in what VV is doing with D2R, but also so I could discuss some of the visual issues I noticed in the announcement video material.

But the past couple weeks this forum has taken a bad turn and is dominated by posts pushing for Diablo 2 to become something entirely different. Most of these people pushing for change are likely players who have gotten used to the changes made in popular mods like PoD and PD2, etc. Nothing wrong with mods, but they are not the original game.

The devs did say that they are making modding easier with the new API, so I believe that will satisfy these people. Those mods will likely make a return for D2R anyway so they have nothing to worry about.


Yeah man flooded with people who want this. Devs should ban hyperbolic posts like this, even if it is forum mods job.

“some are scared to even add new mobs” You say that like it wouldn’t be equal to the other things I listed.

And I am very calm, but if you have been around blizzard products for more than 5 seconds you would have seen the “purist” community around wow classic get completely ignored.

Modern resolutions, Modern graphics, I don’t personally want the stash changes but to me as long as they don’t change the character inventory then it can be lumped in with cosmetic as well. Beyond that is creating a different game and not bringing back something with 20 years of loyal fans


Yeah changing gameplay tends to be different then having new enemys to kill. New map with new mobs isn’t a change someone thats rational would fear if its not connected to the story and not a forced quest. If people are too ignorantly stupid to not want ADDITIONAL content then im fine with them having a down graded version and the masses can play the one that gets some additions. Changes to gameplay or content already made is very different.

I’m not a wow fan. You dont even want a bigger shared stash so you dont need to throw crap on the ground to transfer is goofy. Im a 20 year old fan but some radicals dont do us any favors.

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There’s nothing wrong with sharing ideas, even if they don’t fall within the restrictive lines of what a ‘remastered’ game should be. A lot of ideas seem to be along the lines of what a ‘remake’ is, or just simply to try and convert the game into EZ mode Diablo 3.

The game needed a major modernization overhaul for better graphics, better system compatibility, and hopefully to fix the lengthily list of long standing bugs. If the game is significantly changed, specifically the core gameplay aspect, then it becomes a different game entirely.

Blizzard wants feedback on what has been shown so far, they don’t want ideas to change the game into something else. Remember, the game is a remaster, not a remake.

The game will support mods! After the game is released, either share your core gameplay changing ideas with the modding community, or join one to help in the creation of a mod.


Nothing Hyperbolic about it…

The trailer shown at Blizzcon was one directed at the 20 years of loyal fans who want their game remastered… other than graphics it really stuck to the original. I didn’t see any new classes or end game content teased, and that is because this isn’t supposed to be a “new” game.

And history has shown sometimes the loud minority, no matter how ridiculous… can cause them to think changes will somehow fix something that isn’t broken.


zzzzz Sharing ideas is fine. Blizzard is sending requests for feedback out to players. If they didn’t want feedback, they wouldn’t ask for it.

Stop trying to be the content police. Everyone is allowed to state their opinion.


Lol yeah ok, that’s why they literally said they are open to more changes, and went so far as to send out email surveys asking people what they want to see happen.


I say “I don’t mind that change as it does not alter gameplay much and is both massively wanted even by the original fans and more new user friendly” Not sure how that is “radical”…

You’re insulting people who want change, that’s why you’re being pointlessly radical.

Please be respectful that not everyone wants the exact same thing out of this game that you do, and that Devs are ASKING us to give feedback.


I did not insult anyone.

The only thing even remotely off tilt I said was just repeating Knives comment about “if you had been here longer than 5 seconds”

With “If you had been around blizzard products for more than 5 seconds” because the one countered the other. And I had been

Not here to insult anyone.

You’re saying you dont want new mobs, or a shared stash. Those aren’t “gameplay changes” your contradicting yourself which is why you dont get it. Diablo 2 has a history of adding content with patches, you realize rune words came in a patch right? Things get added to a game to keep it fresh but if people are a little crazy they can make a version that never changes to satisfy people who love 1.15

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LOL you’ve been dripping insults since your first post on the forums, making assumptions and negative comments about people.

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whatever fits your narrative of what an insult is I guess?


I think Blizzard will not give you an official word as it still is gauging player feedback on D2R and as of yesterday/today, Blizzard sent out surveys for that very purpose.

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Why is it that I have to buy the game to post here but those who refund don’t go away?


They will go away after a bit, I think someone already confirmed that it just takes the system some time to catch up.

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The people who added those “patches” are gone… Blizzard North is gone…

Runewords were the greatest thing to come to LOD imo, and yes it was a patch.

But no… I don’t trust the current people working on the project 20 years later to play around with it. They should work on an expansion after they make a remaster… that is how content should be added imo