Refunded - 0 faith

It’s super strange to me to have heard 2 posters in the last few days who haven’t heard of reddit… it’s one of the most popular websites in the world.

This comment in inconsequential, I was just shocked.


Bloodshot, it’s a pleasure reading mature, thoughtful responses like yours and others’.

Unlike Drium’s and some others.

But that’s very nice advice, and I hope youre right.

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Are you claiming that r/diablo and r/diablo2 has nothing to do with diablo?

On wiikipedia it is the 18th most visited website in the world and 7th for the US. About 42-49.3% of its user base comes from the United States, followed by the United Kingdom at 7.9-8.2% and Canada at 5.2-7.8%.

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I know about reddit. Its just not associated to diablo 2 at all is my point. I like diablo 2 the blizzard game so I have a account here. Im not gonna go hang out on reddit where its for every single game and topic. Reddit is filled with just a general audience here its more concentrated. Well it was if wow wasn’t a thing but its the best your gonna get to hardcore players unless your literally in diablo 2.

This subreddit is for people who want to discuss Diablo 2 and Diablo II resurrected. Whether you need help, want to trade, or you’re just looking to chat- come join us!

40.8k Members

In comparison, the entire US Blizzard diablo forum has <50K forum members. The vast majority were here before the D2 and D2R forums joined it in February.


There are subreddits that are used for very specific things, it’s not just “general stuff”, though, to be honest there probably is a subreddit called “general stuff “ lol


You might want to get updated about the presence of Blizzard in the social media. Reddit is one of their main sources of player feedback, even more than this forum.

Just do a search here and look at the blues’ posts and you will see.

By the way, the Diablo Reddit community is huge! You should participate. Maybe you won’t be too outdated on the information you have.


Twitter too, is In no way “associated” with d2 but devs make way more comments there than here.


Reddit attracts the general masses it was not designed for diablo 2 is my only point. A fan of d2 does not necessarily think to use reddit as they are not linked. I need an account to play d2r is the only reason im here. Reddit is full of people, you got people who dont know george bush is commenting in politics section its a cluser ****.

Very different and you know that. Twitter is social media just to announce things quickly and they arent using twitter to conduct game changing polls.

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Most people who visit reddit go to subreddits. I have never looked at politics on reddit. I have gone to multiple video game subreddits.

I didnt say it wasnt popular im sure it is. Im simply saying if you like diablo your thought isnt to go to reddit, its users are reddit users who happen to like diablo, not the other way around. I prefer not too even if they let the OFFICAL forums die out I rather use the platform linked to the game.

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Blizzard uses twitter for tons of things. It’s where they hosted a contest for SC2 where I got my beta key, looked for input on betas, alphas, etc.

Yes, game devs use social media to make game changing choices. Blizzard is not an anomaly here.

In your honest opinion should polls concerning diablo 2 r be hosted on the diablo 2 R website, or on a reddit page? Just curious. Im not saying dont advertise the poll there, but to have the actual polls not on the real website? Even blizzard emailing random people with blizzard accounts is a better idea then that.

Except these forums are actually notoriously bad for game info on d2, guides, etc.

There are plenty of social media sites with much better, sortable info on builds, etc.

Most knowledge-seeking players serve themselves best by looking outside these forums for the inner workings of the game, drop rates, affix lvls, Qlvl, Ilvl, etc.

Between these two choices, I would pick the D2 subreddit for the simple fact that Blizzard’s D2R forum requires that you pre-purchased D2R. It is a highly biased selection criteria to only sample the D2R forum.

Since Blizzard is conducting their own survey with many of the same questions, that is probably the best Blizzard strategy as they are inquiring about players who indicated that they played D2 in the past. They are not seeking feedback from simply forum goers.

Give aways on social media is normal. Should they just host the presidental election on reddit? I mean why not theres a lot of people who like politics there more then a random voting station. I mean give me one reason why they shouldnt! Lets also hosts elections on twitter and youtube.

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I think we both understand that these two things are different.

1-game developers looking at many different platforms to make decisions

2-having a presidential election

Yes we do. The crowd on social media platforms does not give accurate representation its fine for advertising, showing pictures, meming, giveaways,tutorals, stuff like that. Even gauging feedback. However its not the end all be all the polls are going to have a bias all platforms have a bias. D2 fans who dont like change are probably less likely to use reddit, does that make sense? Reddit crowd tends to be younger, more casual, people who follow multiable things so on. Theres probably a crap ton of fb polls on issues I care about, but guess what? Im not in the fb demographics so my view is not represented I dont view fb as the hub even if its popular. @Micro if you know these forums have over representation of purist or hardcore fans then you know reddit is the opposite.

Did you ever think, perhaps their main goal is to attract players that are not that knowledgeable, but still enjoy the game, and willing to spend money to play it, if certain needs are met?

As a person who used to play this game a lot… too much to be perfectly honest, and researched just about every build breakpoint/ BIS setup, etc. I am perfectly comfortable with blizzard reaching out to more casual players for input.

Granted I think they should preserve a mostly intact experience for release, and fork changes going forward, I am more than happy to see those changes come to fruition.

Casual players have cash too.


I think they should just remake d2 with some qol and balence changes and leave core gameplay alone like they said. Casual fans have cash but they arent long haulers I cant prove it to you but I guarantee you most of the people pushing for big changes are not sticking around to your own admission they are casual by definition they wont be a loyal player base. They made d3 super casual listened to all the wow fans and that game got totally DESTROYED. Where are all those people I was arguing not to add a rmah with? how about all the removed choices and crappy end game? now im stuck with a garbage d3 that I played through once and d2 which gives my eyes cancer.