Refunded - 0 faith

I didn’t get a survey :frowning:

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If you like no changes so much, you can already play that version today.


But the gwaphics make my eyes bweeeeeeed.

Atleast me and a friend of mine were able to state the exact opposite :slight_smile:

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Good on you?

We’ll see how the survey goes. I have a pretty strong feeling a majority of people responding are going to be asking for changes.

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It’s a very high optimistic numbers, even hardcore purist fans of Vanilla WoW were not so high when TBC came. :rofl:

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I am disappointed a little in not getting the survey in part because I am interested in how question were phrased. For example, one of the screenshots related to 3 controversial topics at launch (balance changes to items, balance changes to skills and personal loot instead of free for all loot) .

Did Blizzard ask do you want balance changes (items or skills) or personal loot at all? I am not expecting an answer for obvious reasons but how the question is stated is important. The “at launch” question suggest that these may be coming and a preference for when. A “do you want it at all” question means maybe coming, may be not coming.

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Most questions you had to answer with how interested you were. Very/interested/neutral/not interested/very not interested etc.

Some had little textboxes you could fill too.

Every topic was its own question, so there was no confusion possible. You could say ‘hell no’ to personal loot but ‘hell yes’ to charm inventory for example.

The idea that someone already refunded is very funny to me. Y’all should spend less time on the internet, or at least getting mad on Internet forums. This isn’t real life. Otherwise the remaster looks amazing whether they make additional changes or simply provide a more modern base for modders to continue to keep the game alive.

My point was not about that per se.

If I ask:

Do you want feature X at launch?


Do you want feature X introduced at all?

The top question is about when while the bottom is about inclusion/exclusion.

They did not distinguish between ‘at launch’ and ‘later’ at all no. You could use the fill-in answers to talk about that if you want I guess.

That seems strange to me, there was a screenshot at reddit.

It is the second screenshot in the first post of this thread.

Blizzard seems to be seriously considering gameplay changes to D2:R : diablo2 (

It specifically reads “at launch”. Does this screenshot appear legit?

No what I mean is that there was no ‘later’ question. There was no distinction/second set of answers.

You couldn’t answer “no” to at launch and then clarify “yes” to later. So if you want changes, per the survey, you only had one opportunity to say so. They didn’t bother differentiating, which is kind of a mistake, but eh.

Intriguing. :smiley:

Eh not really. They might send a second survey out for future developments. I think right now they’re trying to close the “at launch” debate. Are they releasing a carbon copy of D2 or can they make changes right away?

The interface is in dire need of radical changes, you’d have to be crazy not to see it…
And since console is already getting different interface, PC should get a total rework and a proper hotbar…

Gods yes. They need to bring the console interface to PC.

Diablo 3 is the same thing. The console interface looks so much better, but they refuse to bring it to PC.

I wonder if they force the game to reload in the main menu, when you plug a pad in PC.

You mean this thing with pushing button to select one of 2 active skills, and then using one of bumpers to use this skill? This is literally same as PC, but we just don’t see what we assigned to Fs

Having it be visible is kind of a major QOL feature tho. Don’t see why it would hurt to have it be a hotbar like on console.