Refunded - 0 faith

Whatever. Who cares? You refunded. Your opinion isn’t valid and you’ll lose your posting rights here shortly.

I still own D2 and have been playing it on and off for about 18 years and as recently as this year.

you accuse people of lacking respect but you flood the forums attacking anyone who hopes for an honest remaster, and you insulting people for refunding the game is a little hypocritical. Of course you wont see it but to each their own :stuck_out_tongue:


Congratulations for playing a video game for 18 years.

Sadly, there is no participation trophy for this, nor does it make your opinion more valuable.


The whole reason they are re-mastering this game is because people have been playing it for the last 20 years.

If it was a flop they wouldn’t have brought it back 20 years later.



More ppl play d3 than d2.

It needs to be modernized so tons of ppl will enjoy it. Not just the 50k rabid purists.


There are way less than 50k purists LOL.

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You believe in alternate facts do you? This explains a lot.

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I was being kind… :grin:

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If blizz did send out surveys that is a very very bad idea. Anyone can selective survey all the posts for change and go to devs look 95% want radical change. WTF are the forums for then. Turn it into a remake and blizz can watch this turn into a sh*t storm that will make Warcrat 3 look silly.


The disappointment when these people realize that this is a remaster upon the game’s release, and not “Diablo 3 with good itemization”, is going to be immense.


You guys are the “pinnacle” of objectivity. :rofl:


It has been confirmed now independently by many including screenshots.

To me, getting feedback on a broader sample is better. Blizzard will not release the survey results for obvious reasons, but in the coming days we should see what the reddit survey results that got feedback on 25 questions from more than 4,000 people.

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D2R is going to be a great game regardless I think, as long as the don’t pull a Warcraft3 Reforged on us.

I mostly push back against people advocating for change because I really want them to hash out the arguments and why it would be better from a game design perspective for Diablo 2. I have a fondness for certain old game design philosophies and believe that there is a lot of merit to them. Modern games have made games too convenient, and taken some of the soul out of the gameplay loop. But even if a few minor changes and QoL improvements are made, D2R it will still likely maintain D2’s greatness.

VV apparently did a great job with Tony Hawk, and that’s why they were put on this project. Activision/Blizzard knows they can’t mess this up.

You should preorder it again imo.


Warcraft 3 flopped because they promised X things like “better cutscenes” and then did not have new cutscenes at all. Also the game was buggy and broken.

That’s completely external to whether they’re making gameplay changes or not.

Is this an out of season april fools joke?

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I’m very sorry if you did not receive the email survey. That’s just how it is though. I guess playing the game for the last 21 years isn’t an automatic qualifier for giving feedback, how about that.

If you look at posts above and on the reddit you will see it is very real, though.

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I’m shocked your account hasn’t been temporarily suspended yet, the way you’re spitting out these condescending posts.

I’ve been suspended for much less recently lol. Be careful.

(Like I said before, you probably need to take a break from the keyboard for a bit.)


Nah I’m having great fun.

** Also I don’t really care.

I know you are, and I was having fun too when I got suddenly banned last weekend for much less than what I’ve seen from you this morning.

Hey if it happens then it happens. I’m doing like 5 things at once here, having to downsize to 4 for a day or two won’t kill me lol.