Refunded - 0 faith

I agree with you on d3. I loved how hard it was at release, knew rmah was a mistake before release, and wish it were different. I also feel many of the same mistakes from current-d3 will make it to d4, but we will see.

As for d2, I think the devs will have to think very seriously about forking changes going forward, as you’re right to suggest changing too much on release could sour good will.

I do think there is nothing wrong with them catering to a larger playerbase with patches going forward though.

If a large portion of players want stacked gems, runes, charm inventory, personal loot, who cares as long as I can play LoD mostly as-is, right?

I feel this is the only way forward if blizzard wants to content patch the game going forward.

What on earth are you talking about? Everything the developers have said has been the exact opposite of “radical change”. The developers of D2R said, and i quote, “we were very hesitant to change anything, even auto-gold. So we added a toggle feature to appease the purists”.

The D2R devs have also said things such as:

“we aren’t going to make any changes unless there were workarounds done by players. Such as mules. So we created the shared stash”.

“we asked ourselves, “does this change the core of the game?” to decide if its a good decision or not”

“we have no immediate plans for changes or additions but we are always open to feedback”

-This doesn’t mean radical changes, if this and similar “feedback quotes” is what you’re referring to. Game developers are and should always be open to feedback from the player forums, the good and the bad. The D2R devs are smart enough to know what would be a good change and a bad change and have stated as such, relax. The slogan in D2R’s advertising is literally:

“Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.”

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When was the last time you visited the forum? There is more news from Blizzard now. Blizzard sent out a survey where the questions included whether players want balance changes and personal loot at D2R launch.

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They voted for 95% changes even 60% for a goofy charm inventory which is literally just space restricted to charms so they dont need to decide what to hold onto. I think by default theres a lot of purist because d2 was a good game so any diablo fans by default most are gonna lean purist if you are casual then honestly you should probably wait for diablo 4. (im not saying if you want a few changes, but if you are casual and want a casual game def a better game for you)

“blizzard sent out”? is there a link to this? because the only thing i can find is a reddit survey that was not sent out by blizzard devs. Is there a second survey im not seeing? :thinking:

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Yes. It was directly from Blizzard. It is not the reddit survey with 4,000+ respondents. There are multiple links to confirm the existence of Blizzard’s survey. Many of the D2R forum have confirmed its existence. See the links in:

New Blizzard D2R Survey - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums

I guess that this throws a monkey wrench in the whole Blizzard is not even considering giving players an option misinformation.

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ah okay. thanks for the link. This is why people are freaking out? blizzard asking people if they want changes? :laughing: . The reddit survey was biased garbage that was mostly filled out by the players who want change, the blizzard survey will go out to infinitely more players and the hardcore fans will respond accordingly. If you think most people want change, i wouldn’t hold your breath.

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Riddle me this:

If Blizzard already decided against optional minor/more significant changes, then it makes no sense to ask if players want them at D2R launch. I would not hold my breath, thinking that most people do not want change given the incredibly lopsided results for certain things on the reddit poll. Many who received the Blizzard survey have already stated that they asked for changes while others wanted a more base game experience.

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if you think a survey , that you’re expecting to skew one way based on a tiny biased reddit survey no one knows is even legit or not, is more evidence that blizzard is going to change things instead of , you know, the voices of the ACTUAL D2R developers themselves who said they wouldn’t? You’re either hilariously naive or just willfully ignorant. Guess we’ll see on launch huh?

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You keep making this false dichotomy. Blizzard can preserve D2R to have an authentic D2 experience while making optional changes for an updated experience. It is not one or the other. You keep referencing the former but ignore all the Blizzard quotes and actions about the latter.

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You’re misunderstanding my argument. My argument was never, “don’t change anything, it isn’t D2!”, my argument was always, “the D2R devs have said X, you’re saying Y”

The D2R devs have said they don’t want change and they know the hardcore fans also don’t want change. So they’ve stated plainly in the blizzcon panel that they aren’t in favor of ANY major changes like item/skill balancing ect. So if i was an unbiased 3rd party looking at this situation, i would be listening to the words of the D2R devs and not a random survey which you don’t know the results of. I would be betting my money on no changes at launch. I’m sorry you’re in favor of so much change, because i just don’t see them doing much. Just based on their words of course.


The problem with your argument is you have used the fact that they said X to exclude that they can do X and Z. If you have read Blizzard’s quotes in their entirety, they have clearly stated that Z is possible. My argument has always been they said X and possibly Z.

Did you honestly predict Blizzard sending out their survey asking if player wanted personal loot? I did.

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theres no problem with my arguement. I’ve quoted the D2R devs a half a dozen times about how they wont make big changes. period. It isnt going to happen, and a random survey isn’t going to change that fact. Show me a single quote where they, the D2R devs, have recently stated they will change major things and not just some dead skill buffs? Because they’ve said the exact opposite over and over. They are the ones with creative control and final say. So if you think theres some random top person above the D2R devs thats going to come down and force them, you’re dreamin.

Im not even against change. I also find charms annoying and would want some skill balancing. But, it aint gonna happen chief. lol

The quotes that I can point to our vague. They do not state explicitly all the types of changes they are considering. However, it is clear that they want player feedback on potential changes. This feedback includes the Blizzard’s survey that includes things you consider big. The charm inventory was even listed as QoL feature in their survey.

So a survey from Blizzard is now considered “a random survey” and not one to inform Blizzard’s game design decision.

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You are really underestimating the Diablo community on social media. The Reddit sub has even a Discord channel to its thousands users. As pointed out before, Blizzard is constantly looking at hubs outside this forum, even making their presence known.

You can’t say the poll is skewed because you don’t know the sub or the people that made the poll. You don’t even know Reddit, apparently. So who’s naive?

I bet Blizzard will make their decisions based on the survey they sent to their playerbase (I received one, by the way) comparing it to the one posted on Reddit.

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They are literally making Diablo 4 for people that want that modernized game… Why do you need to change Diablo 2 ?..

This post is unbelievable.


At the end of the day the people at the top of ActiBlizzard will decide if these radical changes make the game, right now Diablo is one of their biggest franchises and they wouldn’t want to let a remaster scare people away from Diablo 4.

So yes if there is a good enough excuse to make it happen (surveys) then it could happen.

It’s literally changing the way the game is played, so yes it is stupid.

If you want a list of reasons why I think it’s a bad mechanic I would be happy to share it with you.

I’ve been waiting for a patch 15.0 for years. I can’t wait for some crazy new rune words, uniques, builds, and hijinks!


is there an actual way to refund? im seriously considering it.