Refund on D2 Resurrected?

The current Win10 is rock solid these days and you can buy a oem key for 10 dollars.

Come on dude seriously?

I refunded this game both for PC and Xbox and it was actually really easy to do. Xbox does it automatically from the Microsoft website with one click since itā€™s a pre-order and it is their policy to refund those.

Ripp, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. We really appreciate it. You seem like a nice person and hate to see you go. This community need more players like yourself. I hope that you come back when things get better, and they will get better.

Man, that sucks but as a business even 10 minutes from a popular streamer means more views and more views means more reach.

Just did a refund myself. I was extremely disappointed to find out that itā€™s only the first two acts at the moment. Not nearly enough gameplay to see if Iā€™ll fully enjoy it. Visually, it is amazing; absolutely gorgeous game to look at. And there are some nice QoL improvements. The shared stash tabs were definitely needed

But the inventory being the same size is just too archaic for me. I like being able to pick up a lot without having to return to town, even if itā€™s something I know there is no chance of me using it. My favourite part of playing games like this is the sense of discovery.

I love Path of Diablo and Project Diablo 2, I donā€™t think either one had any changes I didnā€™t like. I think they do an excellent job of balancing specs/classes/items, the increased inventory size made the game so much more enjoyable, high runes actually having a decent chance of dropping (but still being rare enough that it still feels special when one drops), the maps that freshen up endgame farming, new and harder ubers, etc.

As good as the original D2 was, endgame for most people eventually devolved into 8 player Hell Baal runs, over, and overā€¦and over. My youngest brother played the game like that for years. I never understood what kind of enjoyment anyone could possibly get from that. There isnā€™t anything remotely engaging or challenging about it. Even breaking up the monotony of that by doing an uber trist run. With 8 players they melt in a matter of seconds, even solo it wasnā€™t much of a challenge.

I havenā€™t followed much in the way of information for their plans for the game. Is there talk of attempting to rebalance the game the way the mods have? Or will it still just be the few handful of cookie cutter specs that most people play? I canā€™t imagine that once the full game is out they would just leave it there as is and never have any patches or the like.

For me the most important QoL would be the increased inventory size, or charm inventory. The arguments Iā€™ve heard against it just donā€™t make sense to me. Having to choose between having bag space and having your character stronger is a terrible design. There isnā€™t even any content in the game difficult enough to warrant min/maxing anyway(is there a D2 parsing community Iā€™m unaware of?). Iā€™ve never needed to stuff my inventory full of skillers to clear anything, for the most part when I play I only use charms I find, rarely ever trade for any. Personally, Iā€™d love the inventory increase and some harder content.

A question for anyone against the charm inventory, do you consistently play one of the aforementioned top cookie cutter specs? And do you consistently run content in full groups of 8? If you answered yes to either, then youā€™ve already trivialised the game for yourself more than the potential power creep of still having room to pick up items while running a full charm kit ever will.

Anyway, post got kinda longwinded, sorry for anyone thatā€™s made it this far without scrolling on to the next reply. The TL;DR of it is, as much as I love the original D2, and as absolutely phenomenal as this remaster looks, as it stands right now Iā€™m going to stick to the D2 mods that are out there.

Iā€™m not going to stand here and stamp my foot demanding they change things to fit my ā€œperfectā€ idea of how the game should be. If they release it as is, and never add or change anything else, I hope the game does well and has a thriving and stable player base. I might even pick it up again down the line to experience the full remaster.

Cheers all

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Iā€™ve spent all weekend testing the open beta and am now on the fence.
Thereā€™s one big drawback and it might just be the deal breaker for me.
How hard would it be to fix this in 2021? Two tabs instead of one. One is smaller, just for the charms. The other one is huge, for all your inventory.
If you have ever played Grim Dawn you would immediately know what Iā€™m talking about. There should never be an inventory problem in loot grinding games nowadays!
When Blizz said QoL changes, I immediately thought it would be changing the inventory to make gameplay possible without mods. Now thereā€™s no modding and no inventory space, worse than 10 years agoā€¦
I will wait till mid September and if nothing is done - refund. Makes me even less excited about D4



Who doesnā€™t read system requirements before buying or playing something.

I appreciate this explanation. You have definite grounds for a refund.

These are issues that should be looked at and tended to in a remaster.

Because the game is still riddled with the same problems from 2000. Not new problems the same old desynch and rubberbanding. They have done literally nothing to increase performance.

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I donā€™t know about refunds for alpha keys, but I do know I hate all streamers. They are right up there with bankers, scammers, Jeff besos haha.


lol. Those are rookie numbers.


Lol, so true. I clocked 40h + during this beta weekend alone. Add next weekend and might be over 100h, before we even talk about release. 5-10k is normal for games like D2. Still, no excuse for not expanding inventory space and adding a separate tab for charms.

could care less about charms, would just make pvp worse with people keeping all sorts of random stuff in their actual inventory. This would be detrimental to that part of the game. But, we need more stash space 100%.

Right, charms would be OP. Lol I could have 6 of each res 11% stack my res to max plus add in my 9 skillers, torch, anni and slap one piece of sorb it would be BM duels 24/7 sounds like Hdin galore.

What I mean is disable charms effect if they are in your main inventory, which should be made as big as the chest storage. Just add a tab inside your inventory that opens the charms area, which should be made reasonably small. All charms that you put in that space would be active. This way you donā€™t break the old game, as you would have as many active charms as you could before, AND have a big primary inventory space.

This would be the issue. The amount of gear people would keep and swap out mid pvp would be annoying.

How many people focus on Pvp vs pve? So, you would rather EVERYONE suffered the 20 year old inventory size? No room for new players i guess. Even many returning veterans are complaining. Itā€™s much easier to disable storage manipulation once in PVP mode. Add a PVP button like in many other games. If you click it, canā€™t touch inventory - problem solved

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It would be an issue in world pvm as well, since we are not getting Ploot, and shouldnā€™t get Ploot.

It was fun in PD2 I wont lie, but I would like it to remain the same it was in the original D2LoD.

How is not having to stop to sort out your inventory after every mob encounter an issue? When I was streaming beta last weekend, this was the number one question. Mostly coming from new players looking to buy this game.
And to think I used to complain about storage space in Grim Dawn, which has 5 player inventory tabs and 10 stash tabs of bigger size than in D2.

I really want to express a huge thank you for not bashing the forums or the game. I really appreciate, in fact, your written cons you have with the game, and totally feel you. I think people shooting you some flames is totally unreasonable, because thereā€™s nothing wrong with you having trouble with older games, but trying out this remaster. Hey, it didnā€™t work for you.

Iā€™m sorry to see you go, you seem like a nice person with a solid head on their shoulders. This community is losing someone.

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Inventory tetris is just a part of D2 - and why getting the cube in Act 2 feels so rewarding.

Most people learn pretty fast to only pick up the valuable things that sell well (throwing weapons, scepters, staves, rings/ammys, some chest armor).

D2 is just not D2 if you donā€™t have to think about space. It is a carry over from the pencil and paper RPGs it was based on where your ability to carry loot was determined by your STR as well as any gear you might have - and a bag of holding was a huge deal.