Refund on D2 Resurrected?

Soooooo! Is there any way I can get a refund on my pre-purchase?


Yeah. Contact support, just use the chat feature. I got mine about 20 minutes ago.


If you don’t mind, why are you guys requesting refunds? just curious.


Yeah so first, great job VV, you knocked it out of the park. Y’all who want D2 with some effective QoL, you will be happy. Outside of some small bugs that most big game devs would consider good for launch, but VV calls an “Alpha”, the game is looks, sounds, and plays beautifully.

I am getting a refund because I struggle with old games. I struggled revisiting Halo even. There are just small things that devs pick up and put in games that really help elevate ideas.

D2 inventory management was a game killer for me. I spent a few years playing Grim Dawn and when I was playing D2, just dealing with having to stop every other engagement and look at my inventory was annoying and borderline frustrating. To the point where I logged off twice to watch youtube and scan the D2 forums during the weekend technical. You really have to remember what to pick up, what to ignore to stream line your experience here.

It’s D2. That’s my problem. I would like a bit more QoL in the inventory spectrum, be it stackable runes/gems, but even still it won’t solve the potion/loot/charm management. Ick, I forgot how much of a pain it was to not be rich and build out a toon from mules so I can just run over everything but high lvl runes.

Lol. Nothing wrong with the game, it’s not the right fit for me right now. If they announce some QoL that would help relieve inventory management and let me spend more time, out of town/inventory, then I’ll rebuy it at whatever the price current.


LOL, why do you want to refund when you didnt play the product? There is nothing to refund yet.

Yes, you can contact support. Just choose D2R and type in that you want a refund.

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:frowning: sad to see you wont be around then


Well I still have my original copy of D2. I may just bust that out and play it. The visuals are not that big of a deal to me.


Idk, if I see anymore of your posts that need popcorn, I may purchase just to do that then refund again later lol. Hell, maybe I won’t have to refund again later though, will see. I haven’t x’d this game off my radar entirely.

But yeah, probably should have just held off on the refund until closer to launch so I could discuss… Look at me and my big boy logic.


Seen quite a lot of people posting refund proof on Twitter due to a lack of an alpha invite. Honestly? I don’t even blame them. I would be a liar if I said I didn’t feel cheated by a lack of an invite when there are streamers who played for 10 minutes then said “I’m just going to go play retail WoW.” or the famous “I never played Diablo 2 so this is my first time playing”. That stings.

I think people tend to compare their dedication to Diablo 2 versus the sellout who actually obtained a key. That’s not a good feeling.

We all know Blizzard doesn’t owe us an alpha invite but it doesn’t make it less of a spit in the face.

I’m not going anywhere…just saying I understand their point and feel a bit of that sting.


LMAO, it makes no sense. They bought final product, not the alpha. Its even saud there that preorder will not grant you access to alpha.


that is a good question since its not out yet… and if your in need of 40$ which isn’t much thats lunch money if you ask me but w.e. the reason it im sure its a emergency :slight_smile:

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LMAO, it makes no sense. They bought final product, not the alpha.

This 100%.

I am amazed to see how so many people are immature snowflakes.

I wish I received the access as much as anyone else but I did not. Big deal.


It was two acts, sure maybe it woulda been fun for a couple hours but, I’ll be much happier if I get into the multiplayer alpha lol.


Fingers crossed! I made a video for their Wirt’s leg competition and everything! They didn’t seem to like me beating Andariel to death with Wirt’s leg on Hardcore lol.

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the amount of entitlement from people is astounding. “waah i didnt get alpha invite” “whaa this remaster plays too much like a 20 year old game.”

what exactly do you expect from a remaster? Everything looks like original D2 but with a huge graphic overhaul, thats exactly what i was expecting and hoping for and i for one loved everything i saw. i sure hate the fact i didnt get into this round of the alpha but w/e i’ll play it when i can play it and i’ll play the sh*t out of it.


i know right? if your here its because you know what your getting yourself into from playing the classic… some people just paid for the message boards keep in mind you xD to cry and then try and get a refund lmao that’s the hilarious part of it all xD


If you didnt want d2 when you preordered, then you should of not preordered. Every time I hear charm inventory, and rune stacking, and personal loot I feel dirty and want to take a shower not even joking. Im fine with rune stacking more inventory space but these other big suggestions are like really just go play wow or d3 or d4 even Lama says it now holy crap


wanna know what’s even worse… these people actually waited 20 years to cry about this same thing in hopes blizzard would do something about it 20 years later… and guess what blizzard still got there 40$ regardless 20 years later and the game is not even out yet and they’re still crying xD amazing… holy shiet that’s some next level ranting right there xD


You can cry harder? Will it help you feel better? Did your crying in other threads not go so well, so you had to come here and cry me back into a purchase? Like, what are you after here?

I tried to get back into D2 thinking I wanted D2. Turns out, D2 is old and I don’t want it. Lol.