Refund on D2 Resurrected?

This is why people need to stop pre-ordering.


Uhhhā€¦ didnā€™t you pre-order? You have to have purchased the game to post here

Yes because I knew 100% I would be playing the game.

Ohh the irony lol!!!

Itā€™s not ironic if I was going to play it no matter what. Changes or no changes, Iā€™m game. Anyone thinking, ā€œIā€™m gonna refund if thereā€™s changesā€ or ā€œif thereā€™s no changes.ā€ shouldnā€™t be pre-ordering.


Moved the goal post on that one huh?

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No, I just made a short and simple reply, but apparently I had to clarify because clearly you think Iā€™m referring to all preorders lol. You shouldnā€™t pre-order if youā€™re this undecided.


Ohh we have additional requirements lol.

Yā€™all two lol. A pre-order for something like this is a vote. You have until the game launches to cancel that vote. You two donā€™t have to prove something to each otherā€¦

whos the one cried they didnt add dumb changes and refunded? im not crying im laughing :rofl:
ā€œd2 is old and dont want itā€
Ok bye LOL

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why did you pre-order a 20 year old games remaster if this is an accurate description of you?

D2 inventory management literally IS the game. Inventory tetris with your gear is quite literally one of the biggest aspects of D2 and if you didnā€™t like it, you didnā€™t like the majority of the game. Again, this is extremely bizarre coming from a pre-order.

yes its CRAZY how a game has an actual progression system you have to learn to use, isnā€™t it? :roll_eyes:

again, this sounds like you NEVER played D2 or you blindly purchased D2R with zero research. Sounds like youā€™re a D3 player who wants so much ā€œQoLā€ that you basically donā€™t have to play the game at all. Just button spam flying across the screen one shotting everything. :laughing:

ā€œi donā€™t want to think about what im picking up, manage items or strategize during gameplay. thats crazy! i want to rarely visit town, everything auto-sells, upgrades are always obvious and auto equips, and unlimited respecs so i donā€™t think about my build eitherā€ -D3 players version of ā€œQOLā€ :roll_eyes:


Of all the posts you pick to lay out the most absurd arguments when Iā€™ve done nothing but praise VV for an amazing recreation of D2.

Your biggest problem is you fail to understand that I thought I wanted this game because I used to love it so much, but I realized that after college I am not as interested in strategizing my inventory. You are offended by this and I deeply apologize to your sensitive feelings. I feel, you are also deeply soul crushed that I no longer have the youthful vigor to re-grind my stock, fill my mules, and not have to worry about new buildsā€¦ To your point, Iā€™d probably buy this on sale and Fearlesstable runewords in because I donā€™t have the time to care.

Itā€™s a fantastic game, I have zero desire to spend anymore time in this conversation though. Donā€™t be so offended other people value their time in different ways.


Iā€™m still hereā€¦ Never uninstalled the game lol. Cya in the MP beta?

Try PD2 or POD. They have much better inv space, stackable runes/gems


To me itā€™s a very small change compare from the original, graphics alone wonā€™t convince me to replay a game where Iā€™ve already invested hundreds of hours in almost 20 years ago, especially at a 40ā‚¬ pricetag.

No aussie servers and COST ME 70 dollars AU to buy it



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stupid black bars in game

300ping games


I agree no Windows 7ā€¦ Im out. Wouldnt have bothered. Man blizzard is just trash nowadays. Iā€™ll stick with the oldschool.

Iā€™ll be asking for multiple refunds in the morning because no ladder or ladder runewords means the games unfinished. When they finish the game, then Iā€™ll buy it.