Refund on D2 Resurrected?

For each refund request post, I will buy a copy of D2R for my imaginary friends.

The first of said friends to receive a copy is Tom. He’s been with me the longest so it is only fair that he gets the first copy.

i will post like 1000 fake refund topic’s for you then lol then blizzard will be happy :rofl:

Just throw up a TP and go to town it’s not that hard. How much junk do you pickup on mf runs?

whats your problem with d2r?

Refund on D2 resurrected

i’am sad.

i thought it was a meme thread.
a mix between “attack on titan” naming it “Refund on D2 resurrected” considering how many false refund threat there is in this forum.
i’am sad it wasn’t that.
i had expectation you know ?
i think it hurt my feelings.
It hurts my feelings !

Thank you for your response!
As someone who played D&D most of his childhood, I can definitely see the connection or carry over. But is it really necessary in a game with so much loot? I never had problems carry loot in ADND games like Baldur’s Gate for example. The items aren’t raining on you and you got up to 6 teammates to share the load. Not to mention the magic bags of holding which, later on, let you have a massive storage capacity on the go. In all my playing D&D I never had a problem with limited space as it was balanced by limited loot and party members.

Try, for a moment, to put aside your past D2 experience, and wear a new player’s hat instead. It will take them hundreds of hours to figure out which items to pick up and what to ignore. How many would be willing to accept this restriction? Again, I’ve seen too many of these questions on my channel and discord server to ignore. Unless of course, the devs have no interest in new players.

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I like oldies. I got W3 Reforged and Starcraft Remastered.

But after a couple hours of Early Access and Open Beta, I asked for a refund.

I know that in the current situation, I won’t take any pleasure to play Diablo 2 Resurrected.

My detailed Feedback:

The work done on Diablo 2 Resurrected graphisms is honestly incredible.

But the gameplay and quality of life are lightyears away from Diablo 3.

Playing Diablo 2 Resurrected made me realize that Diablo 3 is actually a good game.

Diablo 3 just need more fresh / paid content (new maps, items and sets), and maybe 4K textures. But the backbone is there.

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I dont because I have a super computer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I may also request a refund because of the small inventory space, and no instanced looting. We expect better from blizzard in 2021


I’ve requested mine for the same reasons. Will be checking in once in a while. Don’t feel like investing so much money for just small graphics overhaul. They promised QoL which I’m yet to see.

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No need to buy/install Windows 10 license. You can run it on Linux + wine for FREE!

i want rafund but it says " None of your orders are eligible for refund " can u tell me how to do Cat. i dont see this

Did you order the bundle or the single game?

paid for Diablo Prime Evil Collection around 1 month ago

Unfortunately other users have been reporting issues with getting a refund for the bundle due to the in game items for Diablo 3. It sucks they don’t explicitly state this during check out and it doesn’t help that their ToS is very vague.

I’ll be happy even with Partial refund

Fun fact:

If you buy d2r it cost you 40. If you buy prime evil it cost you 60.
So now the funny part.
If you buy d2r for 40 at first, they offer you the prime evil addition for just 13 more :joy:

I am sorry but that is not something they can do. The Bundles can’t be split on purchase or on refund. It is all or nothing.

The condition that makes it ineligible for a refund is using the D3 content and leveling chars. D3 is normally $40 for all the content as the discount bundle. (Or it was $115 USD separately at launch). The Bundle had it for $10.

TBH I don’t understand these kind of refund request, since D2R reveal I knew It could be pre-purchased, but knowing it was going to be a Remaster I had an idea of what the game was going to be. Any way as diablo fan I knew I was going to buy it, but finally I waited until 2 months ago after watching dozen of videos from the Alpha, several videos explaining if it is worth and the pros and cons…
The request in this thread is the result of perhaps an impulsive purchase, because from the beggining we all know that the inventory was going to be the same, we only knew that the stash was going to have a shared tab and now we have two more, which is even better, but not the inventory nor any kind of Ploot which many people claim now and otherwise refund… it has no sense to me beyond… “I prepurchase the game so I can play the closed and open beta for free and then refund claiming anything”, reminds me a friend who bought a sound system for a party and then the next monday went to the shop to get a refund because “he wanted more hdmi ports”.

Yea, unfortunately, I bought my copy of the Diablo III: Eternal Collection for $19.79 a few months back. :frowning_face: However, since I now know that I am not eligible for a refund if I saved $7 dollars, I think I actually made the right choice. :slightly_smiling_face: