Raise Torment Difficulty to 20

No! How many frigging times must this be repeated?!

We need less torments, not more! The number of torment levels needs to be reduced and rescaled.


It is already unless you quit the game at level 70. People are trying to work around the atrocious itemization because Blizzard isn’t going to fix it. They probably won’t fix this either but we can hope.

Oh look, this same thread again. More doesn’t mean better. They should stick to the old MP 10 and call it a life, with MP 10 being like GR 100 or something.


That is actually correct. If look at monster health numbers at certain torment level and its GR equivalent, T16 vs GR75 for example, they are actually significantly lower in the GR. The damage dealt by monsters is also lower in GRs. If I had to guess, it is to compensate the higher density in GRs to make them “feel” equal.


Id be a fan of adding a few more torment levels. While eventually itd still get outscaled as t16 does now itd at least make things like farming bounty mats or rift keys feel a little more worthwhile.


I’ll just quote something I wrote in a similar thread from a couple of years back…


That’s not what is being asked for.

“Bruuuuuuh the game is tooo ezy, make more difficult levels” - said the player that is stuck in GR 120…

Plz, first clear GR 150 under 5 min while watching sports bloopers before requesting increase the “torment”.

The game is divided in three steps:

1 - Level up (1 - 70)
2 - Gear up (Torments + Bounties + Nephalem Rifts)
3 - Push up (Greater Rifts)


Would T20 be equal to GR120?

Maybe… maybe not… people would start claiming for “it is too ezy… make torment 30” and the cry cycle repeats

I was just looking at it from the perspective of “the game is too hard” when you’re trying to do GR120+ but I would think T20 would be like… GR95-ish? If so, that’s a lot more manageable, in my opinion.

Then again, it’s one of those rabbit holes I wouldn’t want to fall down. I remember OG Diablo 3 that had 4 difficulties. The hardest was Inferno. People complained it was too hard but most of those people were just undergeared for it. It made more sense than having 20 difficulties we have now.



The issue isn’t the difficult level… is the itemization and lack of creativity on the End Game. Push the level ceiling don’t solve anything, just trivialize one content over the other.

Okay, how 'bout this…

Bounties have missions of “Kill such and such”…

Now, imagine that yellow mob rolling with Juggernaut, an affix that’s normally skipped the higher you go in Grifts because they take too long to kill. Or just “Kill Belial” who is cc immune".

So my point stands because either folks won’t do bounties because you’re forced to face elites that normally you would skip because they take too long or your running Bounties in lower difficulties which defeats the purpose of creating new difficulties anyway.

So yeah, I think I understand the thread.

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Correct. I get it… the game is free. Nobody is paying them to develop more “quality” content and raising the ceiling is just a simple bandaid solution.

If people want the crafting mats, they will still do the bounties. You can add all the affixes you want… they’ll still do them because of the increased drop rates per difficulty of bounty caches, making it more efficient than going down a difficulty.

It’s funny though, these threads always pop up around the time that DH’s Shadow set gets a buff because folks can’t keep their hatred up or have to change their builds too much for it to make sense.

I’m just saying, this issue is always brought up around the same time with the Shadow buff.

Not always. I believe it was already discussed some time ago in a thread about Solo vs Group play - Bounties are about efficiency.

E.g. If we can complete a T20 bounty for 40 mats in 5 minutes, but can complete two T16 bounties for 50 mats in 6 minutes… I would still doing T16 instead of T20. In a full hour of gameplay I would have more material doing T16 than doing T20.

Oh look, this topic again

If there was a troll emoji, I would put it here. 3 of them actually.

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Then they need to make a different build for bounties specifically. I know I do for my Wizard and for my Monk. Bounties and pushing have different needs.

Somebody would have to come up with some actual testing data to show a lower difficulty is more efficient. The only reason I can ever see doing a lower difficulty is because you cannot kill anything on higher, so it makes sense. My Monk and Wizard can breeze through T100 like it’s nothing. If T20 was like GR95, it would be no different. If the rewards from the caches scale adequately… If you give 1 more for much more effort, nobody is going to do that.

EDIT: Other side of that coin, you have to be careful as you could get to the point where you run bounties once on T20 and you’d get basically all the mats a normal person would need. That or clearing all 5 acts gives enough gold itself for Avarice… making the conquest a non-issue.

If not mistaken, as said before, someone already did that kind of math… but, using Solo vs Group play. Just change the scenery for T16 vs T20 and we are in the same kind of discussion.

My point is, people want more “difficult levels” to gain Exp + Materials + Loot + Gear fast.
However the game is divided to reward different “resources” in various activities inducing us to do all of them.

Bounties = crafting materials and caches with Unique itens (i.e. RORG)
Nephalem Rifts = Gold, Gearing and Keys
Greater Rifts = Exp, Gearing and Augmenting Gems (now we have EN because people got bored to run 30000 GR to aug one Gem)

Edit: for materials we already even have the weekly Challenge Dungeon

I think they did but theorycraft math and actual played data do not always equate. In my profession, I deal with a lot of Lean professionals who present graphs of math they calculated to prove their ideas work but when you audit them actually being implemented, the results are surprisingly different due to many unaccounted-for factors.

Balance things around lower difficulty levels. Continuously raising the ceiling and then changing our 6pc bonuses from 5000% to 15000% to 30000%, etc is an illusion.