Question regarding cross-progression

Don’t worry about that as it’s online and you can’t hack online characters on consoles. The problem with D3 on consoles was that the “online” characters were actually saved locally, so people were messing with those files. Basically, you host games on D3 on console, like tcip games on PC.

Thanks to all! My questions are now answered. So I will buy a PC and a Switch version :slight_smile:


id like to apologize for even responding to this thread. and contributing to fake news.

i still dont get why they made that statement about hacking though. I assumed they meant the offline files were completely separate and mixing them would invite hacking.

No problem. 1 more thing Billy, you stated D2R is online only, which also isn’t true as they have said offline mode will be possible, with periodic checks.


You don’t have to apologize. Thank you for joining the discussion. You also learned something new :slight_smile:


yes it is technically online-only. period checks but that is still a form of online connection needed. that feature is pissing a lot of people off. hoping someone makes a crack to not have to verify ever.

if you dont have a connection to start? you cant play. So i would personally consider that at least a form of online-only. im making sure people are warned about that going in.

Most people when talking about online only are speaking about games like PvZGW, where you need a constant connection.

Periodic checks are a DRM (digital rights management) tool, and not usually considered to be “online only”.

Just for future reference, that’s usually the difference in language people use.

Hopefully is is just a one off thing cause that is annoying if not. My brother is in the coast guard and will play single player when he’s out on the boat for months at a time without internet access. If they do frequent checks, that’s going to make a lot of people mad.

yes exactly my point. i was also in the air force. What happens when you’re in the boonies on TDY for 2 months and they make the checks once a month? or once a week!

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I suspect no more than 1 time a year, but I agree a one time thing should suffice. This is primarily an online game and cracked versions are unlikely to be as popular as other single player based games. I hope it’s a one time authentication.

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god i hope you are right man. that would be fine then. but if its like once a month or even a quarter. then i wouldnt consider that “offline”.

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This would be very, very unlikely, and I would be all over their forum for months yelling at them about it.

I agree. Once a month would be ridiculous. Any more than once a year would be obstructive, tbh. I understand DRM but some companies are taking it way too far. A one time authentication is perfectly reasonable to me, but any more than that would be upsetting, tbh.

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yes i would get my blow horn and karen wig.

But that online-stuff aside. i think THIS form of cross-progression saving is not good. Because it gives hackers 7 different systems to discover dupes on, and then spread their duped items to literally every single Bnet server system. Yes they can’t hack the player files themselves, but theres bound to be exploits found and dupe methods found in other systems. and then even if PC has no current dupe methods, someone who discovered how to dupe on Switch then brings their 500 ber runes over to PC. Now made even easier with large extra stashes lol

This is correct. Online characters are saved - online! When you connect with any platform you can pick up where you left off progress wise. Yes, you can play on vacation on your Switch (online) and it will be available on PC (online) when you get home.

That is what they mean by Cross progression.

Cross play - where a person on PC can play at the same time with someone on a console - is NOT enabled.

Totally incorrect.

BillyMays is just plain wrong, about that and several other statements. EDIT - I see that got cleared up. Excellent!

What he may have been thinking of is the character import from Old D2 - you can use your old SINGLE PLAYER OFFLINE saves from old D2 in new D2R - offline of course. That is not the same as the cross progression you were talking about.


@MissCheetah: Thank you for the good summary.

good to read threads entirely or at least slightly further down before responding, eh? cleared long before you responded.

yep. i got the single player import mixed up with the cross-progression system and thought they were the same. disappointed i was wrong and they are allowing this type of cross-swapping of items from one server to another. only inviting hackers to attempt to exploit each individual system to take them all down.

You’re very wrong. Sorry bud.

I wrote the reply before it got sorted, forgot to post. Came back, posted, then realized there were new posts during that hour. Edited to make updates. Yes, I should have checked for new posts before hitting the button, seeing as I got distracted. I DID make coffee, feed the cats, water the garden, and sort some dishes so I guess that was useful to do while not reading?


I DO have concerns about this myself. We shall have to see how it works out. Hackers are not going to get into the Blizz/console servers where the online chars are so can’t edit chars/items/maps/etc. What is possible is to use existing game bugs or flaws and exploit those to gain advantages of one sort or another. If they close those flaws then it should be ok… SHOULD be.

Wonder how they will go about preventing someone from being on their pc account/character and also on the same console account/character. Any abuse is likely to come from that or the synchronization between the two.

Maybe the best preventative is to add code that only ever allows one account to be logged on at a time.