Question regarding cross-progression

Just to clearify what my question was…

I want to:

  1. create a online character on PC, then …
  2. continue playing the same character online on my Nintendo Switch while on vacation, then …
  3. coming home and continue playing the same character online on PC.

Will this be possible? A simple “yes” or “no” would be enough for me :wink:

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YES YES YES! That is what they have in mind.

4 Likes 2.0 is going to be used via those systems. This is probably where you’re confused. They are not played via Nintendo’s server.

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Yes. Don’t listen to that one guy. Listen to majority of us.


i thought the saves were actually transferred. so they aren’t transferred at all? so you aren’t “transfering” anything, you’re logging into a separate server they have made?

So all new single player saves are no longer saved on your computer, they are saved on this new server that can be accessed by every system but cannot cross-play? am i finally getting this?

either way. yes you can play the same character on multiple systems. You just cant play them with people online.

This is not what cross-play means! Cross-play means to play with different players on different plattforms at the same time!

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No, you’re still missing it. It’s not for single player chars lol. The online bnet chars are the ones saved to Blizzard’s servers. The SP chars are offline, hence why so many people were able to import items and mess around with the alpha code.

so theres now 3 types of characters? single player, transferable ones and online bnet? cmon this isnt making sense

Thank you! That’s what I wanted to hear :slight_smile:
And thanks to everyone who participated in the thread!

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There are two kinds. SP and online bnet chars lol. The online bnet ones can be “transferred.” Good lord.

The online bnet characters you make will be saved on Blizzard’s servers, which can be accessed on Switch, Xbox, PC, anything supported with an internet connection.

Single player saves are saved on your hard drive. You would have to do with them whatever you want, on your own. Blizzard will not be moving single player saves for you.

You can play the multiplayer characers online with other people, but only with people using the same system as you (Switch, Xbox, PC, etc.)


how can they be transferred without it being cross-play? if i play on bnet servers on PC, then swap him to switch and play with others, then thats cross-play. if its not the single player saves.

just not at the exact same time. but im still taking his gear and going to another server.

Cross play means if 1 player is playing on 1 system (PC) they can play at the same time in the same game with someone on a different one (Switch)

This is NOT supported.


That’s not cross play though. Cross play is when you’re playing with people that are currently on multiple platforms at the same time. Like if I play Smite, I can play with people that are currently on Xbox and PC in the same game. D2R just allows you to “transfer” your online saves from platform to platform and play with people from the platform that you’re currently on. That is cross progression.

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yes i re-specified in my reply. its still a form of cross-play if i can swap all my stuff to a switch server and play/trade online with other switch players.

im taking digital stuff from one and putting it into another. thats wrong man. i had no idea. my life is changed.

thank you to geezer and ART for holding my hand through that. wow i was confused af.


You aren’t able to transfer anything. They’re saved on Blizzard’s server.

You can access them from both.

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No problem. Just wanted to make sure OP was getting the right info as it’s a nice feature haha.

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transfer. access. i get it now. i will wear the dunce cap.

i know about the cross-progression feature. i just got confused because he kept saying “my battle net character”. and i misread the original article about cross-saving single player apparently.

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Yea it’s an awesome feature. I thought about buying it on all the systems to REALLY lock up some trades (just kidding I won’t be playing that much lol)

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im spreading more misinformation than fox news. lock me up.

So why did they make the statement about cross-play “inviting hacking”? if you can just swap over any Bnet character to any system isnt that just as bad for hacking?

Thats why that thread was made wasnt it? lmao