PVP is healthy for an ARPG, and it drives sales

Relax buddy. Implementing pvp is one thing, focusing on mobile is another. If you want to be taken seriously then present a serious arguement.

strange reaction;
deciding the framework within the PvP-in-RPG topic may be debated.

Not saying pvp isn’t important. But they already said PvP is guaranteed in D4. It’s been designed from the start. I don’t see the purpose of this topic. You are also using logical fallacies by pointing to games that basically have nothing to offer but pvp. If you are going to compare/contrast you should be using ARPGs. Not games from other genres. If you look at ARPG’s, they thrive just fine without PvP. Take PoE for example, which is arguably the most popular arpg at this moment.


yes, as long as the aRPG is the core of the game, so NO buttons to ‘turn PvP off’

i found it needed to ask for instanced PvP, but i think that’s also confirmed (?)
-the only thing that stays is the rewards from PvP, that maybe can be used in normal gameplay.

I’m not saying they should focus on anything. I’m more pointing out the absurdity of the OP’s argument, which is not even backed up by “facts” except for the ones that he’s made up.

Also the argument is about more than simply “implementing PvP”, because Diablo 3 implemented PvP as well but the OP isn’t happy with just that.

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ARPGs don’t exactly thrive. The only one displaying considerable growth is PoE, and its only actual competitor out there is D3. The rest are indie companies with low budgets. The genre is stale, everybody knows it. Some fresh ideas are needed, something to add replayability and help with their biggest problem; player retention.

A well done PvP system can offer that, as can other things. Blizzard obviously realized as much, since they choose to design the game from the getgo with it in mind.

I don’t care of PVP or not if the PVP only players can’t come to PK me while I play my game like I want .

PVP is a part of some games but it didn’t , doesn’t and won’t make the games the greatest .

And please Diabolical , you can speak for you and your friends but you can’t speak for all the players .

that claim is only yours
search STEAM and you’ll see a universe of all forms of RPG’s.

there you have a point;
-that youth or another segment of humanity travel to the ‘hottest’ trendy PvP games.

you don’t have the point that RPG’s are a lesser genre.
-compare with music, ask people and they name the most exotic niche genre as favorite.

I wrote ARPGs. A lot of games are played on steam, and they are indie games mostly. Which I already covered.

good one, i agree with your opinion.

ARPG’s themselves are niche. They have never been a popular genre when considering number of players vs other genres. It has been that way since the beginning. In fact, ARPG’s have only grown in popularity. They are everything but stale.

Which is why PoE is constantly growing. It is nothing but a constant stream of new ideas.

Sure it can. Not saying it couldn’t. Just that pointing at games like Fortnight and DoTA and saying “look, these games are popular because they have PvP and therefore D4 must have PvP” is illogical. PvP is the only thing people play those games for. Can PvP add something to the genre? Of course. PvP is great, but I don’t think it’s really going to have a strong affect on the player base.

I mean PoE tried to make PvP a big deal in the beginning. But no one wanted PvP. So GGG abandoned all their designs for it. I just don’t think the community for it is as big as people think.

great stuff, respect;
but moneymakers don’t kill preferences, they serve the money.

hmm, iso-aRPG’s?
i think the Diablo franchise alone was praised to the sky for more than a decade.

and now, other big ones, with more PvP and trading (sarcasm), are also thriving.

Yeah. I mean specifically iso-aRPG’s. As I’m pretty sure Skyrim and Witcher are still ARPG’s. Yes Diablo is praised and rightfully so. But its player base- doesn’t scratch the surface compared to other genres.

I haven’t been anything but civil my man. The only way to show that PVP games sell more is to compare all genres, since PVE and PVP games are inherently different genres, lol.

yeah, but Kasey, isn’t that a key factor?
like i posted, each genre still have maximised titles thanks to the market.
-what is there to prove if the PvP genre is most populated?
-let me be blunt: PvP brings more money IN, so many top titles are made…

i’m glad that you clearly seperate PvP and PvE here;
-isn’t that a reason to, at least, recognise that PvP can exsist, instanced, within a core RPG?

Yes and the point of the topic is whether pvp will attract more players yes? Your arguement (with your poe example) is that it doesn’t work I take it? I’d say that is a weak arguement, because the implementation was poor. Not quite as bad as D3 brawling but not much better.

And D2 was super popular back then compared to every other game on the planet. So if done correctly, they can still attract a large active playerbase.

They have, but even they are plateauing lately, despite frequently releasing updates. It is also a far more resource-intensive way to keep a game fresh. But will D4 be doing that?

You’re incorrect on multiple fronts. D2 actually sold more during its first year than any other game in history before that point. ARPG’s have sold mountains of units.

My point in comparing the sales numbers of PVP games is to show the interest, because D3 players claim that people don’t like PVP.

All evidence points to PVP having a palpable impact on playerbase, and replayability, when comparing D2 to D3.

POE doesn’t do PVP right, but it has always been a part of the game. And they never dropped it, I’m not sure where you got that. In fact, it ended up being much bigger a couple years after release.

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yes! but NOT as a genre, only as a feature.
because, as a genre, it’s hard to seperate it from other features, like cutscenes and scripted events, RPG, etc.