The most played games in the world are PVP. Fortnite, PUBG, CoD, LoL, DotA – the list is massive. In a game like Diablo, it provides players with something to do outside of mindlessly killing demons over and over, for all of eternity.
In fact, I don’t think it’s fair of any video game developer to expect a massive player base, if you don’t have PVP. Healthy competition against one another is the primary driving force behind any gaming community. Even with D3, you guys have a ladder because people are actively competing against each other. Of course, it’s in an entirely indirect manner, but if you want the swelling numbers of the biggest games in the world, you will certainly need PVP to carry you.
An end game consisting of PVP and trading is the best end game there is.
I changed the title to better reflect what i was trying to convey.
I see you posting this on a lot of posts, and normally I agree, but not in this case, the post doesn’t mention anything about open PvP or griefing, PvP is good for the game, just make it consensual as in duels, arenas or PvP areas.
“If you dont like D3 PvP go play another game that has better PvP”. I dislike how this is an answer. Just encouraging players to leave D3 and decrease the playerbase. If D3 had a better PvP that would mean more players, and others wanting to play so they buy the game, which would mean profit for D3.
By People im assuming your talking about yourself . As i could care less if D4 has PVP or not , as i wont be participating in it.
Next time speak for yourself or maybe redo your post to say Some People or I
everything that compromises a good crafted droprate system is bad, like trading with other players.
-i do agree with giving drops away to teammates where you just did a grift with, like it is now. (NOT a world boss…)
just make all gear and greater gems account bound.
(and make this post a sticky too) for the needed vocal balance.
Yeah but you’re one of 20 people still playing D3, lol, you’ll play anything.
I’m sure Blizz wants to appeal to the hundreds of millions playing good games, all over the world. If they’re going to do that effectively, they’re going to need PVP.
If PVP isnt in D4 it will still be a good game you realise this yeah .
D3 is a great game and it only has brawling . It all depends what player market you cater too. D3 cater to a PVE audience
D3 is not a good game at all. It sold a large amount because D2 was amazing, but it lost 99% of its player base almost immediately. D2 is 20 years old and has more active players. They patched brawling into D3 years after release haphazardly. It’s a terrible semblance of PVP.
They’ve already claimed they’ll include PVP, so I’m sure it’ll happen. I just hope it isn’t some watered-down, care-bear version.
A good PvP will bring in a lot of players, who will also do ladder races and general play to build wealth to fuel PvP, while also playing leagues etc for fun in-between playing PvP. Breathing additional life into races, guilds, playerbase etc.
If they have trade, PvP items add more value to potentially less used PvE items. For example, low level duelers on Hardcore, had entire markets based on low level damage jewels/charms etc.
That is exactly what I did, as well as my 3 friends I grew up with playing D1 and 2, and my brother who played D2 with me religiously.
D3 came out at midnight on Wednesday night / Thursday morning. We all took Thursday and Friday off, so we could game out like the old days, and stay up all of the 4 day weekend. We all stopped playing at about 4 on Thursday morning, and never picked it up again.
Indeed. My roommate and I took a week off to play. Couple others took a few days. I forced myself to play 2-3 months, hoping it would improve, even as I watched them drop off bit by bit. Checked in myself a few times from patch to patch…tried RoS since I was able to test it for free, while better than the original release by a longshot…was just meh. Same core issues.
Crazy thing is, all of us would pay a subscription even today, if it matched that same level of character creation/itemization/PvP with D3s combat engine and quality of life stuff, even if we got stuck with that horrible story/delivery.